Educational Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models

Educational resource content review method based on knowledge graph and large language model collaboration

  • Jia LIU ,
  • Xin SUN ,
  • Yuqing ZHANG
  • 1. Center for Educational Technology and Resource Development, Ministry of Education P. R. China (National Center for Educational Technology, NCET), Beijing 100031, China
    2. School of Computer Science & Technology, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China

Received date: 2024-07-11

  Accepted date: 2024-05-30

  Online published: 2024-09-23


Automated content reviews on digital educational resources are urgently in demand in the educational informatization era. Especially in the applicability review of whether educational resources exceed the standard, there are problems with knowledge which are easy to exceed national curriculum standards and difficult to locate. In response to this demand, this study proposed a review method for educational resources based on the collaboration of an educational knowledge graph and a large language model . Specifically, this study initially utilized the ontology concept to design and construct a knowledge graph for curriculum education in primary and secondary schools. A knowledge localization method was subsequently designed based on teaching content generation, sorting, and pruning, by utilizing the advantages of large language models for text generation and sorting tasks. Finally, by detecting conflicts between the core knowledge sub-graph of teaching content and the knowledge graph teaching path, the goal of recognizing teaching content that exceeded the national standard was achieved. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method effectively addresses the task of reviewing exceptional standard knowledge in educational resource content. This opens up a new technological direction for educational application based on the knowledge graph and large language model collaboration.

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Jia LIU , Xin SUN , Yuqing ZHANG . Educational resource content review method based on knowledge graph and large language model collaboration[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2024 , 2024(5) : 57 -69 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2024.05.006


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