Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc ›› 2009, Vol. 2009 ›› Issue (1): 48-52.
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WANG Jing-jing, LI Zhi-hua, XUE Yi-feng
Abstract: Let~$X, Y$~ be Banach spaces and let $T$ be adensely--defined closed linear operator from $\mathcal{D}(T)\subset$to $Y$ with closed range. Suppose the non-consistent perturbationof the consistent equation $Tx=b$ is $ \|(T+\delta T)x-\barb\|=\min\limits_{z\in\mathcal{D}(T)}\|(T+\delta T)z-\bar b\|, $where $\delta T$ is a bounded linear operator from $X$ to $Y$. Undercertain conditions (e. g. $X$ and $Y$ are reflexive Banach spaces),let $\bar x_m$ be the minimal norm solution of above equation andlet $x_m$ be minimal norm solution of the set $S(T,b)=\{x\in\mathcal{D}(T)\vert\, Tx=b\}$. In this paper, we give anestimation of the upper bound of $\dfrac{\dist(\bar x_m, S(T,b))}{\|x_m\|}$ when $\delta(\Ker T, \Ker(T+\delta T))$ is smallenough.
Key words: reduced minimum modulus, minimal norm solution, closed range, reduced minimum modulus, minimal norm solution
CLC Number:
O151. 21
WANG Jing-jing;LI Zhi-hua;XUE Yi-feng. Perturbation analysis for the minimal norm solution of the consistent operator equation in Banach spaces(Chinese)[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc, 2009, 2009(1): 48-52.
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