Using an ecological footprint model, this paper calculated the ecological footprint and ecological carrying capacity of Zhejiang Province, and further decomposed the ecological footprint using an IPAT model. The results showed that the ecological footprint increased from 7.852×107 ghm2 to 1.5484×108 ghm2 from 2002 to 2015, and that the ecological pressure was significant. At the same time, the ecological efficiency improved rapidly, and the capacity for economic sustainable development improved. The ecological footprint and ecological carrying capacity varied greatly in different regions. Lishui City was the only region with ecological surplus; the ecological efficiency was 1.04×104 yuan/ghm2 in 2015, the highest among all the regions in Zhejiang Province. The results of factor decomposition showed that economic growth was the inhibiting factor for the ecological footprint, and it reduced the ecological footprint to 8.164×107 ghm2 across the whole province. The level of economic development and population size were driving factors, and they increased the ecological footprint by 1.2987×108 ghm2 and 2.810×107 ghm2, respectively, across the whole province.
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