Ecological and Environmental Science

Community structure and gene expression analysis for nitrifier enrichment cultures

  • YU Chen-di ,
  • HOU Li-jun ,
  • ZHENG Yan-ling ,
  • LIU Min ,
  • YIN Guo-yu ,
  • GAO Juan ,
  • LIU Cheng ,
  • CHANG Yong-kai
  • 1. State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China;
    2. Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science(Ministry of Education), East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China;
    3. School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China

Received date: 2018-03-02

  Online published: 2019-05-30


Nitrifiers were enriched from the tidal sediments of the Yangtze Estuary. Four kinds of nitrifying groups (accounting for 34.7% of the total reads) were detected based on metagenomics, including the recently discovered complete ammonia oxidizers (comammox), strictly nitrite-oxidizing Nitrospira, β-proteobacterial ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, and ammonia-oxidizing archaea. Comammox accounted for 48% of the detected nitrifiers. In addition, gene expression patterns of the nitrifier group (according to the classification in Evolutionary genealogy of genes:Non-supervised Orthologous Groupsdatabase) were analyzed based on metatranscriptomics. The present study showed the community structure and gene expression characteristics of nitrifiers enriched from the tidal sediments, especially the newly discovered comammox. Results enriched our knowledge about the nitrifying communities of estuarine environment, which have great significance to the further molecular ecology research of the nitrification processes.

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YU Chen-di , HOU Li-jun , ZHENG Yan-ling , LIU Min , YIN Guo-yu , GAO Juan , LIU Cheng , CHANG Yong-kai . Community structure and gene expression analysis for nitrifier enrichment cultures[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science), 2019 , 2019(3) : 164 -173 . DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2019.03.018


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