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    Design and implementation of graduate student system
    LI Yan-bin, PAN Yan-hong, GU Hang, WANG Lei, SHI Bing, SUN Chen, XIA Fan, DONG Qi-wen, SONG Shu-bin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2017, 2017 (5): 213-224.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2017.05.019
    Abstract877)   HTML62)    PDF(pc) (1361KB)(724)       Save
    In the recent decade, with the increase of the number of enrolled graduate students, the corresponding requirements of the graduate student management also continue changing, which incurs the problem of the existing graduate student management systems cannot match the practical requirement changes. From the business viewpoint, the current graduate student management system at ECNU does not provide a workflow-based status change management. On the other side, from the system viewpoint, the existing graduate student management system has the problems of browser compatibility and slow system response time and cannot support mobile-side service access and secondary development on the original code base. To enable the new requirements, boost system performance and improve system usability, the school of graduate management at ECNU organizes a development team and the popular open source frameworks like AngularJS and Spring Boot are used to design and implement the next generation graduate student management system. This system aims to solve the problem of the platform is not unified for different subsystems. The implementation of the next generation graduate student management system has the advantages of good response time, supporting mobile-side service access and the most important thing is that the self-organized development team can make sure the secondary development for the appearance of the new requirements, with the agile development and deployment mode.
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    Design and implementation of operation subsystem in graduate student management system
    SHI Bing, XIA Fan, SONG Shu-bin, XIAO Li-min, DONG Qi-wen, ZHOU Ao-ying, XU Lin-hao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2017, 2017 (5): 225-235.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2017.05.020
    Abstract521)   HTML21)    PDF(pc) (955KB)(727)       Save
    Log collection and analysis based operation scheme is very important in the design of modern software systems, which helps system administrators to enhance data security and service stability. Firstly, this paper discusses the existing operation approaches based on log collection and analysis. Secondly, with the open source ELK framework, this paper gives a detailed design of the operation subsystem in graduate student information platform. The proposed design can effectively fulfill the practical requirements of the graduate school, like performance and workload monitoring, user behavior tracking and error tracing, by using the real-time interactive data analysis on system and application logs. Finally, this paper demonstrates the interactive dashboard implementation of our operation subsystem under different business scenarios.
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