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    J* E* C* N* U* N* S* 2010 Vol.2010
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    Non-linear second-order singularly perturbed problem with integral boundary condition (Chinese)
    XIE Feng;ZHANG Lian
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 1-5.  
    Abstract3202)      PDF(pc) (212KB)(1392)       Save
    By the method of boundary layer function the formal asymptotic solution for the problem was constructed, and its uniformly validity was proved using the theory of differential inequalities. An example was given.
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    Laplacian spread of bicyclic graphs (Chinese)
    LI Ping;SHI Jin-song;LI Rui-lin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 6-9.  
    Abstract3012)      PDF(pc) (240KB)(1625)       Save
    The Laplacian spread of a graph is defined to be the difference between the largest and the second-smallest Laplacian eigenvalues of the graph. Using properties of polynomial, we characterized the graphs with the maximal Laplacian spread among all bicyclic graphs.
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    Some results on the Laplacian energy of a graph
    LIU Ying;WU Bao-feng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 10-16.  
    Abstract3237)      PDF(pc) (162KB)(1828)       Save
    This paper studied the relation between the Lapacian energy with the singular values of the Laplacian matrix and obtain some results on the bound of the Laplacian energy on a graph. Changes of the energy caused by deletion of edges and vertices of a graph were also studied. The results may help to have a better understanding of pi-electron energy in a molecule in theoretical chemistry.
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    Zero-truncated generalized Poisson regression model and its score tests
    ZHAO Wei-hua;FENG Yu;LI Ze-an
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 17-23.  
    Abstract3113)      PDF(pc) (229KB)(2355)       Save
    This paper extended the ZTP regression model to Zero-truncated generalized Poisson regression model. An algorithm for estimating parameters was obtained and two score tests were presented for testing the ZTP regression model against the ZTGP regression model, and for testing the significance of regression coefficients. A numerical example was given to illustrate our method and the power of score tests was investigated by Monte Carlo simulation.
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    Computer automated derivation of conservation laws for nonlinear differential-difference equations (Chinese)
    ZHU Jiao-feng;LIU Yin-ping
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 24-33.  
    Abstract2629)      PDF(pc) (339KB)(1455)       Save
    Based on Wu’s elimination method and “divide-and-conquer” strategy, the undetermined coefficient method for constructing polynomial conservation laws of nonlinear differential-difference equations was improved. Furthermore, a Maple package CLawDDEs was developed to automatically derive conserved densities and associated fluxes of polynomial differential-difference equations. For parameterized nonlinear
    differential-difference equations, CLawDDEs can also filter out the compatibility conditions which admit the existence of infinitely conservation laws. So CLawDDEs can be used as an effective tool to test the integrability of nonlinear differential-difference equations.
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    New modified limited memory quasi-Newton method (Chinese)
    LU Hui-fang;YANG Yue-ting
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 34-38.  
    Abstract3102)      PDF(pc) (267KB)(1596)       Save
    Based on modified quasi-Newton equation, a new limited memory quasi-Newton method with two-loop recursion was proposed. Comparing to the classical limited memory BFGS method, the new method uses more function value and gradient informations to construct the quasi-Newton update mectrix, and does not need more computational efforts. The theory analysis and numerical results show the efficiency of the proposed method.
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    On a matrix equality and its supplemental proof
    YAMAMOTO Yusaku;LIN Ming-hua;
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 39-43.  
    Abstract3015)      PDF(pc) (254KB)(1450)       Save
    In this paper, A problem about an equality of the generalized inverses of matrices, proposed by CHEN Xiao-juan and GUO Wen-bin, was solved. In the end, a simpler supplemental proof was also given.
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    Global convergence of a new conjugate gradient method for modified Liu-Storey formula
    CAO Wei;WANG Kai-rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 44-51.  
    Abstract2947)      PDF(pc) (195KB)(1620)       Save
    In this paper, a modified conjugate gradient formula beta _k^MLSbased on the formula of the Liu-Storey(LS) nonlinear conjugate gradient method was proposed. It was proved that under the Wolfe-Powell line search and even under the strong Wolfe-Powell line search, with parameter sigma in bigg(0,frac12bigg), the new method has sufficient descent and global convergence properties. Preliminary numerical results show that the method is very promising.
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    Controlling and synchronization of a new Lorenz-like chaotic system
    ZHANG Qing;SHU Yong-lu;ZHANG Wan-xin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 52-61.  
    Abstract2643)      PDF(pc) (390KB)(2040)       Save
    By using the backstepping design method we formulated a simple controller to control the system to its unstable equilibrium (0,0,0), any point of the form (0,0,1+b+p(1-p))(0<p<1) in phase space, and forced the first state variable to trace arbitrary given function r(t). Suppose one parameter was unknown, we proposed a unidirectional coupled scheme and a parameter update role to assure the new Lorenz-like system to globally synchronize with a copy of itself. We presented a rigorous proof of our design by constructing proper Lyapunov function. Numerical simulations using Matlab were presented to show the feasibility of our design.
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    Globally attractive set and feedback synchronization of the BLDCM system
    SHU Yong-lu;ZHANG Yong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 62-68,7.  
    Abstract2678)      PDF(pc) (213KB)(1421)       Save
    The globally exponentially attractive set and synchronization problem of the brushless dc motor (BLDCM) chaotic system were researched. Firstly, based on the definition of globally exponentially attractive set and Lyapunov stability theory, a sufficient condition for the globally exponentially attractive was given. Secondly, nonlinear feedback control was used to realize the synchronization of two chaotic
    systems. Finally, numerical simulations were presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed chaos synchronization scheme.
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    Performance analysis in call centers with IVR and impatient customers (Chinese)
    ZHANG Hua-qing
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 69-78.  
    Abstract2487)      PDF(pc) (412KB)(1457)       Save
    The paper considered a call center with interacting voice response (IVR) by using Markov model. By constructing a two-state and a three-state MC, stationary probability was given using flow conservation equation and Q-matrix respectively. Furthermore, other performance indexes was deduced, too.
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    Licensing in Stackelberg markets under asymmetric information of technology value
    LI Juan-bo
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 79-84.  
    Abstract2448)      PDF(pc) (160KB)(1302)       Save
    This paper proposed a model to analyze the licensing schemes when the patentee had private information about its technology value. In this model, the patentee was considered as an insider in Homogenous Stackelberg Market instead of an independent R&D institute. Based on this model, this paper presented the patentee’s optimal licensing option for maximizing its profit under the condition that the licensee may accept the contract. In the same way, this paper analyzed the fixed fee, royalty and the profit of the patentee in the model, respectively. This paper aims at proposing an idea for the participants to advance the efficiency of licensing.
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    Generalized Beta and F distributions of quaternion matrix argument (Chinese)
    LI Fei;XUE Yi-feng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 85-90.  
    Abstract2883)      PDF(pc) (226KB)(1349)       Save

    This paper computed the Jacobian of transformation textbfemphX=textbfemphBYB^mathrm T of singular quaternion matrices by using of the singular value decomposition of quaternion matrix and the density function of singular quaternion Wishart matrix. Then we defined the Beta and F distributions of quaternion matrix argument,and gave the density functions of the Beta and F distribution and the joint density functions of the nonzero eigenvalues of the singular quaternion matrices which satisfy the Beta or F distribution.

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    Sharp estimate of the p-Laplace operator
    WANG Lin-feng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 91-98.  
    Abstract3121)      PDF(pc) (245KB)(1389)       Save
    Let M be an n-dimensional complete noncompact Riemannian manifold with metric g, triangle_p(1<pleqslant 2) the p-Laplace operator, by using the classical method of Li-Yau, a gradient estimate of the positive solution to equation triangle_pu=-lambda |u|^p-2u was proved under suitable curvature condition, in which lambdageqslant 0 is a constant; the upper bound estimate of lambda was a byproduct; one also showed that this estimate is sharp. This result generalizes the gradient estimate of the positive solution to elliptic equation triangle u=-lambda
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    Some equivalent conditions of commutativity of a textbfC^*-algebra (Chinese)
    JIANG Run-liang;XUE Yi-feng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 99-102.  
    Abstract2852)      PDF(pc) (216KB)(1316)       Save
    Let Abe a mathrm C^*-algebra. If A is Abelian, then each hereditary mathrm C^*-subalgebra (or one-sided closed ideal) of A is a closed ideal
    in A. Conversely, in terms of the correspondence between the pure state and the maximal left idea, we get that if each hereditary mathrm C^*-subalgebra (or one-sided closed ideal) of A is a closed ideal in A, then A must be Abelian. So in a noncommutative mathrm C^*-algebra, there must exist a hereditarymathrm C^*-subalgebra which is not a closed ideal. Using the main result, we also obtain a simple criterion to check if a given mathrm C^*-algebra A is Abelian, that is, A is Abelian if and only for any two positive elements a, bin A, there is a’in A such that ab=ba’.
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    Comparison of positive elements in C*-algebras (Chinese)
    ZHANG Yi-fan;HU Shan-wen
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 103-107.  
    Abstract2576)      PDF(pc) (226KB)(1407)       Save
    In this paper, we discussed a kind of comparison theory introduced by Lin Huaxin. We first used operator theory to discuss hiding information in the original definition and then obtain an equivalent definition of this comparison theory. Also, some useful properties and results are presented. In addition, we gave an interesting property about projections that it does not have and a characterization of simple C*-algebras.
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    On weak emphc-supplement and formations (Chinese)
    LIU Xiao-lei
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 108-110.  
    Abstract2518)      PDF(pc) (173KB)(1293)       Save
    By weak c-supplement we investigated the possibility that a finite group is in a saturated formation containing all supersoluble groups. It was showed that for a saturated formation mathcalF containing all supersoluble groups, if there exists a group G such that G contins a normal subgroup N and G/N is supersoluble and if maximal subgroups of Sylow subgroups of N are c-supplemented in G, then Gin mathcalF. Some results are extended.
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    Global trust model with high white washing resistance (Chinese)
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 111-117.  
    Abstract2777)      PDF(pc) (1001KB)(1614)       Save
    Based on an analysis of the characteristics of P2P network and related security issues, this paper proposed a global trust model which has a high resistance to malicious acts and free riders. Specifically, if the malicious nodes or free riders try to reregister into the system to white wash their low credibility and trust, the model can quickly trace and isolate them, showing high white washing resistance. The results of simulation showed that this model can easily isolate malicious behaviors, especially has high resistance to white washing.
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    Security authentication protocol based on bilinear pairing (Chinese)
    HUANG Su-shan;QIAN Hai-feng;ZHOU Yuan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 118-126.  
    Abstract2931)      PDF(pc) (541KB)(1911)       Save
    A scalable authentication protocol based on bilinear paring was proposed. There are several advantages of the new protocol: (1) By using the bilinear group, the length of public parameter and keys decreases with the same security level, hence we reduce bandwidth needed in communication, thus the protocol is more suitable for the huge internet system. (2) It incorporates a 3-factor authentication mechanism for detecting compromise. (3) The password can be canceled by user’s requirement. (4) The protocol has great efficiency and scalable implement.
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    Ant colony optimization algorithm for computing resource allocation based on cloud computing environment (Chinese)
    HUA Xia-yu;ZHENG Jun;HU Wen-xin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 127-134.  
    Abstract5128)      PDF(pc) (1353KB)(6960)       Save
    A new allocation algorithm based on Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) was established to satisfy the property of cloud computing. When start, this algorithm first prognosticated the capability of the potential available resource nodes, then analyzed some factors such as network qualities or response times to acquire a set of optimal compute resources. This algorithm met the needs of cloud computing more than others for grid environment with shorter response time and better performance, which were proved by the simulation results in the Gridsim environment.
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    Single integral equation for electromagnetic scattering by given dielectric objects (Chinese)
    LI Ke-zhou;QIN Yi;JIANG Hong;ZHU Shou-zheng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (1): 135-141.  
    Abstract2440)      PDF(pc) (637KB)(1819)       Save
    In order to simplify the computation complexity for traditional single integral equation in electromagnetic scattering from dielectric objects, a new single integral equation was proposed. The numerical results of RCS (radar cross section) obtained from several dielectric objects with large permittivity are in agreement with the exact results. Furthermore, the calculation amount is reduced apparently and the
    singularity of the integral core is weakened. The validity of the new single integral equation was also discussed.
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    Study on reserve site selection by simulated annealing algorithm: An example from the Great Blue Mountain World Heritage Area
    ZHANG Kun;XU Shi yuan;WANG Jun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 1-8.  
    Abstract2902)      PDF(pc) (1793KB)(2452)       Save
    The reserve siteselection problem is how to minimize the cost of the reserve system while satisfying certain conservation goals. To solve this problem, simulated annealing algorithm is widely used. Take the Great Blue Mountain World Heritage Area (GBMWHA) as an example, this paper studied the distribution of myrtacea in the 100 kilometers buffer area of GBMWHA. The aim is focused on the compactness of the reserve system. We experimented variety parameters of the objective function,namely the boundary length modifier (BLM). The results show that, a more compact portfolio could be achieved at the expense of larger area. But the compact system has shorter boundary, thus is easier to manage.
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    Analysis of system characteristics and vulnerability of rainstorm hazards in Shanghai
    LU Min;LIU Min;QUAN Rui song;ZHANG Li jia;WANG Jing jing
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 9-15.  
    Abstract3181)      PDF(pc) (1444KB)(2455)       Save
    Based on nearly 30 years rainstorm data, this paper did dynamic research on the exposure, vulnerability of the Shanghai urban system under the impact of rainstorms. Under the rainstorm environment, the evolution process characteristic of the system was also studied. The result showed that the amount and the intensity of rainstorm indicate a significantly increasing tendency in recent 30 years; the rainstorm increased the hazard of urban waterlogging. While the impact of urban flood disaster caused by low intensity rainstorm is slight, extreme rainstorms still bring great threat to the city. In urban construction and development process, social system change, such as the design and the improvement of drainage capacity, rebuilding of old district and the improvement of housing standards, reduced urban waterlogging hazards and vulnerabilities. However, with the development of the urban area, new weak and hazardous regions emerge, thus it is necessary to contnue doing dynamic analysis on the disaster vulnerability of the system.
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    Dynamic evaluation of land use intensity in Taian city
    YANG Jiong;WANG Wei
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 16-25.  
    Abstract2759)      PDF(pc) (988KB)(1734)       Save
    An evaluation index system for the central area land in Taian city Shandong province was built, including three layers (Target, Criteria and Element Layers) and 11 indices (the investment in fixed assets, road paving, total employees, all government revenue, the total turnover of all consumer goods, GDP, per capita GDP, urban land use area per capita, per capita living space, green coverage, per capita public green land of a certain area). The integrated score of three different periods of land intensive use in 1990, 2000 and 2007 was calculated, using a multifactor comprehensive evaluation model. The results showed that the intensive utilization of builtup areas land was increased in Taian. Some factors, such as investment in fixed assets, all government revenue, GDP, per capita GDP and per capita public green land, condributed significantly to the improvement of intensive utilization of land, while other factors, such as all road paving, employees, green coverage in a certain area, have not so significant contributions.
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    Spring avian community characteristics in Fuling and its ecological perspective for regional reserve
    WU Shao bin;FANG Ping;HAN Zong xian;LUO Zhu kui;LI Hong qun;ZHANG Yan;WU Sha
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 26-33.  
    Abstract2875)      PDF(pc) (1201KB)(1684)       Save
    By the method of line transect, a bird survey was conducted in Fuling, Chongqing China, in the springs during 20062008. According to the habitat characteristics, the avian communities were classified into four catalogues: water area community, secondary forest community, residential area community, and farmland community. A total of 96 bird species was recorded, including 4 species with important values from 200 to 300 and 38 widely distributed ones. The secondary forest habitat has the highest species richness and index of ShannonWiener. Avian communities in the water area, water areafarmland, and forestresidential area have the highest Pielou index, Jaccard index, and Cosine index, respectively. Impacts affecting birds in Fuling arise mainly from the irrational agriculture configure and industrial pollution. The study suggested that Natural Forest Protection Projects should be advocated and practiced.
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    Change characteristics of major ions and their influence factors in Yangtze Estuary in recent years
    LI Dan;DENG Bing;ZHANG Guosen;ZHANG Yingying
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 34-42.  
    Abstract3010)      PDF(pc) (2092KB)(2267)       Save
    The geochemistry of major ions(Ca2+,Mg2+,Na+,K+,HCO32-
    ,SO42-,Cl-,NO3-和SiO32-)in the Yangtze River was studied, based on the monthly monitoring data at Xuliujing station for the period of 2004-2008 and the investigation result of the Yangtze River in September 2008. The study found that the concentration of main ions varies clearly in different seasons, with a negative correlation with the discharge of the River. But the difference of the concentration is less clearly than that of the discharge. There is a persistently increasing in the concentrations of K+, Na+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl-, NO3-, SO42-and the ratio of hardness/alkalinity; especially the concentration of SO42-and the ratio of hardness/alkalinity have a more obvious increasing trend. In contrast, the concentration of SiO32-and HCO3-show a decreasing trend. The changes of major ions mainly result from the environment acidification, the pollution emissions by human, the cyclic salt from sea, the preserved effect by reservoirs establishments etc.
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    Effects of application rates of N,P fertilizer on yield and nitrate accumulation in lettuce
    ZHANG Jun guo;DA Liang jun;ZHANG Cai xian;NIAN Yao ping;XIA Ti yuan;
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 43-49.  
    Abstract3353)      PDF(pc) (1058KB)(2409)       Save
    An experiment was carried out on field to investigate the relationship between the yield, nitrate accumulation and N,P fertilization level in lettuce. The yield of lettuce increased 32.4%, when the rates of N and P were reduced to 46.4% of that in high fertilizer groups. N and P, applied in proper combinations, are important factors for high yield of lettuce. The optimal level of nitrogen for high lettuce yield was 180~270 kg·hm-2,and that of phosphorus was 125~190 kg·hm-2. The content of nitrate in lettuce increased with the increasing of nitrogen levels of fertilizers. Appropriate phosphorus levels could restrain nitrate accumulation of lettuce. Proper N,P combinations could improve the quality of lettuce and increase yield.
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    Study on the relationship between water quality improvement and Nymphaea tetragona physiological diurnal variation in purification tanks
    ZHAO Feng;LU Xiao ming;HUANG Min sheng;CHEN Jian jun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 50-57.  
    Abstract2635)      PDF(pc) (2063KB)(2243)       Save
    With the nonaeration(Ⅰ) and aeration(Ⅱ) conditions of two aquatic plant purifyingtanks, the changes of plant physiological traits including the activities of POD, CAT, and the contents of SP, Chla,and the main physical water quality in a day at different times, were observed. Correlation between diurnal variation of plant physiological traits and removal efficiencies of CODCr,NH4+-N,TP were analyzed, and the effect of aeration to plant physiological traits and the purifying effect were studied. The results showed that the plant physiology and the water quality index were affected by the light intensity changes to some extent. The physiological traits of 〖WTBX〗Nymphaea tetragona〖WTBZ〗 had positive correlations with the removal efficiencies of CODCr,NH4+-N, TP. Aeration affected the activities of POD, CAT and the contents of SP, Chla significantly; the water quality of two conditions of purification tanks were affected by the variation of light intensity. The content of DO and the removal efficiencies of CODCr,NH4+-N, TP in the conditionⅡexceeded the conditionⅠby 2.54 mg/L, 21.0%, 16.6% and 14.1%, respectively.
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    Screening thyroid hormone disrupting effects of cadmium using Xenopus metamorphosis assay
    QIAN Li juan;GUO Su zhen;CAO Qing zhen;LIU Jun qi;SHI Hua hong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 58-66.  
    Abstract2762)      PDF(pc) (2191KB)(1820)       Save
    Xenopus laevis tadpoles (NF51) were exposed to cadmium chloride at the concentrations of 0.01, 0.1and 1 mg·L-1Cd2+ for 21 days. The changes of growth, metamorphosis and thyroid gland of X. laevis were observed. Compared with the control, the body weight (BW), snout to vent length (SVL) and hind limb length (HLL) were decreased by 0.39, 0.17 and 0.27 fold in 1 mg·L-1Cd2+treatment group after exposure for 7 days, respectively. The hind limb length (HLL) was decreased by 0.11 fold and the development showed one stage slower in 1 mg·L-1 treatment group after exposure for 21 days. And the other treatment groups did not show significant changes in BW, SVL, HLL or development stages after exposure for 7 and 21 days. Cadmium chloride treatment decreased the number of follicle, and induced the depletion of colloid and even vacuolation after exposure for 21 days. In addition, amalgamation of two or more follicles occurred in 1 mg·L-1 treatment group. Our results suggested that cadmium chloride had thyroid hormone disrupting effects and might disturb thyroid gland tissue directly. Therefore, AMA was further proved to be a valid tool to screen the thyroid hormone disrupting effect of heavy metal salt.
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    Morphological study on embryonic development of the parthenogenetic egg in Daphnia carinata
    QIN Fen;LI Qiang;XU Xiaoqian;ZENG Cuo;ZHAO Yunlong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 67-76.  
    Abstract3391)      PDF(pc) (2908KB)(1697)       Save
    The parthenogenetic egg (PE) is centrolecithal and its embryogenesis lasts about 45 hours at 24 ℃. According to the morphological and histological changes, the embryonic development of D. carinata could be divided into seven major stages, i.e. the cleavage stage, blastula stage, gastrula stage, eggnauplius stage, eggmetanauplius stage, embryo with eye pigments, and preparehatchling stage. The superficial cleavage of PE did not happen until approximately 40 minutes after egg laying. At the end of cleavage, the embryo consisted of 256 cells and reached the blastula stage at which a large part of the blastocoele was filled with yolk granules, accompanying by the formation of a thin sheet of divided cells. The cell division rate was accelerated and gastrulation took place by means of immigration of blastodermal cells at the end of this stage. Afterwards, the morphological changes in embryo development became remarkable. The eggnauplius stage was characterized by the appearance of the rudiments of two antennae and a mandible in the head region of the embryo, while the eggmetanauplius stage characterized by the formation of the thoracic segments, thoracic limbs, carpace, and guts. At the eye pigments stage, the embryo was found presenting the eye pigmentation in the welldeveloped compound eyes. Simultaneously, other physiologically important tissues and organs started to develop. During the last preparehatching stage, the organelle structure in the embryo could be quite similar to that in the larval. The results could accumulate basic biological information for further research on embryonic development of Cladocera.
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    Experimental study on the hypoglycemic action and prevention of diabetic complication with Pueraria flavonoids
    ZHANG Zaicao;YE Xiyun;XU Minhua;WANG Yaofa
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 77-81.  
    Abstract2926)      PDF(pc) (912KB)(2365)       Save
    An animal model of diabetes was established with alloxan tail vein injection (50 mg/kg), in order to research the effects of Pueraria flavonoids on blood glucose level and the prevention of diabetes and its complication. The mice were randomly divided into 4 groups: normal group, diabetic group, Tang Mai Kang control group and Pueraria flavonoids group. After 40 days, the weight, water intake, blood glucose, sugar tolerance, fructosamine, Dglucitol, aldose reductase, SDH and advanced glycation end products(AGEs) of the mice were detected. Compared with the diabetic group, the blood glucose〖JP2〗 level of the mice treated with Pueraria flavonoids was decreased markedly, while the content of SDH in the blood was increased significantly. The contents of fructosamine, Dglucitol, aldose reductase and AGEs in the blood were reduced obviously. Moreover, the contents of AGEs and Dglucitol in 〖JP〗the liver, kidney, cerebrum, heart and skin were also decreased (all P<0.01).Our results demonstrate that Pueraria flavonoids are effective not only in lowering blood glucose level but also in the prevention or treatment diabetesinduced complication.
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    Comparison on relationships between characters and invasiveness in different weed groups in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, China
    LI Ming li;GUO Shui liang;YIN Li ping;CHEN Guo qi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 82-91.  
    Abstract3151)      PDF(pc) (1352KB)(1783)       Save
    Based on investigations and previous documents, 647 weed species in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai, China, were confirmed. Their 32 botanical and ecological characters, which include invasiveness, type of life cycle, seed or fruit size and production, breeding system etc., were collected. 647 weed species were quantitatively divided into 11 groups using the method of cluster analysis. The relationships of their invasiveness with other 31 characters were analyzed employing the GLM and correlate procedure of SPSS 13.0. The results showed that, when the 647 species were regarded as a whole, the species with the characters such as taproot or tuberous roots, unisexual flowers, big seeds (or fruits), zygomorphic flowers, perennial type, mesic or shade habitats are often of lower invasiveness, while those with much seeds (or fruits), growing in the sunny or hygrocolous habitats are probably of higher invasiveness. However, if the weeds of different groups were analyzed separately, the relationships between invasiveness and characters vary with different weed groups. That is, a character, which correlates closely with invasiveness in one weed group, probably does not in other groups. Therefore, it may not reasonble to find a universal index system to evaluate invasiveness of all alien plants in a given area.
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    Effects of extensive oxidative stress on the interaction between the skeletal type ryanodine receptors and related proteins
    ZHANG Yu kun;CAI Zhi yin;ZHU Qian rong;CAO Mei ping;XIA Ruo hong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 92-101.  
    Abstract2840)      PDF(pc) (1376KB)(1759)       Save
    By using [3H]-ryanodine binding assay, SDS-PAGE, Western Blotting, photon correlation spectroscopy (PCS) and DPH fluorescence polarization, the influences of oxidation modulators 1,4NQ and Na2SeO3 on the channel activity, the average particle size of RyR1, the distribution of SR proteins in crosslinking complex, and fluidity of SR membrane under the oxidative stress were investigated. The results indicate that, upon to the oxidants treatment of 1,4NQ and Na2SeO3, both the activity of RyR1 channel and the fluidity of SR membrane decreased, and macromolecular crosslinked complexes consisting of RyR1 emerged on the gel of the SR membrane proteins. Further investigations showed that DTT decomposed the crosslinked complexes. Above results suggest that the inhibition of RyR1 channel caused by the high concentration of oxidant modulators is probably due to oxidation of the functional sulfhydryls which are responsible for the closure of the channels, and the occurrence of mistaken crosslinking between SR proteins which would alter the function of the calcium release unit.
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    In vitro study of the effect of silver nanoparticles on the adhesion and membrane function of cells
    YU Wen juan;WANG Xiang hui;SHI Qin;HUANG Rui
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 102-110.  
    Abstract2635)      PDF(pc) (2978KB)(1926)       Save
    In this paper, the acute cytotoxicity of silver nanoparticles, as well as their influence on the adhesion state and membrane functions of Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells ( HUVEC) and Human Umbilical Artery Smooth Musle Cells (HUASMC) were studied in vitro, for the sake of clinic using security. The results are as follows. Silver nanoparticles whose concentration ranged from 0.0039 mg/mL to 0.5 mg/mL did not show acute cytotoxicity within 8 hours, but the effects on the adhesion state of both cell lines were observed. The shape of the cells abnormally became small and round, which indicated that they were not well adhered on the culture plate. At the mean time, silver nanoparticles were found aggregating on the cell membrane, and the membrane fluidity and integrity of the cells were alternated, which implied that Ag nanoparticles had cytotoxicity in a certain degree.
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    Forebrain overexpression of αCaMKII disrupts behavioral flexibility
    AN Shu ming;ZENG Qing wen;XU Hao;LIU Ru qing;CAO Xiao hua
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 111-118.  
    Abstract3139)      PDF(pc) (2144KB)(1582)       Save
    The αCaMKIIF89G transgenic mice and their littermate controls were subjected to the rotarod test and Morris water maze test. There was no significant difference in motor coordination and ability between these two groups in the rotarod test. In the visible platform test, transgenic mice showed the normal perception, motivation and motor ability. In addition, transgenic mice performed normally in learning and memory in both place navigation training and the 1st spatial probe test. However, compared with wild type mice, transgenic mice spent significantly more time and swam longer distance to reach hidden platform in the 2nd and 3rd day of spatial reversal learning. These results indicate that αCaMKII overexpression in the forebrain can impair spatial reversal learning. The mechanism of the performance deficit may be relevant to disrupted or abolished LTD in the forebrain.
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    Study of βCaMKII on working memory in protein modified transgenic mice
    YIN Liang;ZENG Qing wen;DU Dan;CAO Xiao hua
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 119-126.  
    Abstract2473)      PDF(pc) (1221KB)(1702)       Save
    This experiment was designed to investigate the effect of the βCa2+/calmodulin dependent protein kinases II(βCaMKII) on the working memory in mice. The result of Western Blot showed that βCaMKII was overexpressed in the prefrontal cortex in transgenic mice. There was no significance in escape latency between transgenic mice and controls in Morris water maze. In addition, the correct of transgenic mice in T maze was also similar to that of controls. These results suppose that overexpression of the βCaMKII has no significant effect on the prefrontal cortex dependent working memory in mice.
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    Synthesis and evaluation of silica monoliths
    REN Hu bo;LIU Ren min
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 127-133.  
    Abstract2653)      PDF(pc) (2122KB)(1570)       Save
    In this paper, a silica monolith was prepared as the promising candidate for HPLC separations. Characterization of prepared silica monolith was performed with scanning electron microscopy and surface area machine. Its chromatographic properties were evaluated by using toluene and phenol as samples while nhexane as the mobile phase. Permeability and column pressure drop were evaluated for separation, and the possible separation mechanism was also investigated in the paper. The results showed that the silica monolith had characters of high permeability, high mechanical strength, good chemical stability and strong absorption capability.
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    Isolation and identification of a strain of Streptomyces with antimicrobial activity
    WANG Xue jun;MIN Chang li;CHEN Dai jie
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (2): 134-140.  
    Abstract2670)      PDF(pc) (2122KB)(1596)       Save
    A strain HCCB10124 was isolated from the soil against pathogenic fungus Verticillium dahliae.The growth of 10 plant pathogens and some bacteria were strongly inhibitded by strain HCCB10124 on PDA plate, but unconspicuous effects on bacteria comparatively. The morphology, cultural characteristics,physiological and biochemical properties ,chemotaxonomy and 16S rDNA sequences of this strain were studied. The results exhibited that the homology of 16S rDNA between Streptomyces strain HCCB10124 and Streptomyces albireticuli reached 99%. A phylogenetic tree was constructed by comparing with the published 16S rDNA sequences of the related species. According to the multiclassification principle and the phylogenetic analysis, the Streptomyces strain HCCB10124 should be nomenclatured as Streptomyces albireticuli.
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    Experimental ecology research on destroyed evergreen broad leaved forests in TNFP, Zhejiang (Ⅳ): Contribution of seed bank to early restoration of destroyed evergreen broad leaved forests
    SONG Yaobin;ZHANG Qiping;DA Liangjun;
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (3): 1-9.  
    Abstract2593)      PDF(pc) (1135KB)(2342)       Save
    Four destroyed evergreen broadleaved forest plots were established by simulating the common disturbance types (removing trees, H>8 m; removing trees, H<8 m; removing all above ground plant; removing all aboveground plant and 010 cm depth surface soil) in Tiantong National Forest Park, in October, 2003. For understanding the contribution of seed bank to the restoration of destroyed evergreen broad leaved forests, the seed germination pattern, species composition, and the similarity between seed bank and the seedlings composition of first year restoration have been studied in this paper. The results showed that there were 995 seeds in seed bank and the seed abundance was 248.75 m-2, which belonged to 28 species, 27 genera and 21 families. The role of seed bank to 4 plots were Ⅰ (0.467) >Ⅳ (0.389) >Ⅱ (0.368) >Ⅲ (0). The pioneer species Sassafras tzumu , Alniphyllum fortunei , Clerodendrum cyrtophyllum , Litsea cubeba germinated and recruited abundantly from seed bank while the climax species Castanopsis carlesii and Lithocarpus glaber had little role to vegetation restoration. The species Choerospondias axillaries and Cinnamomum camphora mainly regenerated from exotic seed source. Conclusively, the soil seed bank exerted little role to the restoration of the evergreen broadleaved forests in this area.
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    Experimental ecology research on destroyed evergreen broad leaved forests in TNFP, Zhejiang (V): Five year recovery and regeneration of main trees after different disturbances
    QI Yu-feng;YANG Xu-feng;ZHANG Qi-ping;SONG Kun;KANG Min-ming;DA Liang-jun;
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2010, 2010 (3): 10-25.  
    Abstract3439)      PDF(pc) (1595KB)(1756)       Save
    Investigations were carried out for 5 years from October, 2003 to October, 2008 in a logged evergreen broad leaved forest at Tiantong, Zhejiang province. Five following treatments were used in five sites: (Ⅰ) Big trees with height>8 m and DBH>5 cm were removed but sprouts retained; (Ⅱ) ground surface vegetation was removed but litter retained; (Ⅲ) all vegetation and 0 10 cm topsoil were removed. (Ⅳ) undergrowth was removed but big trees retained; and (Ⅴ) a control plot without any disturbance. Our results showed that: (1) The highest BAs (basal area value) were found in plot Ⅰ and plot Ⅱ, with a value of 1 631.8 cm2 and 1 619.4 cm2 respectively, and the lowest in plot Ⅳ with a value of 43.4 cm2. (2) The increase of BA in plot Ⅰ was mainly from the growth of retained evergreen broad leaved trees; plot Ⅱ had the highest BA increase which was mainly from deciduous broad leaved shrubs or small trees and deciduous broad leaved trees, and plot Ⅲ mainly from deciduous broad leaved shrubs or small trees and evergreen broad leaved trees; plot Ⅳ had few trees with low BAs. (3) Seedling and sapling recruitment fluctuated in all plots in 5 years. In plot Ⅰ and plot Ⅱ, seedlings and saplings were mainly evergreen broad leaved trees, but plot Ⅱ had more deciduous trees; seedlings and saplings in plot Ⅲ were mainly deciduous trees while in plot Ⅳ mainly evergreen broad leaved trees. Our results indicate that logging impact the recovery and regeneration of the evergreen broad leaved forest trees. Under logging big trees, evergreen broad leaved trees recover quickly; under clearing undergrowth, main trees recover slowly; under two kinds of clear cuttings, deciduous trees invade and dominate the plots or are mixed with evergreen broad leaved trees.
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