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    25 March 2005, Volume 2005 Issue 1 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Studies on Evergreen Broad-leaved Forests of China: A Retrospect and Prospect(Chinese)
    SONG Yong-chang;CHEN Xiao-yong;WANG Xi-hua
    2005, 2005 (1):  1-8. 
    Abstract ( 3572 )   Save
    Study on evergreen broad-leaved forest(EBLF) of China started in 1930s and 1940s, flourished in 1950s,was interrupted in 1960s and has revived since the 1970s.Proposals concerning the further studies are offered, which includes compilation of annuals of EBLF of China, study on the origin and systematic development of EBLF, strengthen research on the mechanism of succession and restoration, the relationship and co-evolution between important species, ecological service function, effect and response to global change, conservation and utilization, and establishment of information system for EBLFs.
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    The Structure of a Class of Polynomial Differential Systems of Degree 5 with a 25th order Singularity(Chinese)
    SUN Ying;LI Xue-min
    2005, 2005 (1):  9-15,3. 
    Abstract ( 3007 )   Save
    Using Poincaré transformation and Poincaré-Bendixson theorem,sufficient conditions for the existence, uniqueness and stability of the limit cycles for a kind of fifth order differential equation are obtained. It is proved that such a kind of systems has at most one limit cycle and the existence is accompanied by the stability.Furthermore, almost all possible global phase portraits, 64 altogether, are indicated.
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    Nonlinear Stability of Two-dimentional Quasi- centerlinelargebf gestrophic Flow and Disturbance Development(Chinese)
    LI Na;LIU Yong-ming
    2005, 2005 (1):  16-22. 
    Abstract ( 3150 )   Save
    We concerns with two-dimentional zonally symmetric one layer quasi-gestrophic flow in a bounded periodic zonal channel. A best nonlinear stability criterion is established for the flow. For Benzi’s model, the nonlinear stability criterion is shown identical to the linear one. Moreover, explicit rigorous upper bounds are obtained on both the disturbance energy and disturbance potential enstrophy.
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    Some Properties of Partial Order in Banach* Algebras(Chinese)
    WEI Chang-guo
    2005, 2005 (1):  23-27. 
    Abstract ( 2675 )   Save
    Some problems on the partial order in Banach* algebras and C*-algebras are studied. The uniqueness of the multiplicative cone which contains all the positive elements of the C*-algebra is discussed. Conditions of Banach* algebras becoming C*- algebras are presented.
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    The Solutions of Matrix Function Equation f(X)=A(Chinese)
    CHENG Xue-han;LIU Ai-jing;
    2005, 2005 (1):  28-33. 
    Abstract ( 3137 )   Save
    We give the sufficient and necessary conditions of the solutions for matrix function equations f(X)=A , where A∈Cn×n .We study the expression of the solutions by the polynomial of A, also give the sufficient and necessary conditions.
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    Large bf Crossing Number of the Generalized Petersen Graph G(2m+1,m)(Chinese)
    MA Deng-ju;REN Han;LU Jun-jie
    2005, 2005 (1):  34-39. 
    Abstract ( 2653 )   Save
    It is proved that he lower bound on the crossing number of the generalized Petersen graphs G(2m+1,m) is 3 by deleting edges. Then it showes the crossing number of the generalized Petersen graphs G(2m+1,m) is 3 exactly.
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    Moments of Compound Renewal Sums with Discounted(English)
    XIONG Shuang-ping
    2005, 2005 (1):  40-45. 
    Abstract ( 2952 )   Save
    Under the condition that the net force of interest is a Wiener processes with a drift, we derive the first two moments of a compound renewal present value risk Process(CRPVR) using renewal theory. An example is also given to explain the results.
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    Calculation of Ruin Probabilities under a Renewal Risk vskip1mmcenterlinebflarge Model with Interest Force(Chinese)
    LIN Qing-min;WANG Rong-ming
    2005, 2005 (1):  46-52. 
    Abstract ( 3327 )   Save
    Apart from ruin probability, the distribution of surplus immediately before ruin and that of deficit at ruin can also be used to characterize the risk of ruin in a insurance company. In this paper, these distributions are studied with a renewal risk model under interest force; the recursive algorithms and integral euations for the distributions are obtained.
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    A Package for Generating the Determining System of Nonclassical Symmetry of Differential Euations(English)
    ZHANG Shan-qing;LI Zhi-bin
    2005, 2005 (1):  53-58,1. 
    Abstract ( 2776 )   Save
    An algorithm for calculating the determining euations associated with non-classical method of symmetry reductions for system of partial differential euations (PDEs) is described.Based on this algorithm, an implementation bf NGDS on Maple for generating the determining euations for Lie non-classical symmetry groups of differential euation(s) is presented, and an example is illustrated the correctness and effectiveness of our package bf NGDS.
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    Calculating the Compact and Posture Ratio of An Image Region Based on VCC
    WANG Di-qiong;ZHANG Wei;GU Guo-qing
    2005, 2005 (1):  59-62. 
    Abstract ( 2935 )   Save
    Introduced a way of utilizing VCC to get the perimeter of an image region, the length and width of the minimum external rectangle of the image and the size of the region occupied by the image. Based on this, a new method to calculate the compact and the posture ratio of the image is proposed.
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    Structure and Longitudinal Magnetoimpedance Effect of Permalloy Films by Electrodeposition(English)
    GONG Feng-fei;Kamel A;SHEN Guo-tu;YUAN Wang-zhi;YANG Xie-long
    2005, 2005 (1):  63-67. 
    Abstract ( 2981 )   Save
    The structure of electrodeposited permalloy films with thickness from 1.1μm to 6.9μm is determined to be fcc structure by using X-ray diffraction, which the intensity of NiFe(111) peak increases significantly. Magnetic hysteresis loops of the films demonstrate the decrease of their coercivity values with the increase of the film thickness. Longitudinal magnetoimpedance ratio is measured with an alternating current of Irms=6 mA and frequency from 0.05 kHz to 600kHz. The minimum value of longitudinal magnetoimpedance ratio is down to -52%.
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    GMI Effect Study of Amorphous FeCuNbSiB Multilayered Films(English)
    Oumarou M;LI Xiao-dong;YUAN Wang-zhi;RUAN Jian-zhong;ZHAO Zhen-jie;YANG Xie-long
    2005, 2005 (1):  68-72,1. 
    Abstract ( 2951 )   Save
    Giant magneto-impedance (GMI) has been observed in amorphous FeCuNbSiB/Cu/FeCuNbSiB sandwiched films annealed at 250℃.The conductive layer is about 2μm while the outer magnetic layers are about 1μm thick each. The GMI ratio of 20% has been obtained. In the goal to improve this ratio, two insulator layers have been used between the different layers followed by an annealing process at 250℃.A GMI ratio of 62% has been obtained. The displacement of GMI peaks with increasing of driving current frequency appears also. The amorphous state of the films was confirmed by an X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectrum.
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    Study on the Practical Method to Tranform GPS Geodetic Coordinates to Coordinates of Localsystem(Chinese)
    LIU Fei;ZHOU Lin-lin;YI Jian-fang
    2005, 2005 (1):  73-77. 
    Abstract ( 3354 )   Save
    Study about the transformation relationship among different coordinates systems has been made to solve the problems in the application of GPS. The precision of the simplified coordinates transformation formula has been analysed. It was shown that the rational simplification is necessary and it will help to enhance the efficiency of the GPS system, for example, the vehicle navigation and real-time monitoring systems. An example and a feasible method to solve the unkown parameter are provided.
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    Fractal Study on Landuse Structure and Form Change:The Case of Central Areas in Shanghai(Chinese)
    ZHAO Jing;XU Jian-hua;MEI An-xin
    2005, 2005 (1):  78-84. 
    Abstract ( 3813 )   Save
    Landuse structure and spatial form changes are studied for the central areas in Shanghai from 1947 to 2000. Based on the systems and the fractal theories, the information entropy and equilibrium degree of landuse structure are calculated and the fractal models of urban spatial forms are established for Shanghai. 
    The main conclusions are: (1) In the past 50 years, the information entropy and equilibrium degree of landuse structure of Shanghai are increasing gradually, the differences in areas of each landuse type are reducing and the urban landuse structure are approaching to equilibrium state. (2) Boundary dimensions of landuse form have been decreased and the boundary forms of all the landuse types changed more regular and smooth since 1996. (3) Based on radius dimension, an annular spatial form from residential area to industrial area and to farmland according to distance away from city center is established. 
    In the end, we summarized mechanism of landuse change as population explosion, science and technology advancement, economic growth, policy and society systems changing and so on.
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    Proposal to Build Meimaosha Reservoir as A New Water Resource of Shanghai (Ⅱ) The Rule of the Fresh Water on the Nanhui East Shoal over a Year(Chinese)
    CAO Yong;CHEN Ji-yu;LIU Jie;
    2005, 2005 (1):  85-91. 
    Abstract ( 3051 )   Save
    In order to understand the rule of the fresh water on the Nanhui east shoal, we have monitored the salinity over a year. After calculating, we know the percentage of the fresh water in the wet season and dry season is from 76.88 to 82.94 percent and from 35.04 to 42.66 percent respectively. If the seasonal and discontinuous fresh water resource is used efficiently, it will supply enough fresh water to the reservoir. The water discharge at Datong hydrometric station plays an important role to the fresh water on the Nanhui east shoal. We shall pay more attention to that there is fresh water when the water discharge at Datong station is less then 10,000 m3/s. The fresh water is affected by other factors such as wind, landform, Coriolis force etc. This paper gives the equations that represent the relationship between the discharge at the Datong station and the fresh water resource.
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    Distribution of Clay Minerals in the Yangtze Delta Plain and Its Paleoenvironmental Implication(Chinese)
    WU Yue-ying;CHEN Zhong-yuan;WANG Zhang-hua
    2005, 2005 (1):  92-98. 
    Abstract ( 3582 )   Save
    Clay minerals in 15 surficial samples and 5 profile samples from the Yangtze Delta plain were analyzed by X-ray diffraction. The result shows that clay mineral assemblage of the surfical sediments are distinguished by the coastline 7500-8000aBP, indicating different sediment sources and sedimentary environments. The change of content of illite vs. kaolinite in the profile sediments reflects the climate fluctuations since late Pleistocene.
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    A Forecast Model of Adjective Effect of Vegetation on Urban Air(Chinese)
    ZHOU Jian-hua;ZHOU Yi-fan
    2005, 2005 (1):  99-104. 
    Abstract ( 2776 )   Save
    The distribution and pattern of man-planting vegetable in a city has strong effect on the ecological environment in the city. However, how many vegetabe we have to plant? What planting pattern is most reasonable? Where should we to plant? Authors used three dimensional vegetation quantities(VQ)to describe the amount of vegetation in a city, set up the correlative equations between the amount of VQ and the concentration of air pollutant, and developed a computer software to forecast atmosphere quantity dynamically and to support making planting decisions. The precision of the forecast can meet the permitted limits of air monitor verified by relevant precision test. The results by this research are helpful in estimation of ecologically environmental quality in a city quickly, exactly, and dynamically.
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    Study on Reduction of Hexavalent Chromium by Sulfate-reducing Bacteria(Chinese)
    QU Jian-guo;SHEN Ru-xiang;XU Bo-xing;LI Fu-de
    2005, 2005 (1):  105-110. 
    Abstract ( 2822 )   Save
    Several Sulfate Eir Reducing Bacteria (SRB) strains, isolated from soil, were able to grow in the medium containing 800mg/L chromium(Ⅵ), The Cr(Ⅵ) disappeared when the strain 2-S-8 grew in the medium containing 75mg/L Cr(Ⅵ) for 36h.The strain was identified as Desulfovibrio sp. The results showed that high-toxic Cr(Ⅵ) was reduced to hypo-toxic Cr(Ⅲ) by SRB, and the Cr(Ⅵ) reduction was related to the reduction of sulfate, which was mainly carried out effect by metabolin of SRB.
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    Application of Potential Ecological Risk Index in Soil Pollution of Typical Polluting Industries(Chinese)
    ZHAO Qin-na;XU Qi-xin;YANG Kai
    2005, 2005 (1):  111-116. 
    Abstract ( 4985 )   Save
    The soil pollution characteristics of typical pollution industries in Shanghai were studied from the following aspects: basic physical property, pH, heavy metal pollution. The potential ecological hazards of heavy metal pollution were assessed by Las Hakanson Index. The results indicated that soil of typical pollution industries had been affected by former manufacturing process. The heavy metal pollution distributed in those factories, such as printing and dyeing factories, battery manufacturers, electric plating factories and oil refinery plants. The risk level of heavy metal Hg and Cd were relatively high, and followed by Pb、Cr、Zn、Ni and As. Countermeasures against the soil pollution of typical polluting industries are suggested.
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    Secretion of Thrombopoietin in Bacillus subtilis and the Effect of Propeptide(Chinese)
    ZHANG Mei-hua;ZHOU Jian;YANG Yu-feng;WU Zi-rong
    2005, 2005 (1):  117-121. 
    Abstract ( 3013 )   Save
    To understand the secretory expression of heterologous protein in Bacillus subtilis, especially of those from eucaryotes, also to reveal the role of propeptide, two recombinant plasmids containing TPO gene were cloned in Bacillus subtilis with or without propeptide, named Pro-TPO, SP-TPO respectively. PCR production fragment SP containing signal peptide was ligated with TPO and vector. The recombinant plasmid was transformed into DB403 and a positive clone DB403(SP-TPO) was obtained. Another recombinant was available at the same time with the regulatory sequence Pro containing signal peptide and propeptide, named DB403(Pro-TPO). The secretion of TPO of the three recombinants can be valued by means of ELISA and Western blot. DB403(Pro-TPO) was shown to have the ability of secreting TPO, however DB403(SP-TPO) was found no secretion. DB403(Pro-TPO) was administrated peritoneally to Babl/c mice and got the number of platelet increased by 84.2%(self control) and 99.7%(saline control). The results implied that TPO is expressed with native activity and propeptide is essential for the secretion of TPO.
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    2005, 2005 (1):  122-125. 
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    2005, 2005 (1):  126-128. 
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    2005, 2005 (1):  129-132. 
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    Synthesis and Characterization of Schiff Base Containing Thiocarbohydrazide(English)
    LI Lin;WANG Lin-sheng;HAO Zhen-wen;WANG Jia-yan
    2005, 2005 (1):  133-135. 
    Abstract ( 2435 )   Save
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    2005, 2005 (1):  136-138. 
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    2005, 2005 (1):  139-143. 
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