华东师范大学学报(自然科学版) ›› 2013, Vol. 2013 ›› Issue (4): 17-24.

• 上海国际航运中心 长江口横沙浅滩挖入式港池规划方案研究 专刊 • 上一篇    下一篇


邵荣顺1, 程泽坤1, 丁平兴2, 葛建忠2, 虞志英2, 俞 灵1   

  1. 1. 中交第三航务工程勘察有限公司, 上海 200032;2. 华东师范大学 河口海岸学国家重点实验室, 上海 200062
  • 收稿日期:2013-04-01 修回日期:2013-07-01 出版日期:2013-07-25 发布日期:2013-07-11

Study of the excavated-in harbor plan in the Hengsha Shoal of the Yangtze Estuary

SHAO Rong-shun1, CHENG Ze-kun1, DING Ping-xing2,GE Jian-zhong2, YU Zhi-ying2, YU Ling1   

  1. 1. CCCC Third Harbor Consultants, Shanghai 200032, China; 
    2. State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
  • Received:2013-04-01 Revised:2013-07-01 Online:2013-07-25 Published:2013-07-11

摘要: 横沙浅滩位于长江入海口,毗邻外海深水区,是江海联运理想的交通运输枢纽.挖入式港池方案可以充分利用横沙浅滩广阔的滩涂,形成大型深水港区所需的水域、陆域、深水岸线和泊位.避开外海恶劣天气的影响,泊稳条件好,航行和靠离泊安全;回淤少,对周围海域的影响小,有利于长江口深水航道的维护,有利于长江口的安全和稳定.因此,挖入式港池方案是较为科学合理,可予以推荐的方案.

关键词: 挖入式港池, 横沙浅滩, 长江口

Abstract: The Hengsha Shoal is located between the shallow Changjiang River  mouth and the outer deep region, indicating it is of great potential as a transportation hub connecting the river and ocean. The broad shallow region in the Hengsha Shoal could be used by the  future excavated-in harbor, to provide space for land region, water region, coasts and docks. The planned excavated-in harbor with coastal defense surrounded around can avoid the bad weathers of the outer ocean, providing safer conditions for shipping and docking. It also has less siltation. And the new-planed harbor does not have significant influence on the adjacent regions, and it is favorable for the  maintenance of the shipping channel. The analysis indicates the excavated-in harbor plan is scientifically reasonable for future practical design and construction.

Key words: excavated-in harbor, Hengsha Shoal, Yangtze Estuary
