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On the distributed consensus protocol in high-availability database systems

CHU Jia-jia, GUO Jin-wei, LIU Bo-zhong, ZHANG Chen-dong, QIAN Wei-ning   

  1. Institute for Data Science and Engineering, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China
  • Received:2016-06-24 Online:2016-09-25 Published:2016-11-29


Availability and consistency are the two important characteristics of the distributed database systems, which need to be guaranteed by the distributed consensus
protocol. Ensuring consistency requires a consensus protocol to determine a global execution sequence for concurrent transaction updates, and to coordinate the consistency between local states and the global state continuously. For the implementation of the availability, we need to coordinate the consistency between the multiple backups to achieve the seamless switch between the main and backup nodes. Visible, distributed consistency protocol is the basis for the realization of high availability database system. Distributed consensus protocol is the base of high availability database systems. This paper summarizes
the classical consistency protocols and the main applications in high-availability systems of the distributed consistency protocols. Meanwhile, the implementation costs and limitations of the consistency protocols are analyzed and evaluated.

Key words: high availability, consistency, distributed consensus protocol, distributed database