Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc ›› 2003, Vol. 2003 ›› Issue (2): 46-53.

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Studies of the Relationship between Proton Chemical Exchange and Substituent Electronic Effects in Some Metal-Olefin with DNMR

ZHANG Gui-rong1; Stephen Matchett2; DAI Li-yi1 ; LU Jia-xing1


  1. 1 Department of Chemistry, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China 2 Grand Valley State University, Allendale, MI49401,USA
  • Received:2002-05-09 Revised:2002-10-19 Online:2003-04-15 Published:2003-04-15

Abstract: The proton chemical exchanges, created by the rotation of carbon-carbon bond in some Metal-Olefines, were examined with three methods of Dynamic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. They are Complete Line-shape Analysis, Magnetization Transfer and Spin-Lock. The rate constants of these chemical exchange trends with the Hammett constant of substituents in the Metal-Olefins studied.

Key words: magnetization transfer, spin-lock, DNMR, chemical exchange, complete line-shape analysis, magnetization transfer, spin-lock, DNMR, chemical exchange