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    15 April 2003, Volume 2003 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    A Remark on A Sphere Theorem with Mutually ε-critical
    LIAO Cai-sheng
    2003, 2003 (2):  1-5. 
    Abstract ( 2467 )   Save
    In this note, using Toponogov theorem for adial curvature, we prove some a sphere theorem for radial curvature.
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    One -dimensional Central Extensions for Variations of G2 of Characteristic 2
    LI Ke-feng;LIN Lei
    2003, 2003 (2):  6-10. 
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    In this paper,we determine all these 1-dimensional central extensions for some variation of the classical Lie algebra G2 over a field F of characteristic 2,which were introduced by Prof. Guangyu Shen in [1].
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    Exact Solutions of Three-wave Coupled Nonlinar Partial Differential Equations in Physics
    HE Xiu-xia;NIE Xiao-bing
    2003, 2003 (2):  11-15. 
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    The exact solutions of three-wave coupled nonlinar partial differential equations in a true physical problem are given by using the homogeneous balance method.
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    The Laplacian Spectrum of Unicyclic Graphs
    XIAO En-li;SHU Jin-long;WEN Ren-kai
    2003, 2003 (2):  16-21. 
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    Let G be a graph .The Laplacian matrix L(G)=D(G)-A(G)is the difference of the diagonal matrix of vertex degrees and the 0-1 adjacency matrix. Various aspects of the spectrum of this matrix of unicyclic graphs are investigated. Particular attention is given to the algebraic connecticity, the second least eigenvalue of the Laplacian matrix.
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    Initial Problem for Stochastic Benjamin-Ono Equation and Application to Biological Population in Estuarial Areas
    LI Ying;WANG Li-reng
    2003, 2003 (2):  22-26. 
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    In this paper,we obtain the integral representationof the solutionof initial value problem for stochastic Benjamin-Ono equation with gradient coupled noise, and give its application to the distribution of the biological population in estuarial areas, and then obtain distribution representation of 1-space.
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    Applications of Equivalent Martingale Measures Model in Pricing Option on Foreign Currency
    TIAN Rong;CHAI Jun
    2003, 2003 (2):  27-31. 
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    Under stochastic interest, by using of equivalent martingale measures model, we discuss single-factor model and two-factor model respectively, and obtain pricing formula of European option on foreign currency.
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    Explicit Exact Solutions for A Class of Nonlinear Variable-coefficient Schrödinger Equation
    ZHANG Shan-qing;LI Zhi-bin
    2003, 2003 (2):  32-35. 
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    Making a priori assumption to the solution of nonlinear variable-coefficient Schrödinger (NLS) equation, the explicit exact solutions for a class of NLS equation are obtained.
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    Quantum Logic Transformation Based on Spin-1/2 States
    MA Lei
    2003, 2003 (2):  36-39. 
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    In this paper, by using the linear quantum transformation theory to spin operator, we offer an effective method to study the quantum logic gates based on spin-1/2states.The form of some basic quantum logic operations are also obtained.
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    A Study of Rubber Surface Modification Using Microwave Plasma
    LIAO Bin;AN Tong-yi;WANG Yuan-shan;ZHU Shou-zheng
    2003, 2003 (2):  40-45. 
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    In this paper, the idea and method for surface modification of rubber using low temperature microwave p;asma are provided, and the theory of microwave plasma surface modification of rubber is discussed. It is discovered that the contact angle between the liquid and the treated surface of rubber obviously decreases with greatly improving water wettability, the polar functional groups of the modified surface of rubber greatly increase from ESCA, and the adhesion of the rubber treated with microwave plasma to steel evidently increases.

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    Studies of the Relationship between Proton Chemical Exchange and Substituent Electronic Effects in Some Metal-Olefin with DNMR
    ZHANG Gui-rong;Stephen Matchett;DAI Li-yi;LU Jia-xing
    2003, 2003 (2):  46-53. 
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    The proton chemical exchanges, created by the rotation of carbon-carbon bond in some Metal-Olefines, were examined with three methods of Dynamic Nuclear Magnetic Resonance. They are Complete Line-shape Analysis, Magnetization Transfer and Spin-Lock. The rate constants of these chemical exchange trends with the Hammett constant of substituents in the Metal-Olefins studied.
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    The Sociological Analysis of Urban Recreation
    YU Sheng;HE Shan-bo
    2003, 2003 (2):  54-61. 
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    With the social development and urbanization, how to develop the urban recreational function better is cared by more and more scholar and city managers. This paper tries to discuss the relations of the social development status and the urban recreation system by the analyse of the social conditions' impact on the urban recreation system and the questionnaire about different demands of the people with different social background. What's more,the author tries to do some tentative working about this area.
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    The Model and Prediction for the Density of Chlorine Ion in the Waters of the Yangtze River Estuary
    PAN Ren-liang;WANG Xin-wei;MAO Zhi-chang
    2003, 2003 (2):  62-67. 
    Abstract ( 3270 )   Save
    In this paper, the author use modern technology of the artificial neural network to analyse the law of dynamic change of the Chlorine ion in the water of the Yangtze river estuary. With the consider of different controlling water quantity project after the completion of the construction of the reservoir on Three Gorge Upward the Yangtze River, a BP neural network model is used for forecasting the denisity of Chlorine ion in Gaoqiao observation station. The results will be referred to related Shanghai department and water supply corporation for decision-making.
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    Impact of the Estuarine Funnel Shape on the Estuarine Circulation and Saltwater Intrusion
    ZHU Jian-rong;HU Song
    2003, 2003 (2):  68-73. 
    Abstract ( 3644 )   Save
    Using an improved ECOM model, designing an idealized strait and funnel-shape estuary, the impact of the estuarine funnel shape on the estuarine circulation and saltwater intrusion is studied. The saltwater intusion produces salinity front, there exists a land-ward density induced current under the salinity front, and the current speed at the upper layer obviously enhances due to mass continuty through the transverse section. There is a northward component of current at upper layer and a southward component of current at lower layer, this indicates that there exists transverse circulation. The salinity front induced by saltwater intrusion inclines northwestward horizontally that means the saltwater intrusion at the north coast of the estuary is stronger than at the south coast, and inclines toward upstream vertically that means the salwater intrusion at the lower layer is stronger than at upper layer. The higher salt water locates at the lower layer and near the north coast. The dynamic factors of saltwater intrusion are the tidal flood current, the land-ward density current and mixing. The Coriolis force makes the flood current deflect to the north coast, and the land-ward density current exists at the lower layer, those dynamic mechanism result in asymmetry distribution of salinity. The baroclinic pressure gradient force induced by the salinity distribution in transverse section directs the south coast and increases with the water depth, this results in the current at botton layer flows to the south coast. In order to keeping mass conservation, the divergence at bottom layer and north coast produces upwelling and rise of water level. This transverse distribution of water level makes the surface current flows northward, the above dynamic process induces a transverse circulation. The current divergence induced by the spreading width of funnel -shape estuary inner the mouth makes the current weaken and produces upwelling, the distance of land-ward flow of density current at bottom layer reduces,the salinity near the mouth increase, but the saltwater intrusion weakens; There exists obvious higher saltwater at the botton layer and south coast of the funnel-shape estuary; The vertical mixing enhances, and salinity tends to uniform vertically.
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    The Tidal Bore on the North Banch of Changjiang Estuary and Its Effects on the Estuary
    CHEN Shen-liang;CHEN Ji-yu;GU Guo-chuan
    2003, 2003 (2):  74-80. 
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    The development,characteristics and cause of the tidal bore on the North Branch of Changjiang Estuary are expounded based on survey and measured data. The hydraulic jump can be distinguished using the Froude number. When the fliid tidal current velocity exceeds the propagation velocity of tidal wave, the water particles transfer the kinetic energy to the potential energy, therefore the water level abruptly jump and forms bore. Further analysis suggests that narrowed river channel increase flood current velocity and silted riverbed slows down tidal wave propagation velocity. The river channel of the North Branch of Changjiang Estuary has been narrowed and its bed has been silted for recent years because of natural processes and artificial actions, which are the main causes of increased bore frequency and strength. With the bore head advance, a great amount of saltwater and sediments flow upstream. It has profound effects on the river channel evolution and environment of the estuary.
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    Thinking on Determination of Domestic Water Price in Chinese Cities
    ZHANG De-zhen;CHEN Xi-qing
    2003, 2003 (2):  81-85. 
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    This paper analyzes several abuses of the current single-measure water price in Chinese sities. It is proposed that an "equal-subsidy ladder" water price model should be applied to the domestic water price decision-making according to the present situation of China. The distributive justice of water-utilization welfare and the feasibility of economic accounting are also discussed in order to provide theoretic basis for the determination of domestic water price in Chinese cities.
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    Polymorphic Comparison between the Mitochondrial DNA of Vegetative Cell and Resting Cyst in Pseudourostyla Cristata
    DU Bao-jian;ZHANG Ying;NI Bing;GU Fu-kang
    2003, 2003 (2):  86-90. 
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    In order to study the relationship between vegetative cell and resting cyst, RAPD method was selected. The result revealed that: the polymorphic fragments amplified with primers S176、S267、S217、S259 and S319 share the same fragments, but the other primers such as S283、S180、S61、S64、S17、S55、S38、S30、S23 and S28 have deferent amplied fragments. There are 84 fragments were amplified by 15 random primers. In these fragments, both vegetative cell and resting cyst mtDNA have 28 similar fragments. The similarity values is 66.67%. It is implied that though there is similarity between mtDNA of vegetative cell and resting cyst, some changes may occurred in resting cyst mtDNA, these changes may be related to the function of resting cyst mitochondrion.

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