Heavy Metals in Urban Dusts and Soils of Shanghai and Its Pollution Assessment(Chinese)
MENG Fei;;LIU Min;HOU Li-jun;CHANG Jing;JIANG Hai-yan;WANG He-yi
2007, 2007 (4):
Through the investigation of 5 types of land use in Shanghai central city, including industrial, residential, traffic, greenbelt and commercial areas, heavy metals concentrations of 69 urban dusts, topsoils and 3 urban runoff samples were obtained. Compared with background concentrations, the heavy metal concentrations in urban dust and topsoils are much higher. The comprehensive pollution indexes in urban dusts and soils of the five land use types vary from 67.1 (residential area), 40.3 (green belt), and 22.9 (traffic area) to 12.5(industrial area), respectively. Both the dusts and soils are all polluted, especially due to the high concentration of Pb, Zn, and Cr. The urban runoffs EMCs (event mean concentration) of Cr, Pb and Zn in all land uses are high than Ⅴof the national standard. So the urban runoff will greatly influence the urban river water quality. Commonly, the heavy metal average contents of urban dusts are high in industrial, traffic and residential area and low in commercial area and green belts. When concerned the topsoils, however, the commercial area has the highest Cu content (75.2 mg●kg-1) and the lowest Pb content ( mg●kg-1), the traffic area has the highest Zn content (2 960 mg●kg-1); the residential area has the highest Pb (595 mg●kg-1) and Cr (627 mg●kg-1) contents. According to the EMCs in the urban runoff, the industrial area has the highest content of all 4 heavy metals and the EMCs of Cr, Pb, Zn, Cu in industrial are 6.9 mg●kg-1, 500 mg●kg-1, 3.9 mg●kg-1 and 2.3 mg●kg-1. The runoff around the industrial area, therefore, should be considered seriously. According to the EMCs in the urban runoff, the order of the rest land use types, from the highest to the lowest Pb, Cr and Zn concentration,is traffic area,residential area and commercial area.
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