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    25 March 2012, Volume 2012 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Innovative e-Learning: information technology and standards, a current and future perspective
    2012, 2012 (2):  1-12. 
    Abstract ( 2326 )   PDF (360KB) ( 2399 )   Save
    We are living in extraordinary times. Emerging Information Communication Technology (ICT) is ushering in a new age of a “shared knowledge society” on a global scale. But what does a “shared knowledge society” mean? How does the incorporation of emerging ICT allow our global society to evolve and in what ways? How can we describe the unique blend of technologies allowing this dynamic transformation? What ICT emerging components are important in allowing us to effectively communicate and learn on a global scale?  What standards are needed to support the implementation of these ICTs in allowing our global civilization to evolve into a “shared knowledge society”?  In this paper, we’ll explore how our global society is evolving e-Learning through the use of ICT, look at a few key current and emerging technologies involved, and related emerging standards.
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    Using industrial digital assets to build learning environments: a new approach to serious gaming
    2012, 2012 (2):  13-24. 
    Abstract ( 2364 )   PDF (2086KB) ( 2195 )   Save
    In this paper, I present a vision of a new approach to develop serious gaming applications. This approach is currently supported by some French Higher Education and Training Institutions and by a major provider of Product Lifecycle Management solutions, simulation and CAD systems for industries. This paper will introduce the proposed concept, and present the questions raised by the development of the concept and the responses the consortium can provide so far. The conclusion opens discussions about potential developments or extension of this project.
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    Problematizing the way we do standards: focussing more on scope and rationale
    2012, 2012 (2):  25-34,41. 
    Abstract ( 2200 )   PDF (372KB) ( 2414 )   Save
    This paper brings together two perspectives on current developments in information and communications technology (ICT) utilized for the purposes of learning, education, and training (LET). One perspective is concerned with governance and legitimacy issues regarding the process and relevance of standards development; the other, is concerned with the role of discerning relevant questions in LET and the potential scope for innovation that might develop tools to support such discernment. Discussion of information systems architecture is introduced as a means to set the context and provide a framework for bringing together an overall narrative and coherence to these two perspectives. Questions initiated by “why” are of particular interest because they typically demand an explanation in natural language to satisfy the questioner. By focusing on “why” as a key “primitive” of enquiry the authors present an approach that might inform improved processes of ICT for LET (a.k.a ITLET) standardization.
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    Inclusive learning:OER and cloud services
    Jutta TREVIRANUS, Erlend VERBY
    2012, 2012 (2):  35-41. 
    Abstract ( 2431 )   PDF (256KB) ( 2135 )   Save
    For many years the promise of technology-enabled education has been the potential to adapt the learning experience to each individual learner. If an IT-enabled learning environment is aware of each learner’s learning preferences, the learning environment can potentially supply each learner with an individually optimized learning experience. The aggregation capabilities of cloud services, intelligent systems that transform, augment and replace resources with more suitable equivalents, combined with federated repositories of sharable, appropriately designed and labelled resources make this possible. However to achieve this we need a new take on how we view, produce and deliver educational learning resources.
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    Research on the standards for the Internet of Things in education
    FENG Xiang, JIANG Xin, WU Yong-he
    2012, 2012 (2):  42-51. 
    Abstract ( 3524 )   PDF (799KB) ( 3986 )   Save
    This paper introduced the concept and history of the Internet of Things and analyzed its application in education and proposed research ideas. Based on the perspective of a typical three-tier, collection of the standards and key technology were summarized . Finally, combining the features and application mode in education, we summarized the metedata of intelligent educational terminals and established uniform standards. The results will be useful to educational service industries.
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    Using ArchiMate to design learning environment architectures
    2012, 2012 (2):  52-69. 
    Abstract ( 2282 )   PDF (2682KB) ( 2099 )   Save
    A desire to customise and personalise learning experiences, combined with the rise of a number of new tool integration technologies has led to a move away from monolithic Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs; a.k.a. Learning Management Systems, ‘LMSs’) towards more open and Distributed Learning Environments (DLEs). The various DLE architectures can have very different properties, however, and choosing between them can be difficult.The Open Group’s ArchiMate standard may help in that regard. It was designed to facilitate communication about architectures between all stakeholders in an organisation. It is a visual language that aims to help conversations about IT systems, business processes, organisational structure and strategy. This paper will present a number of DLE patterns that illustrate the range of possible architectures. Both the potential of these patterns as well as the utility of the ArchiMate language in explicating them will be evaluated.
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    Research on the framework of specification for e-Textbook and e-Schoolbag
    WU Yong-he, ZHU Zhi-ting, HE Chao
    2012, 2012 (2):  70-80. 
    Abstract ( 5540 )   PDF (2795KB) ( 5326 )   Save
    With the development of information technology, the e-Textbook and e-Schoolbag is received more concerns from the community, its promotion and popularization is becoming the trend. First, this paper analyzes the demand of e-Textbook and e-Schoolbag from perspective of research on framework of standards. Then it describes the framework of e-Textbook and e-Schoolbag, including conceptual model, system framework model, hierarchy diagram for e-Textbook and e-Schoolbag system and function model. At last, it gives architecture of standards for e-Textbook and e-Schoolbag and profiles of related standards for e-Textbook and e-schoolbag.
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    Connecting reading and learning: design of the information model of e-Textbook
    GU Xiao-qing, FU Wei, QI Gui-chao
    2012, 2012 (2):  81-90. 
    Abstract ( 3583 )   PDF (1053KB) ( 3090 )   Save
    With the development of personal digital terminal and the popularity of e-reading, “e-Schoolbag” has once again become a hot topic in the field of e-Learning. In this paper, we firstly analyze the demands of e-Textbook in the instrunction context, and then proposed the design of e-Text book information model which aims at connecting reading and learning, and hopefully to guide the design and developmentof e-Learningtextbooks.
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    Design of the  technical specification for e-Schoolbag terminal
    QIAN Dong-ming, GUAN Jue-qi, GUO Wei
    2012, 2012 (2):  91-98. 
    Abstract ( 4093 )   PDF (832KB) ( 3912 )   Save
    With the development of information technology, e-Schoolbag has become a popular research and application field in digital education. Through the evolution of concept, the change of attention and the development of education, the paper gives a new understanding of e-Schoolbag and focuses on the design of the technical specification for e-Schoolbag terminal. On the basis of the research situation in domestic and international, it concerns for the usage of users, security of applications, reliability of terminal, universal design and builds technical specification for e-Schoolbag terminal from the three aspects of terminal hardware, operating system and instructional function. Finally, from the perspectives of manufacturer, related industry with e-Schoolbag and the reform of education, it gives the forecast of the significance of technical specification for e-Schoolbag terminal.
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    Research on the workflow standards for virtual experiment systems
    XUE Yao-feng, WU Yong-he, WU Di, JIANG Wen-bin
    2012, 2012 (2):  99-105. 
    Abstract ( 2205 )   PDF (1246KB) ( 2448 )   Save
    This paper researches on the structure description problem of workflow of a virtual experiment system (VER). It also defines the information model and the interface standard of workflow of VER. The detailed work procedures and operation cases of VER are presented. It will give the valuable references for researchers and developers of VER.
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    On the research and implementation of the multi-domain virtual experiment standard framework
    WU Di, XU Jian, ZHANG Cheng-wei
    2012, 2012 (2):  106-114. 
    Abstract ( 2896 )   Save
    In this paper, a new multi-domain virtual experiment standard framework is introduced, which provides a general framework to support the standardization of virtual experiment teaching, learning and management. To make it possible for multi-domain application, the standard framework’s structure is designed based on multi-domain modeling concepts and general e-Learning standards.
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    Competences and skills for learning-outcome orientation: competence development, modelling, and standards for human resources development, education and training
    Christian M. STRACKE
    2012, 2012 (2):  115-130. 
    Abstract ( 2688 )   PDF (1449KB) ( 2248 )   Save
    This paper will summarize the potential use cases and impacts of competences and skills in the new area, often called “Digital Age”: It will highlight the roles and benefits of standards and metadata for HR development and points out the special support that competence models can provide for the quality development in learning, education, and training. In this regard, the main characteristics of this innovative approach called competence modelling and its relevance in vocational education and training (VET) can only be summarized. A general competence model with a standardized competence structure and taxonomy of levels is introduced and discussed for the general application scenarios and for the specific use cases in vocational education and training. It can be shown that competence modelling and the presented competence model lead to an improvement of the working places, of the organizational and individual development, to an increase of the mobility worldwide as well as to a higher transparency and recognition of competences and skills. Finally leading European initiatives on competence modelling are introduced and the current standardization activities are highlighted.
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    E-Learning technology standard promotion activities in Japan
    2012, 2012 (2):  131-136. 
    Abstract ( 2330 )   PDF (537KB) ( 2085 )   Save
    Open technology and open standards play important roles in the progress of e-Learning. Japanese e-Learning industry, being aware of this importance, has paid a lot of attention and made various efforts to disseminate open technology and open standards in e-Learning. Among these efforts, e-Learning Consortium Japan, a group of Japanese e-Learning providers and user institutes, has implemented and operated several programs to facilitate e-Learning technology standards promotion in terms of technical resource development and engineers’ skill development. This paper describes such programs including development of software modules for SCORM implementation and SCORM engineer certification program.
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    Application of ISO/IEC 19796 Standard in the Project of Teacher Education’s Innovation Platform
    ZHANG Yi, SHAN Li-ming, YANG Zong-kai
    2012, 2012 (2):  137-145. 
    Abstract ( 2353 )   Save
    Firstly, this paper introduced the project and the Reference Framework for the Description of Quality Approaches (RFDQ) which was proposed by ISO/IEC 19796 Standard. Secondly, it described the application and guidance of need analysis and framework analysis in the project. Lastly, in order to provide tuition-free normal college students and primary and secondary school teachers with excellent learning and teaching resources, it ensured innovation project′s construction quality from the standpoint of products, services and solutions.
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    Comparitive research on distance education quality management systems based on ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 19796 Standards
    SU Xiao-bing, HE Bin
    2012, 2012 (2):  146-152. 
    Abstract ( 2305 )   Save
    This paper studied the relationship & difference about the ISO 9001 and ISO/IEC 19796 Standards, and compare the Reference Framework for the Description of Quality Management with Descriptive Model of Quality Approach. From the analyzation the article believes that ISO 9000 Standard pay more attention to macro-level organization and operation management, and ISO/IEC 19796 to micro-level design, development, and implement of educational products.
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