Diversity, special pattern and dynamics Vegetation under urbanization in shanghai(Ⅲ): Flora of the ruderal in the urban area of Shanghaiunder the influence of rapid urbanization(Chinese)
TIAN Zhi-hui1, CHEN Ke-xia1,2, DA Liang-jun1, GU Hong-mei1,3
1. Department of Environment Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai Key Laboratory forEcology of Urbanization Process and Eco-restoration, Shanghai 200062, China;2. Hangzhou Broadacre Urban Planning Mastermind Consulting Co.,Ltd, Hangzhou Zhejiang 310013, China;3. Biology Department of Zhoukou Normal College,Zhoukou Henan 466000,China
TIAN Zhi-hui;CHEN Ke-xia;DA Liang-jun;GU Hong-mei;. Diversity, special pattern and dynamics Vegetation under urbanization in shanghai(Ⅲ): Flora of the ruderal in the urban area of Shanghaiunder the influence of rapid urbanization(Chinese)[J]. Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc, 2008, 2008(4): 49-57.