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    J* E* C* N* U* N* S* 2014 Vol.2014
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    Decompositions for a class of 5×5 separable quantum states
    HUANG Xiao-fen
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 1-8.  
    Abstract1272)      PDF(pc) (182KB)(2323)       Save
    This paper studied certain quantum states for which the PPT
    criterion was both sufficient and necessary for separability. A
    class of 5×5, bipartite mixed states was prestented and the
    conditions of PPT for these states were derived. The separable pure
    state decompositions of these states were explicitly constructed
    when they were PPT, so we can judge a class of states entangled or
    not by this method.
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    On chromatic number of { 2K1+K2 , C4 }-free graphs
    DUAN Fang, ZHANG Wei-juan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 9-12.  
    Abstract1412)      PDF(pc) (156KB)(2180)       Save
    In this paper, the structural characterization of { 2K1+K2 , C4 }-free graphs was given according to their
    independence numbers, and the linear upper bound on chromatic number of { 2K1+K2 , C4 }-free graphs was obtained in terms of their
    clique number.
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    Vulnerable European option pricing with the time-dependent for double jump-diffusion process
    LYU Li-juan, ZHANG Xing-yong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 13-20, 26.  
    Abstract1686)      PDF(pc) (728KB)(2289)       Save
    Based on Merton's structured credit risk model,
    derivatives pricing with rival unilateral default risk was studied
    in this paper. Assuming that underlying asset price and
    assets-liabilities of sellers follow double jump-diffusion process,
    where risk-free interest rate $r(t)$, volatility of asset
    $\sigma(t)$ and dividend yield $d(t)$ are time-dependent, vulnerable
    European options pricing model under double jump-diffusion process
    was established using the structured method, the analytical
    expressions of options price was obtained using It\^{o} lemma and
    the trunformation of the equivalent martingale measure.
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    Relations between solutions of two classes of  differential equations with entire function coefficients and functions of small growth
    SUN Gui-rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 21-26.  
    Abstract1625)      PDF(pc) (251KB)(2284)       Save
    This paper was devoted to studying two classes of second
    order linear
     differential equations with entire function coefficients by using the
      value distribution theory.
    The relations between functions of small growth and the solutions of
    the equations, as well as, their 1st and 2nd derivatives
    investigated. The results improve some previous works.
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    Lower diameter estimate for a special quasi-almost-Einstein metric
    HU Ling-juan, MAO Jing-jing, WANG Lin-feng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 27-35.  
    Abstract1418)      PDF(pc) (194KB)(2078)       Save
    The weighted Myers' theorem gives an upper bound estimate
    for the diameter of a complete Riemannian manifold with the
    $\tau$-Bakry-\'{E}mery curvature bounded from below by a positive
    number. The lower bound estimate for the diameter of a compact
    manifold is also an interesting question. In this paper, a gradient
    estimate for the potential function of a special
    $\tau$-quasi-almost-Einstein metric was established by using the
    Hopf's maximum principle. Based on it, a lower bound estimate for
    the diameter of this metric was derived. The result generalizes
    Wang's lower diameter estimate for compact $\tau$-quasi-Einstein
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    Determining the topology of real intersection of algebraic surfaces
    GAO Ben, CHEN Yu-fu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 36-46.  
    Abstract1232)      PDF(pc) (405KB)(2238)       Save
    This paper gave an algorithm for computing in an efficient
    way the topology of the real intersection of algebraic surfaces,
    which are defined by a finite family of trivariate polynomials with
    coefficients in $\R$. The algorithm is based on the computation of
    the graphs which are the intersection of at most two projections.
    For this purpose, some conditions, which be obtained by some
    linearly change of coordinates were fultiued, and some methods for
    checking these conditions were presented.
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    Public-key encryption and certificate-based encryption from lattice
    LI Jun, QIAN Hai-feng, LI Xiang-xue
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 47-59.  
    Abstract1998)      PDF(pc) (851KB)(2172)       Save
    Certificate-based encryption (CBE) combines the advantages of identity-based encryption and that of public key infrastructure. However, CBE based on traditional mathematical assumptions cannot defeat quantum attacks. This paper aims at constructing a lattice-based CBE which is post-quantum: First constructed a lattice-based public key encryption (PKE); then used this PKE to construct a lattice-based CBE. Finally, it was proved that the ciphertexts generated by our CBE are indistinguishable from random against chosen-plaintext attacks (namely, INDr-CBE-CPA secure) by assuming that the learning with errors (LWE) problem is hard. This scheme is the first known lattice-based CBE so far.
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    Belongingness of Chinese dialect speech recognition based on deep neural network
    JING Ya-peng, ZHENG Jun, HU Wen-xin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 60-67.  
    Abstract2185)      PDF(pc) (1319KB)(4216)       Save
    Based on the modified QuickNet software, we proposed a supervised DNN layerwise pre-training method for dialect speech recognition. The pre-training will start from a 3-layer neural network till the maximum layer, during which we will do supervised training. The initial weights of a new layer are composed of the partial trained weights of lower level network and the randomized weights closed to the output layer. Then we will do traditional back-propagation training when the initial weights of the maximum layer network are obtained. This method achieved a relatively higher recognition rate compared with normal neural network training and can be used in mobile speech recognition apps, the recognition of dialects speech and so on.
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    Impact of the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail on the spatial pattern of the regional road accessibility
    JIANG Hai-bing, ZHANG Wen-zhong, LI Ye-jin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 68-78, 89.  
    Abstract1949)      PDF(pc) (4018KB)(2244)       Save
    This paper discussed the spatial differentiation of the road accessibility  under 〖JP2〗the effect of Beijing-Shanghai high-speed rail (HSR). Firstly measured accessibility changes in the spatial distribution of four different accessibility indicators, computed and mapped using a GIS support. The accessibility maps described both the possible benefits and their spatial distribution of the region. Subsequently measured the transport equity by calculating a set of inequality indices of the accessibility distribution and estimated whether the disparities in regional accessibility are increased after the implementation of the HSR. Finally we applied the GIS based technique to calculate the service population scale of every station.
    The results showed that the HSR obviously improve the overall road accessibility level, reducing greatly total travel time among the central cities. However, it leads to more polarized accessibility patterns of the spatial development which indicated that various regions obtain unbalanced accessibility gain from the HSR, establishing “island” or “corridor” spatial patterns with the highest lever accessibility which replaces the “ellipse concentric circle” shape of road accessibility spatial structure. In addition, the HSR contributes to enlarging the service market demarcation and broadening regional labor markets of main central cities along the line in short time distances and promote many urban agglomerations to facilitate co-operation. Moreover, the HSR stations become the rapid traffic network nodes and the hub of the social and economic activities.
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    Effects of typhoon disturbance on the litter production in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in the Tiantong, Zhejiang
    WANG Zhang-hua, WANG Xi-hua, SHEN Guo-chun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 79-89.  
    Abstract2108)      PDF(pc) (1907KB)(2258)       Save
    To understand the effects of typhoon disturbance on the production, composition, temporal dynamics of litter in subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest, a 5-year study from January 2008 to December 2012 on two types of evergreen forests, C. fargesii community and S. superba community, in Tiantong, Zhejiang, was carried out. Average annual litterfall are 6.465 t·hm-2 and 6.947 t·hm-2 in C. fargesii community and S. superba community, respectively. Annual litter production and monthly litterfall in typhoon season were both significantly higher in typhoon years than that in normal years. Orders of proportions of different sorts litterfall in the two types of communities are leaves > twigs >detritus >flowers >barks. The total leaves production accounted for about 70% of total litter. Proportion of twigs reached about 17%. Proportion of leaves declined from typhoon years to normal years, while the proportion of twigs had an opposite trend. The dynamics of monthly litter production in both communities followed a bimodal distribution (with peaks in April-May and October-November) in normal years, and trimodal distribution (with an extra peak in typhoon season.) in typhoon years. The dynamic of monthly leaves production was different between the two types of communities in different typhoon years. It had two peaks in C. fargesii community and had three peaks in S. superba community in the years (2008, 2009 and 2011) with weak typhoon disturbance. However, it showed three peaks in both communities in the year (2012) with strong typhoon disturbance. These results suggested that typhoon disturbance can change the dynamics of litterfall in subtropical evergreen forest, and these impactions may various in different types of communities under different strengths of typhoon.
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    Characteristics of sediment load and runoff in the upper, middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and their relationship
    WANG Yi-bin, LI Jiu-fa, ZHAO Jun-kai, YAO Hong-yi, GUO Xiao-bin, CHEN Wei
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 90-98.  
    Abstract2406)      PDF(pc) (2722KB)(2821)       Save
    The related data from Yichang, Hankou and Datong gauging stations were collected from 1950—2010 to analyze the characteristics of temporal and spatial variations of the runoff and suspended sediment load in different reaches of the Yangtze River. Multi-year average of runoff (1951—2010) were 4.32×1011 m3, 7.07×1011 m3 and 8.96×1011 m3 at Yichang, Hankou and Datong gauging station, respectively. The runoff from the upper reaches of the Yangtze River was as much as that from the middle and lower reaches. Multi-year average runoff was fluctuant with no significant trend, but the difference of runoff between flood season and drought season was minimized by the construction of the Three Gorges Dam. On the other hand, multi-year average of suspended sediment load at Yichang Hankou and Datong gauging station were 4.34×108 t, 3.59×108 t and 3.90×108 t, respectively, indicating that the main sources of suspend sediment was the upper reaches of Yangtze River. With the decline of suspended sediment load since 1980s, especially in the flood seasons, the suspended sediment load at Yichang, Hankou and Datong gauging station decreased respectively by 0.54×108 t, 1.17×108 t and 1.52×108 t. Because of the resuspension of sediment in riverbed and river shoal and the sediment supply from the lakes along the Yangtze River, the decreases in the suspended sediment load of different grain size levels were unequal. A good linear relation was found between the suspended sediment load with grain size larger than 0.1 mm and runoff while the linear relation was weaken with the finer of grain size. This was in line with the relative theories of river dynamics. The dispersion grew up from the upper reaches to the lower reaches. This study is very helpful to understand the recent changes in the relationship between the runoff and suspended sediment load under human interventions.
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    Variation of particulate amino acid in the Suzhou River and the Huangpu River in Shanghai
    SHEN Bing-liang, CUI Ying, ZHU Zhuo-yi, WU Ying
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 99-106.  
    Abstract1697)      PDF(pc) (1695KB)(2260)       Save
    Surface particulate samples were collected quarterly in 2007 from four sampling points of Suzhou River and Huangpu River for particulate amino acids (PAA) analysis. The comparison among the four sampling sites were made for general parameters (such as particulate organic carbon (POC), particulate organic nitrogen (PON)) and particulate state amino acid parameters (D and L amino acid and degradation index). The results showed that the amino acid changed more dramatically in Suzhou River. Inferred from the variations of Degradation Index (DI), the source of the particulate amino acids in July is the freshest in the both rivers. A good negative correlation relationship between D-Amino acid and DI suggests the variation of bacteria-derived D-AA during the degradation process.
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    Comparative study on the adaptability of Alnus trabeculosa and Phragmites australis in tidal wetland
    ZHANG Hai-yan, WANG Tian-hui, LU Jian-jian
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 107-115, 122.  
    Abstract1556)      PDF(pc) (2696KB)(2095)       Save
    Self-designed experimental mesocosm for semidiurnal tidal simulation was used to compare the effect of different submergence time on photosynthesis process and physiological characteristics of Alnus trabeculosa and native species (Phragmites australis). The results showed that A. trabeculosa and P. australis have similar decreasing tendency in Stomatal conductance (Gs), Net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and Transpiration rate (Tr) with increasing submergence time; however, the water use efficiency (WUE) of these two species showed the tendency of first increased and then decreased, suggesting that the increasing submergence time promoted the WUE of A. trabeculosa and P. australis in some degree. With daily submergence time increasing, POD activity and MDA content of A. trabeculosa decreased and increased, respectively; POD activity of P. australis first increased and then decreased; however, MDA content of P. australis hasn’t significant difference. A. trabeculosa showed the similar tolerance to the periodic inundation of tidal wetland, which suggests that A. trabeculosa can be also used to construct ecological engineering in Chongxi wetland.
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    ATR-Chk1-Cdc25 involved in the regulation of Dictyostelium discoideum during G2/M cell cycle
    CHENG Xiao-feng, HOU Lian-sheng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 116-122.  
    Abstract1876)      PDF(pc) (1207KB)(1629)       Save
    The cell proliferation of wild type KAx-3 and mutant type RNAi-allC observed by light microscope and cell counting, The latter was divided 8 time faste than the former. To evaluate the reason why RNAi-allC cell cycle shortened, the function of ATR-Chk1-Cdc25 signaling pathway were explored by quantitative PCR and western blot techniques. The results showed the differences of ATR, Chk1, Cdc25 in mRNA contents and protein level existed in KAx-3 and RNAi-allC cells, that is, the expression of ATR and Chk1 ratio of RNAi-allC to KAx-3 was 0.69〖DK〗∶1 and 0.1〖DK〗∶1 respectively; the expression of Cdc25 in RNAi-allC cells was 8 times that of KAx-3 cells. The data suggested that once the expression of ATR had little change, Chk1 and Cdc25 expression changed greatly. Western blotting results were consistent with Q-PCR reports. The Chk1 protein contents were significantly less in mutant type RNAi-allC than that in KAx-3cells; the Cdc25 protein contents were higher in RNAi-allC cells. The above mentioned results suggest that ATR-Chk1-Cdc25 signaling pathway involved in the regulation of the G2/M phase in Dictyostelium discoideum.
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    Novel derivative of xanomeline, SBG-PK-014, increases the α-secretion of APPsw
    WANG Dong, ZHOU Zong-li, GAO Hong, LEI Xiao-ping,DONG Su-zhen, HU Jin-feng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 123-132.  
    Abstract1735)      PDF(pc) (2613KB)(2087)       Save
    The activity of a novel derivative of xanomeline, SBG-PK-014, on muscarinic M1 mAChRs and the α-secretion of human APP Swedish mutant (APPsw) was evaluated. The EC50 and maximum folds of activation (FAmax) were measured in a cell-based model. Mouse N2a cells over-expressing both APPsw and M1 mAChR gene were treated with SBG-PK-014 and xanomeline, respectively. Their secreation levels of sAPPα were then measured using Western Blotting. The results showed that SBG-PK-014 had a similar EC50 to xanomeline (40.2 nmol/L vs. 28.4 nmol/L), but demonstrated a 3.5-fold FAmax, as compared to xanomeline. SBG-PK-014 promoted the α-secretion of APPsw via the activation of M1 receptors. At the same dose of 0.1 μmol/L and 1 μmol/L, SBG-PK-014 exhibited significantly more potent activity. SBG-PK-014 activated M1 receptors more effectively than xanomeline, increased the α-cut of APPsw as well as the secretion of neuroprotective sAPPα, showed potential in modifying the Aβ pathology of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and is worth further development.
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    EcR-RNAi and azadirachtin treatments induced the abnormal proleg development in Spodoptera litura.
    ZHAO Jin-cheng, WU Tian-min, LIU Li-hua, WANG Yang, HE Lin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (1): 133-142.  
    Abstract1420)      PDF(pc) (2182KB)(3133)       Save
    Ecdysone is the insect molting hormone which induces a
    series of events critical for ecdysis, beginning with the formation
    of a complex between ecdysteroid receptor (EcR) and its partner
    protein, ultraspiracle (Usp). We cloned a 600~bp partial cDNAs
    encoding 200 amino acids EcR protein by degenerate primers from the
    common cutworm, \textit{Spodoptera litura}, a destructive
    agricultural pest insect in East Asia. We used this fragment to
    design the EcR-dsRNA to interfere the corresponding gene to analysis
    the change in different development stages. Using the Azadirachtin
    (Az) feeding the RNAi injected larvae to observe the development
    difference with normal control. Results indicated that the EcR RNAi
    interference the normal ecdysis and result in incomplete pupal molt.
    In the Az treatment after EcR RNAi injection, the larvae stunt
    growth and development program were disturbed and observed abnormal
    proleg phenotype. We deduced that Az and EcR RNAi maybe influence
    the key genes and inhibit the ecdysone cascade modulate pathway,
    which result in the disorder of tissue remodeling in
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    Construction of learning analytics system
    MA Xiao-ling, XING Wan-li, FENG Xiang, WU Yong-he
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 1-19, 39.  
    Abstract2884)      PDF(pc) (5978KB)(3617)       Save
    Learning Analytics (LA) has been applied to various learning environments. However, a complete and clear learning data system is needed. This study tried to provide an open and comprehensive LA system. Firstly, summary of recent researches and developments in this field was given, a number of important concepts were defined, and the interaction evolution of time, space and data of LAS was studied. Then the learning analysis system Universe of Discourse (LASUoD) including formalized modeling of LAS information space model [ΣR,ΣCR,ΣMT,ΣA,ΣW,ΣC] was analyzed. In order to achieve interoperability of LAS applications, the frame of learning analytics system ontology (LASO), data format of LA object and the profiles of LAS standards were proposed. Finally an LA application based on open source SAKAI was demonstrated.
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    Learning analytics system architecture based on big data technologies
    FENG Xiang, YU Ming-hua, MA Xiao-ling, WU Yong-he
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 20-29.  
    Abstract2949)      PDF(pc) (3106KB)(3399)       Save
    First, this paper analyzed the demand and object of learning analytics in the e-Education. Then it introduced the technology of big data, designed learning analytics platform based on Hadoop, built intelligent digital education services supporting platform based on learning analytics, and illustrated the application cases of this technology scheme. Finally, the technical problems of Hadoop which still exist was pointed out, and their solutions was put forward.
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    Analysis of the “cross-bridge of people in cyber learning space” system in cloud architecture model
    ZHANG Shi-ming, XU He-xiang, QIAN Dong-ming,CHEN Hai-jian, HUANG He-xiao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 30-39.  
    Abstract1795)      PDF(pc) (3422KB)(2124)       Save
    The“cross-bridge of people in cyber learning space”system proposed to construct by Ministry of Education of China is an important element of the deep integration of information technology and education. Based on Shanghai “Three Access Two Platforms”, through the years of practice, using the popular cloud service architecture model, this paper proposes the goal of building the system of  the“cross-bridge of people in cyber learning space”for Shanghai basic education service, including the top-level design and planning of the system. Then explore its practice in Shanghai. Finally, by benefit analysis, it shows that the system can not only achieve a high degree integration for information technology and education, reaching the 6A vision of education information, but also promote to form a new educational industrial economy, promoting economic restructuring, increasing contribution to GDP through education services, and gaining cost savings and environment friendly.
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    Research status and development studies of motion sensing technology
    ZHANG Shi-chao, QIAN Dong-ming
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 40-49, 126.  
    Abstract2634)      PDF(pc) (1021KB)(6254)       Save
    This thesis introduced the basic concepts and development of the human-computer interaction technology, as well as its applications in education and related areas. On this basis, Kinect would be used as a case study, including its application in the data of the depth, and skeleton tracking.
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    Usability testing and analysis of the intelligent educational publishing platform management system
    LIU Ming-zhuo, ZHAO Na, WU Yong-he
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 50-59.  
    Abstract1530)      PDF(pc) (2913KB)(2480)       Save
    Firstly, this paper discussed the software related usability concepts. Secondly, it takes the "Smart Educational Publishing Platform Management System" supported by the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee  as a research case to show how usability testing methods are applied in the research and development process of software respectively from the testing background, goal, tool, methods, the participants and testing procedure; during the research, using the method-thinking aloud and eye tracking for data collection and analysis; also this paper discusses the findings from the aspects-user satisfaction, errors rate, easy to learn, effectiveness, and efficiency. Lastly it gives the summary and prospect.
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    Research on design and application scenarios of smart learning environment for vocational education
    XU Xian-long, QIAN Dong-ming, WU Yong-he, SU Xiao-bing, ZHU Zhi-ting
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 60-69, 145.  
    Abstract2070)      PDF(pc) (2856KB)(2278)       Save
    Smart learning environment for vocational education (SLEVE) has laid a foundation for reforming learning and teaching methods in this area. Firstly, promotion of new technology for vocational education was described in this paper, and new technology classification for vocational education application was proposed. Secondly, system requirements, functional requirements and technical requirements of SLEVE were analyzed in detail. Thirdly, new technology supporting for SLEVE construction was analyzed, and technical plan of SLEVE constructionbased on new technology was designed. Finally, application procedure of SLEVE was given, and main application scenarios of SLEVE were analyzed, including individual self-study, classroom teaching, experiment teaching, training center, internships and public places.
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    Standards, key technologies and applications innovation of e-Textbook and e-Schoolbag
    WU Yong-he, HE Chao, YANG Ying, MA Xiao-ling, YU Yun-tao, LIU Xiao-dan, ZHU Zhi-ting
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 70-86.  
    Abstract2324)      PDF(pc) (2857KB)(2180)       Save
    Since e-Textbook and e-Schoolbag have been developed to a new stage, there is a bottleneck that has to be solved. This paper elaborates e-Textbook and e-Schoolbag research framework based on analysing the relationship between the standard, technology and application of e-Schoolbag and the relationship between systems, standards and technologies of e-Schoolbag from stakeholder’s perspectives firstly. Then this paper studies standards of e-Schoolbag from aspects of analysing current standard research status, standard systems, standard profiles and so on. Secondly, by analyzing the current key technology research status,this research parse the key technologies of e-Schoolbag from aspects of terminal key technologies, content key technologies, learning tools key technologies, learning services key technologies and technologies of integration innovation. Finally, this paper explores the e-Schoolbag education application from innovative ways of education, industrial development innovation, education application of innovative and educational theory innovation.
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    3D virtual learning systems and educational gaming:  possibilities for e-Textbook 2.0
    J. M. LAFFEY
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 87-97.  
    Abstract1536)      PDF(pc) (451KB)(1892)       Save
    There are great efforts underway to improve education through defining, designing and implementing e-Textbooks. There are also substantial efforts in the research and development of 3-dimensional virtual learning environments (3D VLE) and educational gaming. This paper explores the potential of developing a new form of e-Textbook, let us call it e-Textbook 2.0, based on advancing technologies for 3D virtual learning and on designing to meet pedagogical objectives using game mechanisms and strategies. These exciting new developments are then used to argue the potential for envisioning a framework for e-Textbooks 2.0 based on 3D VLE and educational gaming. The article attempts to make the case for increased focus on how to make curriculum subjects be the subject of game play, and for designing environments and games so that learning is visible and analytics can be used to provide feedback to the teacher and the students.
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    E-Textbooks in a digital ecosystem for learning
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 98-115.  
    Abstract1426)      PDF(pc) (2142KB)(1756)       Save
    The ISO/IEC project has so far used an online survey to discover what stakeholders across the world perceive to be the particular challenges that will be faced when technologies originally developed for commercial e-Books are transferred for use in formal education. This paper reflects on some of the key findings of this ISO/IEC work.
    Mr Weston argues that education is fundamentally about interactivity and not just about the dissemination of information. If follows that while commercial e-Books are viable as stand-alone products, e-Textbooks need to be embedded within a wider digital ecosystem for learning, an ecosystem that will comprise many different forms of software, delivering interactivity, reporting on the outcomes of that interactivity, profiling the capabilities of individual students and managing their progression. For e-Textbooks to play a full part in such an ecosystem, it is vital that they support open standards for interoperability.
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    Application design of e-Schoolbag based on PLE
    HU Hai-ming, WU Yong-he
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 116-126.  
    Abstract2009)      PDF(pc) (3817KB)(1889)       Save
    With rapid development of learning technology, e-Schoolbag has received more concerns from the domain of educational technology and the whole education. This paper studied design methodology of the framework of services based on PLE, and gave out its reference architect. Hence it proposed the e-Schoolbag design framework via PLE, and the framework and approaches of various services. Finally it gave out design methodology of learning center and its clients. This methodology can facilitate the learning design of e-Schoolbag.
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    Standardising future formats of digital textbooks: A framework for mapping international stakeholders’ positions and context
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 127-136.  
    Abstract1653)      PDF(pc) (1190KB)(1483)       Save
    The technical foundation under digital textbooks is still shaky as the exchange format is still being developed while new e-Textbooks are brought to the market and being tested. This paper constructs a framework to help conversations about the requirements and development of an e-Textbook format to support learning, education and training. The development will go through idea, specification and implementation stages, and the framework details factors in the standards development settings and in the implementation settings. A model for a constructive discourse about future e-Textbook formats is developed based on an evaluation framework of the value of e-Textbook and an e-Textbook lifecycle model.
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    Interoperable global standard for “smart” e-Textbooks
    B. MCCOY
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 137-145.  
    Abstract1205)      PDF(pc) (264KB)(1826)       Save
    This paper reviews high-level requirements for digital learning content and the overall situation of e-Learning platforms to contextualize an overview of the status and adoption of EPUB 3 as an ICT standard for interoperable digital publications. The paper concludes with a review of recent and anticipated future developments for EPUB 3 and the overall Open Web Platform relative to emerging requirements for “smart” e-Textbooks and other education-oriented content.
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    Research on e-Textbook DRM and system implementation based on Marlin
    GE Xin, QU Jin, GU jie, WANG Chang-jie
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 146-156, 178.  
    Abstract1812)      PDF(pc) (1856KB)(2173)       Save
    With the development of e-Textbook, Digital Rights Maragement (DRM) is needed urgently. In this paper, the e-Textbook specific requirements on DRM are analyzed, and then a DRM solution is designed based on Marlin DRM SDK. A demo system is developed and the result show that the current solution can provide DRM protection to e-Textbook, while at the same time satisfied with different requirements in this new area.
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    Design and development of standards of virtual learning tools in e-Schoolbag
    LEI Yun-he, YU Xiao-hua, WU Yong-he,ZHU Zhi-ting
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 157-166.  
    Abstract1521)      PDF(pc) (2424KB)(1794)       Save
    Virtual learning tools are one of the essential motivators to deepen the application of e-Schoolbag. This paper contrasts and analyzes the relative research on learning tools and standards, then abstracts the basic theoretical frames of the two standards of them. After consulting with the members of Group of Virtual Learning Tools, combined with interviews with the specialists in the field, the classification with glossaries and the Metadata Model of virtual learning tools are formed. What’s more, the design of the other three standards including the assembly, the testing and the configuration of virtual learning tools are introduced and explained briefly.
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    Evaluation framework EFI for measuring the impact of learning, education and training
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (2): 167-178.  
    Abstract1402)      PDF(pc) (3863KB)(1967)       Save
    This article introduces the Evaluation Framework EFI for the Impact Measurement of learning, education and training: The Evaluation Framework for Impact Measurement was developed for specifying the evaluation phase and its objectives and tasks within the IDEAL Reference Model for the introduction and optimization of quality development within learning, education and training. First, a description of the Evaluation Framework for Impact Measurement will be provided, followed by a brief overview of the IDEAL Reference Model. Finally, an example for the implementation of the Evaluation Framework for Impact Measurement within the ARISTOTELE project is presented.
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    Thomassen and coloring graphs on surfaces
    REN Han, CHAO Fu-gang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (3): 1-7, 39.  
    Abstract1764)      PDF(pc) (380KB)(2451)       Save
    The research of coloring graphs on surfaces originated
    from Heawood map color theorem. With an analysis based on the
    primary source, we survey the work of Thomassen, such as three color
    theorem and list coloring, coloring graphs on surfaces, and
    chromatic polynomial and number of colorings. His work
     has been concerned by many mathematicians, such as Mohar, Thomas and Hutchinson.
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    Perpetual American straddle option
    CEN Yuan-jun, YI Fa-huai
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (3): 8-13.  
    Abstract1443)      PDF(pc) (169KB)(2519)       Save
    By appplying the comparison principle for the variational
    inequality, we analyzed the behavior of exercise boundaries for the
    perpetual American straddle option. We found that it is a free
    boundary problem. Different from the standard perpetual American
    option, it has two exercise boundary points with dividends and only
    one free boundary point without dividends. These results can be
    understood very well from the financial point of view. We will
    present a rigorous mathematical proof, and find the bounds of
    exercise boundaries for the American straddle option with finite
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    Long range dependence of Shanghai stock market and pricing of European option
    XU Lin, XU Ting
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (3): 14-22.  
    Abstract1281)      PDF(pc) (451KB)(2061)       Save
    This paper aims at the empirical statistical test of the long range dependence of Shanghai Composite Index and finishes statistical modeling for corresponding financial data and derives the valuation formula for European call option under the model we proposed. Theoretical analysis and numerical examples are given to illustrate the impact of the long range dependence on the option pricing by comparing the option valuation formula under fractional Brownian motion (fBm for short) model and the one under Black-Scholes model. The main statistics we adopted are R/S and modified R/S statistics. Numerical results show that the valuation formula under fBm are much more stable than the one under Black-Scholes model due to the former one has the long range dependence property.
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    Representation theorem for AVaR under a submodular capacity
    TIAN De-jian, JIANG Long, JI Rong-lin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (3): 23-29.  
    Abstract1413)      PDF(pc) (184KB)(2298)       Save
    From the viewpoints of quantile functions, we gave the
    definition of AVaR of financial positions under a capacity. Then,
    using the classical results of AVaR under the probability measure,
    we established the representation theorem for AVaR under the
    submodular capacity. As a byproduct of this representation theorem,
    we proved that AVaR under a submodular capacity is a coherent risk
    measure, which generalized the classical results.
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    Boundary value problem for a coupled system of fractional differential equations with p-Laplacian operator at resonance
    CHENG Ling-ling, LIU Wen-bin, YE Qing-qing
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (3): 30-39.  
    Abstract1689)      PDF(pc) (293KB)(1938)       Save
    This paper gave the existence
     theorem of solutions with dim Ker M = 2 by the extension of Mawhin's continuation theorem due to Ge, where M is a
     quasi-linear operator. And an example to illustrate the theorem was also given.
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    List edge and list total coloring of triangle-free 1-planar graphs
    SONG Wen-yao, MIAO Lian-ying, ZHANG Shu-jie
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (3): 40-44.  
    Abstract1355)      PDF(pc) (175KB)(2115)       Save
    A graph is 1-planar if it can be drawn on the plane so that
    each edge is crossed by at most one other edge. In this paper, it
    was proved that every triangle-free 1-planar graph $G$ with maximum
    degree $\Delta\geqslant15$ can be $\Delta$-edge-choosable and
    ($\Delta$+1)-total -choosable.
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    An integral-type operator from the minimal Mobius invariant space into the Bloch type space
    ZHAO Xian-hao, LIANG Yu-xia
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (3): 45-50,59.  
    Abstract1124)      PDF(pc) (342KB)(1771)       Save
    By using analysis methods and constructing test functions
    we obtained some new equivalent conditions for the boundedness and
    compactness of the integral-type operator $C_\varphi ^g $ from the
    minimal M$\ddot{\rm o}$bius invariant space into the Bloch-type
    space. These equivalent conditions give perfect characterizations of
    $C_\varphi ^g $, which also provide good reference for the study of
    other integral-type operators.
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    Oscillation and asymptotic behaviors for third-order delay dynamic equations on time scales
    ZHANG Xiao-jian, YANG Jia-shan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (3): 51-59.  
    Abstract1651)      PDF(pc) (301KB)(2095)       Save
    The oscillation for certain third-order nonlinear variable
    delay dynamic equations on time scales was discussed in this
    article. By using the generalized Riccati transformation and a lot
    of inequality techniques, we established some new sufficient
    conditions which ensure that every solution of the equations either
    oscillates or converges to zero. The results extend and improve some
    known results. Examples were given to illustrate the main results.
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    On strongly power-serieswise McCoy rings
    WANG Wen-kang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2014, 2014 (3): 60-76.  
    Abstract1321)      PDF(pc) (233KB)(2232)       Save
    In this paper, we introduce strongly power-serieswise McCoy
    rings, which are a generalization of power-serieswise McCoy rings
    and strongly McCoy rings, and investigate their properties. Let R
    be a ring and I an ideal of R such that I is reduced, we show
    that if R/I is strongly  power-serieswise McCoy(resp.,
    power-serieswise McCoy), then R is strongly power-serieswise
    McCoy(resp., power-serieswise McCoy). A ring R is power-serieswise
    McCoy if and only if R[x] is power-serieswise McCoy. We find that
    a class of strongly power-serieswise McCoy  rings of upper
    triangular matrix ring over strongly  power-serieswise McCoy  rings.
    Meanwhile, we show that power-serieswise Armendariz rings and
    reduced rings are strongly power-serieswise McCoy rings.
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