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    25 March 2014, Volume 2014 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Construction of learning analytics system
    MA Xiao-ling, XING Wan-li, FENG Xiang, WU Yong-he
    2014, 2014 (2):  1-19, 39. 
    Abstract ( 2884 )   PDF (5978KB) ( 3617 )   Save
    Learning Analytics (LA) has been applied to various learning environments. However, a complete and clear learning data system is needed. This study tried to provide an open and comprehensive LA system. Firstly, summary of recent researches and developments in this field was given, a number of important concepts were defined, and the interaction evolution of time, space and data of LAS was studied. Then the learning analysis system Universe of Discourse (LASUoD) including formalized modeling of LAS information space model [ΣR,ΣCR,ΣMT,ΣA,ΣW,ΣC] was analyzed. In order to achieve interoperability of LAS applications, the frame of learning analytics system ontology (LASO), data format of LA object and the profiles of LAS standards were proposed. Finally an LA application based on open source SAKAI was demonstrated.
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    Learning analytics system architecture based on big data technologies
    FENG Xiang, YU Ming-hua, MA Xiao-ling, WU Yong-he
    2014, 2014 (2):  20-29. 
    Abstract ( 2949 )   PDF (3106KB) ( 3399 )   Save
    First, this paper analyzed the demand and object of learning analytics in the e-Education. Then it introduced the technology of big data, designed learning analytics platform based on Hadoop, built intelligent digital education services supporting platform based on learning analytics, and illustrated the application cases of this technology scheme. Finally, the technical problems of Hadoop which still exist was pointed out, and their solutions was put forward.
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    Analysis of the “cross-bridge of people in cyber learning space” system in cloud architecture model
    ZHANG Shi-ming, XU He-xiang, QIAN Dong-ming,CHEN Hai-jian, HUANG He-xiao
    2014, 2014 (2):  30-39. 
    Abstract ( 1795 )   PDF (3422KB) ( 2124 )   Save
    The“cross-bridge of people in cyber learning space”system proposed to construct by Ministry of Education of China is an important element of the deep integration of information technology and education. Based on Shanghai “Three Access Two Platforms”, through the years of practice, using the popular cloud service architecture model, this paper proposes the goal of building the system of  the“cross-bridge of people in cyber learning space”for Shanghai basic education service, including the top-level design and planning of the system. Then explore its practice in Shanghai. Finally, by benefit analysis, it shows that the system can not only achieve a high degree integration for information technology and education, reaching the 6A vision of education information, but also promote to form a new educational industrial economy, promoting economic restructuring, increasing contribution to GDP through education services, and gaining cost savings and environment friendly.
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    Research status and development studies of motion sensing technology
    ZHANG Shi-chao, QIAN Dong-ming
    2014, 2014 (2):  40-49, 126. 
    Abstract ( 2634 )   PDF (1021KB) ( 6260 )   Save
    This thesis introduced the basic concepts and development of the human-computer interaction technology, as well as its applications in education and related areas. On this basis, Kinect would be used as a case study, including its application in the data of the depth, and skeleton tracking.
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    Usability testing and analysis of the intelligent educational publishing platform management system
    LIU Ming-zhuo, ZHAO Na, WU Yong-he
    2014, 2014 (2):  50-59. 
    Abstract ( 1530 )   PDF (2913KB) ( 2481 )   Save
    Firstly, this paper discussed the software related usability concepts. Secondly, it takes the "Smart Educational Publishing Platform Management System" supported by the Shanghai Science and Technology Committee  as a research case to show how usability testing methods are applied in the research and development process of software respectively from the testing background, goal, tool, methods, the participants and testing procedure; during the research, using the method-thinking aloud and eye tracking for data collection and analysis; also this paper discusses the findings from the aspects-user satisfaction, errors rate, easy to learn, effectiveness, and efficiency. Lastly it gives the summary and prospect.
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    Research on design and application scenarios of smart learning environment for vocational education
    XU Xian-long, QIAN Dong-ming, WU Yong-he, SU Xiao-bing, ZHU Zhi-ting
    2014, 2014 (2):  60-69, 145. 
    Abstract ( 2071 )   PDF (2856KB) ( 2278 )   Save
    Smart learning environment for vocational education (SLEVE) has laid a foundation for reforming learning and teaching methods in this area. Firstly, promotion of new technology for vocational education was described in this paper, and new technology classification for vocational education application was proposed. Secondly, system requirements, functional requirements and technical requirements of SLEVE were analyzed in detail. Thirdly, new technology supporting for SLEVE construction was analyzed, and technical plan of SLEVE constructionbased on new technology was designed. Finally, application procedure of SLEVE was given, and main application scenarios of SLEVE were analyzed, including individual self-study, classroom teaching, experiment teaching, training center, internships and public places.
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    Standards, key technologies and applications innovation of e-Textbook and e-Schoolbag
    WU Yong-he, HE Chao, YANG Ying, MA Xiao-ling, YU Yun-tao, LIU Xiao-dan, ZHU Zhi-ting
    2014, 2014 (2):  70-86. 
    Abstract ( 2325 )   PDF (2857KB) ( 2180 )   Save
    Since e-Textbook and e-Schoolbag have been developed to a new stage, there is a bottleneck that has to be solved. This paper elaborates e-Textbook and e-Schoolbag research framework based on analysing the relationship between the standard, technology and application of e-Schoolbag and the relationship between systems, standards and technologies of e-Schoolbag from stakeholder’s perspectives firstly. Then this paper studies standards of e-Schoolbag from aspects of analysing current standard research status, standard systems, standard profiles and so on. Secondly, by analyzing the current key technology research status,this research parse the key technologies of e-Schoolbag from aspects of terminal key technologies, content key technologies, learning tools key technologies, learning services key technologies and technologies of integration innovation. Finally, this paper explores the e-Schoolbag education application from innovative ways of education, industrial development innovation, education application of innovative and educational theory innovation.
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    3D virtual learning systems and educational gaming:  possibilities for e-Textbook 2.0
    J. M. LAFFEY
    2014, 2014 (2):  87-97. 
    Abstract ( 1536 )   PDF (451KB) ( 1892 )   Save
    There are great efforts underway to improve education through defining, designing and implementing e-Textbooks. There are also substantial efforts in the research and development of 3-dimensional virtual learning environments (3D VLE) and educational gaming. This paper explores the potential of developing a new form of e-Textbook, let us call it e-Textbook 2.0, based on advancing technologies for 3D virtual learning and on designing to meet pedagogical objectives using game mechanisms and strategies. These exciting new developments are then used to argue the potential for envisioning a framework for e-Textbooks 2.0 based on 3D VLE and educational gaming. The article attempts to make the case for increased focus on how to make curriculum subjects be the subject of game play, and for designing environments and games so that learning is visible and analytics can be used to provide feedback to the teacher and the students.
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    E-Textbooks in a digital ecosystem for learning
    2014, 2014 (2):  98-115. 
    Abstract ( 1426 )   PDF (2142KB) ( 1756 )   Save
    The ISO/IEC project has so far used an online survey to discover what stakeholders across the world perceive to be the particular challenges that will be faced when technologies originally developed for commercial e-Books are transferred for use in formal education. This paper reflects on some of the key findings of this ISO/IEC work.
    Mr Weston argues that education is fundamentally about interactivity and not just about the dissemination of information. If follows that while commercial e-Books are viable as stand-alone products, e-Textbooks need to be embedded within a wider digital ecosystem for learning, an ecosystem that will comprise many different forms of software, delivering interactivity, reporting on the outcomes of that interactivity, profiling the capabilities of individual students and managing their progression. For e-Textbooks to play a full part in such an ecosystem, it is vital that they support open standards for interoperability.
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    Application design of e-Schoolbag based on PLE
    HU Hai-ming, WU Yong-he
    2014, 2014 (2):  116-126. 
    Abstract ( 2009 )   PDF (3817KB) ( 1889 )   Save
    With rapid development of learning technology, e-Schoolbag has received more concerns from the domain of educational technology and the whole education. This paper studied design methodology of the framework of services based on PLE, and gave out its reference architect. Hence it proposed the e-Schoolbag design framework via PLE, and the framework and approaches of various services. Finally it gave out design methodology of learning center and its clients. This methodology can facilitate the learning design of e-Schoolbag.
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    Standardising future formats of digital textbooks: A framework for mapping international stakeholders’ positions and context
    2014, 2014 (2):  127-136. 
    Abstract ( 1653 )   PDF (1190KB) ( 1483 )   Save
    The technical foundation under digital textbooks is still shaky as the exchange format is still being developed while new e-Textbooks are brought to the market and being tested. This paper constructs a framework to help conversations about the requirements and development of an e-Textbook format to support learning, education and training. The development will go through idea, specification and implementation stages, and the framework details factors in the standards development settings and in the implementation settings. A model for a constructive discourse about future e-Textbook formats is developed based on an evaluation framework of the value of e-Textbook and an e-Textbook lifecycle model.
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    Interoperable global standard for “smart” e-Textbooks
    B. MCCOY
    2014, 2014 (2):  137-145. 
    Abstract ( 1205 )   PDF (264KB) ( 1826 )   Save
    This paper reviews high-level requirements for digital learning content and the overall situation of e-Learning platforms to contextualize an overview of the status and adoption of EPUB 3 as an ICT standard for interoperable digital publications. The paper concludes with a review of recent and anticipated future developments for EPUB 3 and the overall Open Web Platform relative to emerging requirements for “smart” e-Textbooks and other education-oriented content.
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    Research on e-Textbook DRM and system implementation based on Marlin
    GE Xin, QU Jin, GU jie, WANG Chang-jie
    2014, 2014 (2):  146-156, 178. 
    Abstract ( 1814 )   PDF (1856KB) ( 2173 )   Save
    With the development of e-Textbook, Digital Rights Maragement (DRM) is needed urgently. In this paper, the e-Textbook specific requirements on DRM are analyzed, and then a DRM solution is designed based on Marlin DRM SDK. A demo system is developed and the result show that the current solution can provide DRM protection to e-Textbook, while at the same time satisfied with different requirements in this new area.
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    Design and development of standards of virtual learning tools in e-Schoolbag
    LEI Yun-he, YU Xiao-hua, WU Yong-he,ZHU Zhi-ting
    2014, 2014 (2):  157-166. 
    Abstract ( 1521 )   PDF (2424KB) ( 1795 )   Save
    Virtual learning tools are one of the essential motivators to deepen the application of e-Schoolbag. This paper contrasts and analyzes the relative research on learning tools and standards, then abstracts the basic theoretical frames of the two standards of them. After consulting with the members of Group of Virtual Learning Tools, combined with interviews with the specialists in the field, the classification with glossaries and the Metadata Model of virtual learning tools are formed. What’s more, the design of the other three standards including the assembly, the testing and the configuration of virtual learning tools are introduced and explained briefly.
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    Evaluation framework EFI for measuring the impact of learning, education and training
    2014, 2014 (2):  167-178. 
    Abstract ( 1402 )   PDF (3863KB) ( 1967 )   Save
    This article introduces the Evaluation Framework EFI for the Impact Measurement of learning, education and training: The Evaluation Framework for Impact Measurement was developed for specifying the evaluation phase and its objectives and tasks within the IDEAL Reference Model for the introduction and optimization of quality development within learning, education and training. First, a description of the Evaluation Framework for Impact Measurement will be provided, followed by a brief overview of the IDEAL Reference Model. Finally, an example for the implementation of the Evaluation Framework for Impact Measurement within the ARISTOTELE project is presented.
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