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    25 March 2008, Volume 2008 Issue 2 Previous Issue    Next Issue
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    Study on the features of thermodynamic field influencing MCSs trajectories over the Tibetan Plateau(Chinese)
    GUO Zhong-yang;GAN Jia-yuan;DAI Xiao-yan;GUO Ya-fen;LI Wei
    2008, 2008 (2):  1-7. 
    Abstract ( 3055 )   PDF (659KB) ( 555 )   Save
    Clustering methods of K-means and CLARANS were applied to analyze the spatial distribution features of the thermodynamic field that influenced Mesoscale Convective Systems (MCSs) moving eastward out of the Tibetan Plateau from June to August in 1998, using data from the high resolution limited area analysis and forecasting system (HLAFS) provided by China National Meteorological Center; and the thermodynamic conditions favoring the trajectories and propagations of MCSs were obtained. The results indicate that the changes of the spatial distribution features of temperature field, humidity field and water vapor flux divergence field are essential factors to predict the development and evolution of MCSs.
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    Study on digital landform patterns based on DEM in Qinling Mts(Chinese)
    MO Shen-guo
    2008, 2008 (2):  8-14. 
    Abstract ( 4631 )   PDF (713KB) ( 710 )   Save
    Using GIS and grid methods, the digital landform patterns were studied in Qinling Mts., based on the DEM data with grid precision of 100 m×100 m. The main ridge of Qinling Mts. was firstly abstracted as the reference boundary of north-south slope. Then the landform classification index was established and 4 km2 was calculated as the optimal statistical unit of landform relief in Qinling Mts. Lastly the relief data and elevation data were fused and the results of digital landform patterns of Qinling Mts. were formed after data classification and encodment.The spatial distribution of landform patterns of Qinling Mts. was specified and the 15 mountain landforms were obtained by high precision grid data.They are concordance with the former research achievements with the scale of 1 000 000 in this area.
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    Analysis of temporal and spatial variation characteristics of suspended sediment concentration of the Yangtze estuary and adjacent sea areas in flood seasons(Chinese)
    HE Chao;DING Ping-xing;KONG Ya-zhen
    2008, 2008 (2):  15-21. 
    Abstract ( 4085 )   PDF (631KB) ( 766 )   Save
    This analysis of suspended sediment concentration(SSC) was based on abundant in-situ data in recent years.The results show that:(1)the SSC in the Hangzhou Bay is the highest, in the Yangtze estuary is the second, and in the Zhoushan sea areas is the lowest; the SSC reduces gradually from the near-shore areas to the open sea, with higher in the west region and lower in the east region; the SSC shows the trend of increasing firstly from the inner estuary to the mouth, and then decreasing from the mouth to the outer estuary; at the observation stations in the Hangzhou Bay the SSC reduces from west to east.The SSC increases from north to south by transverse comparison of four stations in the outer estuary; the SSC increases generally from surface layers to bottom layers, but the main types of the vertical distributions are different in different waters. (2) The SSC has obvious and complex variations with tidal cycle, resulting from the fluctuations of the tidal currents. In addition, a preliminary analysis of reasons for the temporal and spatial variation characteristics of the SSC in the study area was also made.
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    Abundance and biomass of meiobenthos in the sea areasof Yangshan Deepwater Port(Chinese)
    YU Na;LI Yun-kai;SUN Xin-jin;CHEN Li-qiao
    2008, 2008 (2):  22-29. 
    Abstract ( 3775 )   PDF (719KB) ( 1026 )   Save
    The benthic meiofauna was quantitatively investigated from 19 stations in the sea areas of the First-phase Project of Yangshan Deepwater Port in November, 2005 and ten meiofauna groups, including nematodan, copepodan, polychaetan, bivalvian, ostracodan, amphipodan, tanaidacean,cumacean, gastropodan and foraminiferan, were recorded. Among them, the dominant fauna was nematodan with average abundance 154.05ind/(10 cm2); the following dominant ones in turn were ostracodan (58.37ind/(10 cm2)), foraminiferan(30.59ind/(10 cm2))and polychaetan(15.09ind/(10 cm2)). As to individual dry weights of meiofauna groups, the first four dominant biomass were foraminiferan(1 254.10ind/(10 cm2)), ostracodan(1 517.52ind/(10 cm2)), bivalvian(315.33ind/(10 cm2))and polychaetan(200.13ind/(10 cm2)); while nematodan lied below them with its biomass only 61.62ind/(10 cm2). There were differences of horizontal distribution between the abundance and biomass of meiofauna in 19 stations. The high abundance areas were presented from Luchao Port to Little Yangshan Island, and the high biomass areas were presented near Big and Little Yangshan Islands. Their distribution rules were not found, and the phenomena might be due to the large engineering project in East China Sea which has divided the whole distribution of meiofauna into several discontinuous parts. The results gained support from the analysis of unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic (UPGMA). The UPGMA analysisshowed that some separate stations had been brought together, which did not meet with the distribution rules of fauna. However, the high abundance of ostracodan and foraminiferan was distributed in deeper water while the high abundance of nematodan was presented in coastal water, and they could meet the distribution rules of these fauna groups.
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    Effect of hydrological condition on phytoplankton community variation in Suzhou Creek(Chinese)
    ZHU Ying;GU Yong-jie;WANG Yun;XU Na-na
    2008, 2008 (2):  30-36,1. 
    Abstract ( 4134 )   PDF (711KB) ( 774 )   Save
    This paper studied the phytoplankton and flow velocities of Suzhou Creek from December,2005 to July,2006 and discussed the correlation between them. The results showed that, in high-flow period, the quantity variations of Cyclotella sp.and Chlorella vulgaris were similar in different flow velocities. Cyclotella sp. and Chlorella vulgaris were both main dominant species of phytoplankton. And there were large variation in the quantity, species and the content of chlorophyll a of phytoplankton in different hydrographic periods.The quantity and species of algae were higher and more in high-flow period than that in low-flow period and average-flow period.During the three periods, the average content of chlorophyll a in neap tide was more than that in spring tide.
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    2008, 2008 (2):  37-40. 
    Abstract ( 3995 )   PDF (378KB) ( 603 )   Save
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    Reduction functions of runoff contaminants by the urban greenbelt(Chinese)
    YANG Qing-hai;Lv Shu-hua;LI Xiu-yan;HUANG Min-sheng;YANG Kai
    2008, 2008 (2):  41-47. 
    Abstract ( 3688 )   PDF (697KB) ( 702 )   Save
    In this paper,an artificial greenbelt and a lab-scale rainfall device were used to study the pollutant removal mechanisms of stromwater runoff through urban greenbelt.The results showed that,it was the cooperation of biological and abiological actions that caused the reduction of runoff contaminants. The average removal efficiencies of COD,NH4+-N,NO3--N,TN and TP were 41.3%,44.1%,38.5%,38.2% and 39.0% respectively. Soil adsorption actions play the most important role during the rainfall,and microbial degradation mainly operates from the 5th day to the 8th day after rainfall. About in two weeks,COD,NH4+-N,NO3--N,TN and TP were basically removed and the soil were restored for next rainfall.
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    Homotopy analytic solution to a kind of two species ecological model(Chinese)
    WU Zi-ku;LIU Zhi-liang
    2008, 2008 (2):  48-52. 
    Abstract ( 3313 )   PDF (384KB) ( 518 )   Save
    A kind of two species ecological model was considered in
    this paper. Using the me-thod of homotopy analysis, the approximation of the
    solution for the model was obtained.The approximationsolution was compared with the analytic solution and
    numerical solution in competitive system and free system, respectively. The result
    showed that the method is feasible for the ecological model studies.
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    Differential expression analysis of the wild cells KAx-3 and the mutant cells AK127 in Dictyostelium discoideum(Chinese)
    WANG Yi-zheng;ZHANG Min;HOU Lian-sheng
    2008, 2008 (2):  53-58,9. 
    Abstract ( 3497 )   PDF (675KB) ( 763 )   Save
    To study the influence of gp150 protein on the gene expression during Dictyostelium discoideum development, differential display was used to analyze the differences of gene expression between the wild cells KAx-3 and the mutant cells AK127 (absence of gp150) at 14 h of their development. The results indicated that gene expressions are obviously different between the two type cells. The 275 bp fragments which did not express in the mutant cells showed partial sequence similar to the gene encoding histidine kinase, STATc protein and homeobox protein. The data suggest that mutant cells cannot complete development because gp150 is responsible for the mediation of the gene expression of some regulatory factor
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    Study on pathways of modulation of thalamic tactileinformation by anterior cingulate cortex(Chinese)
    WANG De-heng;BAI Jing;CUI Yi-hui;SI Wen;CAO Xiao-hua
    2008, 2008 (2):  59-62,1. 
    Abstract ( 4065 )   PDF (379KB) ( 456 )   Save
    The cingulate cortex in the prefrontal cortex is an encephalic region that closely relates to the sensory function. The thalamic tactile response can be modulated by cingulate cortex. Using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) retrograde tracing technique, the pathway that anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) modulates sensory information of thalamic ventrobasal (VB) nucleus was investigated. The experiments were performed using 10 Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats that were anesthetized with napental (1%). The results suggested that VB nucleus could accept the projections from posterior cingulate cortex (PCC). In addition, PCC had projections from ACC as well. Therefore, the circuit loop of ACC-PCC-thalamic VB nucleus might be one of the pathways by which ACC modulates the activities of tactile neurons in thalamic VB nucleus.
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    Influence of the lateral nucleus of amygdala stimulation on the auditory responses to frequency-modulated sound in auditory cortex(Chinese)
    CHEN Fu-jun;HE De-fu;ZHOU Shao-ci
    2008, 2008 (2):  64-70. 
    Abstract ( 3185 )   PDF (703KB) ( 455 )   Save
    The aim of this study is to investigate the influence of the lateral nucleus of amygdala stimulation on the auditory response in the auditory cortex evoked by frequency-modulated sound. The experiments were performed on 34 urethane anesthetized SD rats using extracellular recording. 113 auditory neurons were recorded in the cortical area 41. The auditory response pattern includes ON response, OFF response, ON-OFF response, sustained response and suppression of the spontaneous discharge. 42 neurons were recorded with the amygdala stimulation. The results showed that the facilitated and inhibitory effects were 22% and 48% respectively. The other 30% of recorded neurons has no change to the stimulation. The influence of the amygdala on the auditory response indicated that the amygdala can engage in the auditory ascending information process and integration in the cortex level. It suggests that the amygdala may have an important role in the selection of the auditory ascending information.
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    Cloning of zebrafish cyclin C cDNA and its developmental expression pattern(Chinese)
    LIN Ai-fu;JIA Fang-jun;ZHENG Fu-jun;WANG Qun;YAN Yuan-chang;LI Yi-ping
    2008, 2008 (2):  71-77. 
    Abstract ( 4180 )   PDF (661KB) ( 474 )   Save
    Cyclin C binds the cyclin-dependent kinase 8 (cdk8) , which regulates transcription by phosphorylating RNA polymerase II and TFIIH. The effect of cyclin C on zygotic transcription activation during vertebrate embryonic development is poorly understood.This paper described the clone and developmental expression pattern of zebrafish cyclin C cDNA. It was highly conserved, sharing 88% amino acid sequence identity with human cyclin C, thereby indicating an important role for the protein. Northern blotting and whole mount in situ hybridisation revealed expression of zebrafish cyclin C maternally, following the onset of zygotic transcription at the mid-blastula transition (MBT) and throughout embryonic development.
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    Inhibitory effects of polysaccharides extracted from phellinus linteus on the proliferation and metastasis of HO-8910PM and Bcap-37(Chinese)
    ZHAO Lan;ZHANG Hong-feng
    2008, 2008 (2):  78-84. 
    Abstract ( 3224 )   PDF (610KB) ( 531 )   Save
    This paper studied the effects and mechanism of polysaccharides extracted from Phellinus linteus on the proliferation and metastasis of HO-8910PM and Bcap-37.The results showed PL inhibited the growth of Bcap37 tumor in vivo by 65.37%, while inhibited the proliferation of HO-8910PM and Bcap-37 in vitro respectively by 15.53% and 23.81%.PL induced G0/G1 phase arrest and 500 ind/ml PL induced HO-8910PM cell apoptosis after 96 h treatments.PL may act as a direct inhibitor of HO-8910PM cell adhesion, invasion and migration which are related to tumor metastasis.The result indicated that PL has inhibitory effect on tumor cell proliferation and metastasis.
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    Protonema development and observation on oil bodies of Cheilolejeunea ventricosa (Schiffn.) X.L.He(Chinese)
    YU Chuan-mei;ZHENG Min;ZHU Rui-liang
    2008, 2008 (2):  85-91. 
    Abstract ( 3358 )   PDF (709KB) ( 479 )   Save
    The spores of Cheilolejeunea ventricosa (Schiffn.) X.L.He were cultured on MS media (without acid and vitamin, pH=6.2, with 1% agar and 1% sucrose). The sporeling development and oil body ontogeny were observed. After a 55-day-long axenic culture, young plants were obtained successfully. Sodium hypochlorite solution was used to sterilize the capsules. Our results revealed that the sterilizing treatment with 0.1% Sodium hypochlorite solution for a period of 5 seconds was optimal. Oil bodies in primary protonemata are nearly homogeneous, but distinctly compound in the leaf cells of the primary leafy shoots. The spore germination and sporeling of Cheilolejeunea ventricosa belongs to Lejeunea type.
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    Screening of a phenanthrene-degrading bacterium and its microstructure of cell surface(Chinese)
    ZHAO Yu;GAO Lin;XU Ya-tong;GUO Lu-sheng;LU Yi-tong
    2008, 2008 (2):  92-99. 
    Abstract ( 3231 )   PDF (704KB) ( 487 )   Save
    One strain which could use phenanthrene as sole carbon source was isolated from petroleum and heavy metal containminated soil,collected from old industry depot in northeast China.Based on morphological and physio-biochemical characteristics and homology identification of 16S rDNA sequence,the strain ZX16 was identified as Sphingomonas aromaticivorans.In the mineral salts medium under initial phenanthrene concentration of 1 500 mg/L the removal rates of phenanthrene was 98.2% within 72 h. Tolerance of ZX16 to phenanthrene exceeds 2 500 mg/L and ZX16 was relatively to the cell growth at neutral pH value. The effect of different heavy metal on degrading rate was Cu2+>Cd2+>Zn2+>Pb2+in order. Microstructure of cell surface screening by Atomic Force Microscopy shows that the volume and morphous of strain have significant changes and the surface also changes from rough to smooth and glossy.
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    SEM observation on morphogenesis of the ventral cortical ciliatures of Stylonychia mytilus(Chinese)
    TANG Lei;NI Bing;GU Fu-kang
    2008, 2008 (2):  100-106. 
    Abstract ( 3271 )   PDF (827KB) ( 550 )   Save
    During the asexual division of Stylonychia mytilus, holes were observed on the surface of cell pellicle in the anlagen region by using scanning electron microscope. Then, cilia buds extended from each hole and formed the anlagen region of new ciliatures; 1/3 part of the old adoral zone of membranelles (AZM) was renewed, together with the leftever constitute an intact AZM at the original area which belonged to the proter; The new marginal cirri primordium presents in the front and the middle part of the degenerated site of the old marginal cirri, after that, the new marginal cirri formed at the right area but not the originally area of the old ones. These results show that during the process of morphogenesis, the basal bodies form below the surface of cell pellicle; the constitution of AZM in the proter is related to the renewal of the old AZM, the old cilias which belong to the anlagen region played an important part in the location and orientation of the new structure, what′s more, supplied its development with some substances.
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    Electrical stimulation of rat medial prefrontal cortex influences responses of auditory cortical neurons to acoustic stimuli(Chinese)
    YANG Wen-wei;HAN Lin-lin;ZHOU Xiao-ming;SUN Xin-de
    2008, 2008 (2):  108-114. 
    Abstract ( 3495 )   PDF (719KB) ( 673 )   Save
    Conventional electrophysiological technique was used to investigate the influences of electrical stimulation to medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) on the acoustically evoked responses of auditory cortical (AC) neurons in 40 rats. Among 122 AC neurons isolated, the influences of mPFC on the acoustically evoked responses of 93 AC neurons were investigated systematically. 20 (21.5%) neurons were not affected, but the acoustically evoked responses of the remaining (73 neurons, 78.5%) were either facilitated (39 neurons,41.9%) or inhibited (34 neurons, 36.6%). The degree of facilitation and inhibition in the acoustically evoked responses was dependent upon the time intervals between acoustic and electrical stimuli. The best intervals of facilitation or inhibition were between 5 and 30 ms (mostly 10 and 15 ms). Our findings suggest that the mPFC may affect the activity of AC neurons through different multi-synaptic pathways.
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    Two new records of the genus Stenus, subgenus Metastenus from China (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae)(English)
    TANG Liang;AN Chuan-guang;LI Jia-yao;LIN Ling;ZHAO Yun-long
    2008, 2008 (2):  115-121. 
    Abstract ( 3350 )   PDF (484KB) ( 571 )   Save
    Stenus (Metatesnus) pubescens fraternus Casey, 1884 and S. (Metatesnus) depressus Puthz, 1973 were firstly recorded from China. The diagnostic characters of these two species were described and illustrated. A key to the known four Chinese Stenus species of subgenus Metatesnus was also provided.
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    Method for control data synchronization of business modules in a stack system(Chinese)
    WU He-lan;HU Bing-yuan;CHEN Bi-duo
    2008, 2008 (2):  122-130. 
    Abstract ( 3202 )   PDF (686KB) ( 382 )   Save
    This paper defined a set of architectural and modeling to send data from stack master equipment to stack slave equipment in regular sequence in a stack system, to achieve graceful restart and non-stop forwarding. A method for batch data synchronization was presented, with the help of message channel detection and sequence number confirmation, it can improve the efficiency and reliability. The running results showed that this architectural and modeling totally satisfied the design requirements of non-stop forwarding.
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    Maximum principle of conditional optimal nonlinear perturbation(Chinese)
    LIU Yong-ming
    2008, 2008 (2):  131-134. 
    Abstract ( 3739 )   PDF (223KB) ( 725 )   Save
    The effect of initial data on the state of nonlinear systems (evolution equation and ordinary differential equations) at a fixed later time T is an important subject to study. The maximum norm of disturbances at time T when the finite amplitude of initial data disturbances restricted in a region (called the initial disturbance region) is studied. By considering the solutions to the problems of backwards in time and the hypothesizing the continuously dependence of solutions to the initial dada, it is proved that if the maximum norm of disturbances at time T is attained, then the initial data are at the boundary of the initial disturbance region. The importance of the results is on reducing the computation labor of the maximum norm of the disturbances.
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    Stabilities for multiobjective programming under conical order perturbations(Chinese)
    LI Zhi-gang;ZHOU Xuan-wei
    2008, 2008 (2):  135-140. 
    Abstract ( 2992 )   PDF (313KB) ( 397 )   Save
    In this paper the stabilities of the efficient points and the weak efficient points were discussed under cone order perturbations with fixed feasible set, in the sense of Painleve-Kuratowski convergence of set sequence. The stabilities of the same kind of multiobjective programming problems were also given, and the stability results under the linear operators were obtained.
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