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    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Science) 2015 Vol.2015
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    Ext-transfer for modular Lie algebras
    LI Yi-Yang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 1-5.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.001
    Abstract1150)      PDF (163KB)(1533)      
    Let G be a connected reductive algebraic group over an algebraically closed field k of prime characteristic p and g = Lie(G). This paper studied the Ext-groups of g with a p-character  of standard Levi form. An Ext-transfer result from g-modules to the modules of its Levi subalgebras was obtained. 
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    Notes on Chen’s inequalities for submanifolds of real space forms with a semi-symmetric non-metric connection
    ZHANG Liang, ZHANG Pan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 6-15.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.002
    Abstract1078)      PDF (216KB)(1927)      
    By using algebraic techniques, we proved Chen’s general inequalities for submanifolds of real space forms with a semi-symmetric non-metric connection, which generalized a result of C. ¨Ozg¨ur and A. Mihai. Also, a mistake of their paper has been modified.
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    JIA Yang-Jie
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 16-26.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.003
    Abstract1110)      PDF (282KB)(1341)      
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    Cells of the weighted Coxeter group (B3, ?)
    MI Qian-Qian, SHI Jian-Yi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 27-41.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.004
    Abstract1066)      PDF (319KB)(1332)      
    The affine Coxeter group ( e B3, S) can be realized as the fixed point set of the
    affine Coxeter group ( e D4, eS) under a certain group automorphism α with α( eS) = eS. Let
    e? be the length function of e D4. We gave an explicit description for all the left cells of the
    weighted Coxeter group ( e B3, e?). Also§we showed that in the the weighted Coxeter groups
    ( e D4, e?) and ( e B3, e?), each left (respectively, two-sided) cell was left-connected (respectively,
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    Efficient characterization for I{2} and M{2}
    ZHENG Dao-Sheng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 42-50.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.005
    Abstract981)      PDF (214KB)(1249)      
    An important characterization formula for M{2} was given by Stewart where M 2 Cm×n. But this formula contains redundant arbitrary parameters, and therefore is nonefficient. This paper, by using the matrix full rank decomposition, showed that for a proper subset of I{2}s, which is denoted as B1, the redundant arbitrary parameters in Stewart’s formula can be eliminated, and I{2}s is a union set of its certain subsets, and each of the subsets is 2-norm isometry with B1. Finally, the efficient characterization fonmulas for I{2}s, I{2} and M{2} are obtained respectively. An algorithm was provided that can be used to compute any element of I{2}s, and avoid the repeat computation work for each
    element of I{2}s.
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    A general existence and uniqueness result on multidimensional BSDEs
    XU Shao-Ya, FAN Sheng-Jun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 51-60.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.006
    Abstract1199)      PDF (215KB)(1664)      
    This paper established a general existence and uniqueness result of solutions for multidimensional backward stochastic differential equations (BSDEs) whose generators satisfy the weakly monotonic condition in y, which generalizes some existing results.
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    Error bounds of regularized gap functions for smooth and nonmonotone variational inequality problems
    WANG Li-Na, LI Ming-Hua
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 61-67.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.007
    Abstract1015)      PDF (189KB)(1264)      
    By using a class of regularized gap functions for a variational inequality problem, two kinds of global error bounds of the nonmonotone variational inequality problem under some different conditions was established.
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    Lipschitz equivalence of dust-like Lalley self-affine sets
    LI Wen-Wen, MA Yu-Tian
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 68-74.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.008
    Abstract1099)      PDF (175KB)(1182)      
    We consider a class of Lalley self-affine sets and show that two sets E and F from this class are Lipschitz equivalent if they are dust-like.
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    An oscillation result for some higher order linear differential equations
    HU Meng-Wei, HUANG Zhi-Gang, SUN Gui-Rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 75-83.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.009
    Abstract1109)      PDF (295KB)(1317)      
    The distribution of zeros of solutions of higher order linear differential equations with entire coefficients was investigated by using complex oscillation theory of linear differential equations. It was proved that the exponent of convergence of zeros of every transcendental solution of the equations is infinite if given a small perturbation to one of the coefficients.
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    An analytic proof for the formula of the first order obstruction making the dimensions of Bott-Chern cohomology groups and Aeppli cohomology groups jumping
    LIN Jie-Zhu, YE Xuan-Ming
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 84-94.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.010
    Abstract1437)      PDF (332KB)(1434)      
    Let X be a compact complex manifold, and let  : X ! B be a small deformation of X, the dimensions of the Bott-Chern cohomology groups or Aeppli
    cohomology groups may vary under this deformation. In [1], M. Schweitzer constructed a complex of sheaves L•p,q, and represented Bott-Chern cohomology groups or Aeppli cohomology groups as the cohomology groups of L•p,q. In [2], the author have studied this jumping phenomenon by studying the deformation obstructions of a hypercohomology class of a complex of sheaves B• p,q which is quasi-isomorphic to L• p,q[1]. In particular, they obtain an explicit formula for the obstructions. In this paper, the formula of the first order obstruction is proved in another way by using cohomology of L• p,q.
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    Single-value extension property for anti-diagonal operator matrices and their square
    CUI Miao-Miao, CAO Xiao-Hong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 95-102.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.011
    Abstract1134)      PDF (269KB)(1573)      
    In this paper, we mainly proved the equivalence of the perturbation of single-value extension property for anti-diagonal operator matrices and their square on an infinite dimensional separable Hilbert space.
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    Series expansions for three familiar irrational numbers with free parameters
    WEI Chuan-An, GONG Dian-Xuan, WANG Qin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 103-113.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.012
    Abstract1195)      PDF (204KB)(1378)      
    √2, √3and √5are important irrational numbers, but the series expansions for them are rare in the literature. In order to fill the gap, we established numerous series expansions for these numbers with free parameters in terms of the hypergeometric method.
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    On the independence number of edge chromatic critical graphs
    QI Lin-Ming, MIAO Lian-Ying, LI Wei-Qi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 114-119.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.013
    Abstract1113)      PDF (235KB)(1546)      
    In 1968, Vizing conjectured for any edge chromatic critical graph G = (V,E) with maximum degree Δ and independence number α(G), α(G)≤|V|/2. In this paper, we proved that α(G) ≤(3Δ-3)/(5Δ-3)|V| for Δ∈{9,10} and α(G) ≤(15Δ-42)/(23Δ-42)|V| for Δ∈{11, · · · , 46}
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    Cited: Baidu(7)
    Harary index of unicyclic graphs with n vertices and k pendent vertices
    CAI Gai-Xiang, YU Gui-Dong, XING Bao-Hua
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 120-125.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.014
    Abstract1200)      PDF (184KB)(1709)      
    The Harary index is defined as the sum of reciprocals of distances between all pairs of vertices of a connected graph. In this paper, the graph with the largest Harary index among all the unicyclic graphs with n vertices and k pendent vertices were investigated.
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    On limit points of the third largest Laplacian eigenvalues of graphs
    WU Ya-Rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 126-130.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.015
    Abstract1025)      PDF (193KB)(1402)      
    For a different parameter $b$, let $l_G(b)$ denote the second largest root of $b\mu(\mu-2)\!-\!(\mu-1)^2(\mu-3)\!=\!0$ $(b\!=\!0,1,\cdots)$ and $l_T(b)$ denote the second largest root of $b\mu(\mu-2)\!-\!(\mu-1)^2(\mu-3)\!-\!(\mu-1)(\mu-2)\!=\!0$$(b\!=\!0,1,\cdots)$. Firstly, we will prove that there exist sequences of graphs  $\{G_{n,b}\}(b\!=\!0,1,\cdots)$ and $\{T_{n,b}\}(b\!=\!0,1,\cdots)$ such that their limit points of the third largest Laplacian eigenvalues are $l_G(b)$ and $l_T(b)$, respectively. Secondly, we will prove that $l_G(b)$, $l_T(b)$ and $2$ are all of the limit points of the third largest Laplacian eigenvalues which are no more than 2
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    The linear arboricity of upper-embedded graph and secondary upper-embedded graph
    LYU Chang-Qing
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 131-135.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.016
    Abstract1023)      PDF (255KB)(1272)      
    The linear arboricity of a graph $G$ is the minimum number of linear forests which partition the edges of $G$. In the present, it is proved that if a upper-embedded graph $G$ has $\Delta\geqslant 3\sqrt{4-3\varepsilon}$  then its linear arboricity is $\lceil\frac{\Delta}{2}\rceil$\,and if a secondary upper-embedded graph $G$ has $\Delta\geqslant 6\sqrt{1-\varepsilon}$ then its linear arboricity is $\lceil \frac{\Delta}{2}\rceil$, where $\varepsilon\leqslant0$. It improves the bound of the conclusion in [1]. As its application, the linear arboricity of a  triangulation graph on double torus is concluded
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    On the maximal matching energy of graphs
    WU Ting-Zeng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 136-141.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.017
    Abstract1114)      PDF (251KB)(1464)      
    The matching energy is defined as the sum of the absolute values of the zeros
    of the matching polynomial of a graph, which was firstly proposed by Gutman and Wagner
    (The matching energy of a graph, Discrete Appl. Math. 2012 (160): 2177õ2187). And
    they showed that the complete graph Kn had maximum matching energy in all graphs on
    n vertices. In this paper, among all graphs on n vertices, the graphs with i-th maximal
    matching energy are completely characterized, where i = 2, 3, . . . , 16.
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    The multi-object optimization of a spatial cable-driven parallel manipulator
    CHEN Jie, SUN Xiao-Long, MO Wei
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 142-150.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.018
    Abstract1369)      PDF (756KB)(1615)      
    This paper investigates the multi-object optimization for a spatial 6-DOF (degree-of-freedom) cable-driven parallel manipulator. The optimization based on an NN (neural network)-genetic algorithm was carried out respectively with regarded to workspace volume, the minimum tension and global dexterity index, then three groups of satisfactory solutions were obtained. Furthermore, the weight coefficients for the multi-object optimization model were gained through the grey clustering method. The results show that the NN-genetic algorithm is effective for the structural optimization and can provide a useful reference for the optimal design of similar manipulators
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    K coverage of WiFi signal node deployment based on AFSA
    LI Zhong-Xiang, CHEN Lei
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 151-160.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.10005641.2015.01.019
    Abstract1077)      PDF (4146KB)(1194)      
    On the requirement of multiple wireless coverage in some hot applications like indoor positioning and navigation, multipath routing etc., this paper presented a K coverage placement scheme based on an improved Artificial FishSwarm Algorithm (AFSA). A simple obstacle interference describing model was also designed to make our simulation scenario closer to a real one. The simulative results showed that our method could obviously reduce the number of signal nodes and their aggregation on the premise of coverage.
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    An improved active contour model based on level set method
    WU Zhang, ZHU Min
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 161-171.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.020
    Abstract1091)      PDF (1226KB)(1564)      
    By using the local regional information which has the ability to enhance the image, an improved active contour model based on level set method is proposed. Defining a novel SPF function with a nonnegative kernel function and local intensity clustering property, the novel model could draw upon intensity information in local regions at a controllable scale. In addition, the penalizing term which can be called distance regularization term drives the motion of the zero level set toward desired locations. Experimental results for real and synthetic images show the desirable proposed method performances and the model efficiency on intensity inhomogeneities and weak boundaries
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    A quantitative analysis technique for multi-classes access control model based on security entropy
    CHE Tian-Wei, MA Jian-Feng, WANG Chao, LI Na
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 172-177.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.021
    Abstract1040)      PDF (297KB)(1311)      
    To resolve the problem of quantitative analysis on classificatory information systems, a quantitative analysis technique is proposed based on security entropy. Firstly, the security entropy is put forward according to the information theory, to calculate the uncertainty of the system's determinations on the
    irregular access behaviors. Then the security theorems of classificatory information systems are defined based on security entropy. Finally, the typical access control models are analyzed by the technique, the technique's practicability is validated, and security and applicability of these models are compared. The result proves that the technique is suit for security quantitative analysis on access control model and evaluation to access control capability in information system
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    Angular distributions of photo-fragment ions of CH3OH molecules in the femtosecond laser fields
    FAN Qing-Fei, YANG Yan, WU Hua, ZHOU Bin, WANG Xiao, TENG Chong, SUN Zhen-Rong, WU Liang-Ping
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 178-185.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.022
    Abstract1195)      PDF (785KB)(1095)      
    The multi-photon dissociation and coulomb explosion of methanol in the femtosecond laser field have been investigated by dc-slice imaging technique combined with time of flight mass spectroscopy. Time of flight mass spectroscopy and sliced images of fragment ions were obtained, and the kinetic energy release and angular distributions of photo-fragment ions were also measured. The kinetic energy release of CH2+,H2O+ and CH3+,OH+ meet the conservation of momentum, it is proved that they come from process of Coulomb explosion. Based on the comparison of the migration pathway and non-migration pathway from the C-O bond cleavage, the intensity dependence of the anisotropy parameter a2 and cos2θ values for each channel were calculated, which indicated the dynamic molecular alignments of methanol in the femtosecond laser fields dominates.
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    Ionization characteristics of the hydrogen ground state in an intense high-frequency laser field
    GAO Wan-Qin, WANG Jia-Xiang, ZHANG Ya-Yun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 186-194.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.023
    Abstract1129)      PDF (1736KB)(1363)      
    By using phase average method, the ionization dynamics of the hydrogen ground state (1s) under an intense high-frequency laser pulse has been studied in details. The influence of the laser frequency, polarization, pulse length and phase upon the ionization rate are explored. It is found that the ionization is very sensitive to the pulse phase. According to the steepness of the pulse rising and falling time, we found a “mixed regime” in the pulse phase, which can be used to explain the different dynamics of the ionization.
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    Research on parton distributions in nucleon
    XU Shi-Lei, RUAN Jian-Hong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 195-202.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.024
    Abstract1141)      PDF (851KB)(1314)      
    We present the parton distributions at leading order (LO) coming from GJR, MSTW and CTEQ parton sets and compare them at different momentum scales. Obvious differences exist in their gluon and sea quark distributions at small x region. Itindicates that people have not known the nucleon parton distributions very well. We analysze the influence of higher twist effects, i.e., the shadowing effects and anti-shadowing effects, on parton distributions. Because of the shadowing effects, the twist-4 gluon and sea quark distributions are smaller than the twist-2 distributions at small and middle x region, while, the anti-shadowing effects make the twist-4 gluon and sea quark distributions larger than the twist-2 distributions at x & 2 region. Finally, we present a detailed analysis of how the proton’s momentum is shared among various parton flavors at different Q2 for different parton sets. With the numerical calculation, we show that the MD-DGLAP equations are momentum conservation.
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    Resonant modes and peak gain analysis of LLC resonant converter
    ZHANG Li-Sheng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 203-211.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.01.025
    Abstract2042)      PDF (944KB)(2101)      
    LLC resonant converter has outstanding advantages in high power conversion efficiency and wide range adaptability of input voltage, but research on the peak gain is clearly insufficient. Therefore, the peak gain of LLC resonant converter is studied. According to the operation process of the series-parallel resonance, the converter can be divided into three resonant modes: inadequate resonant mode, complete resonant mode and over resonant mode. When the converter operates in complete resonant mode, it reaches its maximum value, and the corresponding switching frequency is named critical frequency. Finally, derivation of time-domain expression of the peak gain and the critical frequency is completed through the establishment of the converter state equations, and the accuracy of theoretical analysis is verified through simulation and experiment.
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    Investigation, oleaginousness of the major nonfood biodiesel plant resources in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces
    LI Xing-Lin, LIU Qiao-Xia, CHENG Zhi-Quan, HU Chao, GE Bin-Jie, LI Hong-Qing, TIAN Huai-Zhen
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 212-223.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.10005641.2015.01.026
    Abstract1398)      PDF (606KB)(1409)      
    The characteristics and distribution of the current Nonfood Biodiesel Plant (NFBP) resources in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces were investigated and the oil content of these plants were detected. The results showed that 151 species of energy plants in 59 families and 123 genera were of higher than 10% oil content. The oil content of some species such as Lindera chienii, L. angustifolia and L. rubronervia in Lauraceae, Euonymus maackii in Celastraceae, Vernicia fordii and Ricinus communis in Euphorbiaceae, Camellia sinensis in Theaceae were higher than 50%. Only Triadica sebifera were widely cultivated and utilized, Camellia oleifera and Vernicia fordi were less utilized, C. sinensis had not been utilized. Finally, some suggestions on the potential development were given according to the actual situation of NFBP resources in Shanghai, Jiangsu and Anhui provinces.
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    Analysis on regional industries based on input output table and SNA: A case of seven provinces in Eastern China
    SUN Lu, XUE Bing, GENG Yong, ZHANG Li-Ming
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 224-233.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.10005641.2015.01.027
    Abstract1672)      PDF (947KB)(1914)      
    Industrial relationship is the basis of investigating the industrial agglomeration, understanding the industrial structure and clarifying the industrial associations. By employing the methodology of Social Networking Analysis (SNA) based on the 2002 and 2007 InputOutput Table, this paper aims to carry out the quantitative study on the industrial relationship, measure the economic ties degree and identify the various functions of different industries. By taking the seven provincial regions located in Eastern China as cases, 42 industrial sectors are studied by calculating the cluster degree, nodes centrality, nodes intermediary, and closedegree to the center. The results show that, Shanghai has the highest industrial coupling degree while Anhui province is the lowest; the industries have different levels, and about 8 clusters have been formed, such a close industrial economic relationship means that the tendency of economic integration. The results of this study could provide quantitative analysis of industrial relationship and restructuring the industries.
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    Forecasting of Shanghai Port container throughput  under seasonal variation influence
    DU Gang, LIU Ya-Nan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 234-239.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.10005641.2015.01.028
    Abstract1249)      PDF (1401KB)(1878)      
    It is very important for successful port operation and effective decisionmakingby forecasting container throughput accurately. The Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model (ARIMA) and the Seasonal Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average model(SARIMA) are applied to the monthly data from 2007 to 2012 of Shanghai Port container throughput to forecast the container throughput of Shanghai Port. The seasonal variation of monthly port container throughputdata can be handled by SARIMA. Compared with ARIMA, SARIMA performed better and improved the Port container throughputprediction accuracy because of removing the seasonal variation.
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    Remote sensing and GIS based analysis of urban ecological  network in Pudong New Area, Shanghai
    ZHANG Lin, TIAN Bo, ZHOU Yun-Xuan, ZHU Chun-Jiao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (1): 240-251.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.10005641.2015.01.000
    Abstract1391)      PDF (3405KB)(1942)      
    Grassland, forest land and wetland are ecological habitats and elements of the basic urban ecological network of Pudong New Area in Shanghai. Due to the rapid growth in population and economy, the builtup area of Pudong New Area expands quickly, which result in the ecological habitats area decrease and fragmentation. The immediate consequences are the lowering of its ecological function and connectivity of the ecological networks. Using high resolution images from satellite FW2 acquired in 2011 and in combination with the ground investigations, we obtain the land use and land cover data of grass lands, forests land and wetlands by applying objectoriented remote sensing classification method and visualpostprocessing method. Supported by GIS techniques, we useseveral quantitative analysis algorithms, including Multilevel Weights, LeastCost Path and Gravity Model, to quantify the structure ofthe ecological network. The results show that: (1) the total area of grass lands, forest landsand wetlands in Pudong New Area is 179.9×103 hm2 , which is 65.41% of the total area; (2) there are few large patches with strong ecological suitability, and imbalanced along north-south direction; (3)the forest landsare the superior landscape type in the ecological network of the study area and make up 51.39% in the 10meterwidth ecological buffer zone; (4)Jiuduansha Wetland and Nanhui Dongtan Wildlife Sanctuary play important roles in ecological niche; and (5)land use structure changes rabidly with the increase of buffer distance, that is the ecological habitats reduce while building area increases.
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    Coupling of sulfur and iron with nitrogen and phosphorus in sediments of malodorous river: A review
    LI Wen-Chao, WANG Wen-Hao, HE Yan, HUANG Min-Sheng, LI Zhi-Hong, ZHOU Kun, ZHU Lin-Lin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 1-8.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.001
    Abstract1729)      PDF (1957KB)(2480)      
    The coupling of sulfur and iron with nitrogen and phosphorus are intertwined to regulate the release of endogenous pollution from polluted river sediments. This paper summarized the environment behavior of blackening and odorcausing elements of sulfur and iron with key nutrients of nitrogen and phosphorus as well as the latest research progress on their coupling mechanisms. It also emphasized the great significance of exploring the coupling progress of sulfur and iron with nitrogen and phosphorus for solving the tough problem of reducing the nitrogen and phosphorus levels below national consent standards in treating malodorous rivers.
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    Study on formation mechanism, and control and preventive measures of eutrophication secondary disasters in urban malodorous back river
    CAO Cheng-Jin, CHEN Zhen-Lou, HUANG Min-Sheng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 9-20.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.002
    Abstract1369)      PDF (3644KB)(2262)      
    In this paper, the eutrophication secondary disasters in urban malodorousback river were reviewed from the forming and treatment of “malodorousback”, and the disaster forms and control and preventive measures. The results indicated that with the implementation of many treatment projects, technologies and measures in pollution control and remediation, pollution load of urban malodorousback river was greatly reduced, water quality had been much improved, and the “malodorousback” disappeared gradually. All these resulted to the nutrient that can be utilized by plant was at high level, and the damaged ecosystem of urban river was restored and constructed. Once those environmental factors were very suitable, the major outbreak of eutrophication secondary disasters (e.g. algal bloom, Lemna minor L, Eichhorniacrassipes.) could be unavoidable. For its part, the control and preventive measures of eutrophication secondary disasters must be based on the treatment and remediation of “malodorousback”. In addition, we realized that the outbreak of eutrophication secondary disasters would be an unavoidable stage of the treatment and remediation of “malodorousback”, and the current focus on pollution control and remediation of urban river should be changed from the severe pollution treatment (e.g. “malodorousback”) to the nutrient (Nitrogen, phosphorus, etc.) control.
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    Influence of the geographic landscape on mosquito breeding in summer in Shanghai
    MA Ming-Hai, ZHANG Bo, HUANG Min-Sheng, LENG Pei-恩
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 21-29.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.003
    Abstract1368)      PDF (5323KB)(1571)      
    The data of land utilization and landscape diversity within mosquito monitoring point buffers in summer of 2007—2008 in Shanghai were extracted by remote sensing and geographic information system. In order to provide a reference basis for prevention and control of anophelism during the process of urbanization, the effect of variation and characteristic of spatial distribution of water and vegetation on mosquito density fluctuation were analyzed. The results showed that there was a positive relationship between mosquito density and landscape diversity, density of water network and vegetation, while negative relationship with degree of landscape fragmentation. It was conducive to mosquito breeding when the degree of vegetation coverage was 50%~70% in the study districts. The mosquito density of water and water conservancy facilities was larger than other types of land use and the mosquito density of suburb exceeded downtown of Shanghai in summer of 2007—2008. Therefore, the urban construction would influence the mosquito density significantly.
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    Analysis and assessment on monthly dynamics of water quality in six medium and small creeks in Shanghai
    MA Ming-Hai, HUANG Min-Sheng, HU Wei, WEI Jin-Bao, LIU Su-Fang, MA Jun-Fei, HAN Li
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 30-39.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.004
    Abstract1243)      PDF (3191KB)(1291)      
    The parameters of water quality such as pH, WT, DO, SD,  NH4+-N,TN,DP,TP,CODCr,CODMn,BOD5,TOC和Chl-a were chosen as primary assessment factors to evaluate the water quality of six medium and small creeks in Shanghai by principal component analysis, comprehensive pollution index, comprehensive nutritive index, organic pollution index and comprehensive water quality identification index from Match 2013 to February 2014. The evaluation methods were compared, and pollution sources of creeks were also analyzed. Results showed that great spatial difference was obtained among the water qualities of six creeks. The water quality of Danjiang creek was the worst, followed by Gongye creek, and that of Liwa creek was the best. TN and TP were the main primary pollution factors. The major form of total phosphorus in the six creeks was existed as dissolved phosphorus. The main form of nitrogen in creeks of Gongye, Changbang, Zhenru and Danjiang was of ammonia nitrogen. However, nitrate nitrogen was considered as the main form of nitrogen in creeks of Yingtao and Liwa.
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    Review of simulation research in hydrology and water quality based on HSPF model
    HAN Li, LIU Su-Fang, HUANG Min-Sheng, MA Jun-Fei, WEI Jin-Bao, HU Wei
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 40-47.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.005
    Abstract1580)      PDF (464KB)(1514)      
    Hydrological Simulation ProgramFortran (HSPF) is a comprehensively semidistributed hydrological model and can simulate hydrological conditions and water quality accurately in watersheds. It has been extensively applied in the fields of water resources and environment. The article reviewed the model mechanism of hydrology,sediment erosion and migration of pollutants, and summarized the latest devolepments in the modeling of the runoff, the migration of pollutants,the influence of land use or land cover change and climate change on watersheds. Besides, the research directions of complete the model were discussed, including the migration mechanism of pollutant, the uncertainty of model parameters and the combination with other models.
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    Effects of environment factors on the growth of phytoplankton in Dishui Lake
    ZHANG Yan-Yan, WEI Jin-Bao, HUANG Min-Sheng, CAO Cheng-Jin, HE Yan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 48-57.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.006
    Abstract1298)      PDF (2590KB)(1374)      
    In order to understand the effects of environment factors on phytoplankton growth, phytoplankton in Dishui Lake had been sampled at 14 monitoring spot locations in December of 2012 and April, July, November of 2013, respectively. The physical and chemical indicators had been monitored to analyze the growth of phytoplankton and the spacetime characteristics of influence factors. Correlative analysis was also made to determine major parameters that influence the growth of phytoplankton in Dishui Lake. It showed that main diversion channel of Dishui Lake is much higher than that of other sites. Seasonal variety of phytoplankton density was similar to that of chlorophylla content, but phytoplankton density of summer was a little higher than that of winter. The effect of filter feeding fish on phytoplankton can explain this phenomenon. Correlation analysis indicated that total phosphorous concentration had great influence on the growth of phytoplankton. This study provides biological basement in evaluating water quality and prevents eutrophication of Dishui Lake.
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    Impact of dredging on water quality of Niuqiaodi River in Wenzhou
    TONG Min, YANG Le, HUANG Min-Sheng, HE Yan, CAO Cheng-Jin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 58-66.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.007
    Abstract1218)      PDF (5127KB)(1445)      
    The physicochemical factors, heavy metals and biological toxicity in water sample before, during and after dredging of Niuqiaodi River in Wenzhou were investigated. The result showed that after the sediment dredging of Niuqiaodi River, the CODCr concentration in water sample was significantly reduced,
    while the DO content and transparency were enhanced. The contents of NH+4-N, TN, TP and heavy metals in water sample were firstly increased and then decreased. Both the Luminescent bacteria and Xenopus tropicalis embryos tests indicated the toxicity of water sample firstly weakened, then enhanced in different stages of dredging. Generally speaking, sediment dredging was helpful to alleviate the toxicity of water sample. The correlation analysis showed the toxicity of water sample was significantly related to TN content and had little relationship with heavy metals.
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    Impact of dredging on sediment quality of Niuqiaodi  River in Wenzhou
    TONG Min, LI Wen-Chao, HUANG Min-Sheng, HE Yan, CAO Cheng-Jin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 67-74.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.008
    Abstract1323)      PDF (3126KB)(1026)      
    The physicochemical factors and heavy metals in sediment before, during and after dredging of Niuqiaodi River in Wenzhou were investigated. The result showed that after the sediment dredging of Niuqiaodi River, the contents of TP, TOC and heavy metal in sediment were firstly decreased and then increased. The heavy metal contents in sediment reached the lowest level in one to three months after dredging. The contents of the pollutants in the river were significantly reduced after sediment dredging, but the improvement of water quality and sediment only lasts three to nine months. The evaluation results of the geoaccumulation index (Igeo) and the potential ecological risk evaluation indicated the sediments of Niuqiaodi River were seriously polluted by heavy metals and the sediment dredging contributed to reduction of pollution levels of heavy metals in sediment.
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    Pollution characteristics and ecological risk assessment of heavy metals in reclamation district of Lingkun Island in Wenzhou
    TONG Min, HUANG Min-Sheng, HE Yan, CAO Cheng-Jin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 75-83.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.009
    Abstract1299)      PDF (3524KB)(1736)      
    The reclamation district of Lingkun Island in Wenzhou was taken as a study object in order to supply reference for rational planning of reclamation district, through determinations and risk assessments of heavy metal Cd、Cr、Cu、Zn、Mn、Ni、Pb、Hg and As in samples collected from six areas. The results showed the soils of reclamation district area were polluted by Cd and Hg,with the geoaccumulation index of Cd and Hg higher than that of other heavy metals, which contributed to the ecological risk of heavy metals in reclamation district. The contents of heavy metals in the soil of survey area were sediment reclamation district> agricultural district> other 4 districts. The Luminescent bacteria tests indicated the soils of sediment reclamation district belonged to medium toxicity, where the Xenopus tropicalis embryos hardly survived. Therefore, recovery methods of sediment reclamation district should be taken before the utilization and development.
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    Responses of bacterial community structure in malodorous river sediments to aeration by DGGE
    HE Yan, YAO Li-Ping, LI Wen-Chao, HUANG Min-Sheng, ZHANG Yi-Fan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 84-90.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.010
    Abstract984)      PDF (1975KB)(1649)      
    In this study, 16S rDNA based PCR amplification and denaturing gradientgel electrophoresis (PCRDGGE) as well as sequence alignment from the excised DGGE bands were used to investigate the bacterial diversity and variation. In addition, the redundancy analysis was adopted to assess the relationship between bacterial community structure and environmental factors. The results showed that aeration had marked effects on bacterial community structure in malodorous river sediments and different aeration intensities resulted in variable bacterial community. Amongst them the highest richness of bacterial community was observed with the aeration turbulence of Re=1 810 and DO of 7.35. It was also inferred that moderate aeration facilitated the growths of related bacteria to N and Scycling and theProteobacteria was dominant. It was also found that DO and Re played important roles in bacterial community from river sediments.
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    Research of process, effect and application on the nitrate induced sulfur autotrophic denitrification in polluted sediment: A review
    CHEN Jian-Jun, ZHANG Jian, HUANG Min-Sheng, LU Shao-Yong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 91-97.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.011
    Abstract1592)      PDF (389KB)(1885)      
    The black odor problems in the urban river of current China are in need to be solved urgently. In recent years, the insuit polluted sediment remediation technology of nitrateinduced indigenous microbial promoting was focused among many researchers. However, attention on the key reaction of sulfur autotrophic denitrification (SAD) was comparatively rare. The application research situations of SAD in the field of environmental pollution control were firstly introduced in this paper. Then the characters, the course of SAD, the production and accumulation byproducts (N2O、NO-2) reaction in sediment were discussed, as well as the research progress in population ecology characters and the population ecological relation between NRSOB and SRB. In addition, the some scientific problems in these researches which are not clear now were pointed out in the text. Finally, it was proposed that the research work of the denitrification process and mechanism of molecular ecology on sulfur autotrophic denitrification in the blackodor river sediment were important to the development of black odor control research work in the river of China.
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    Bioassay for toxicity of water and sediment in Longhong Ravine and Beili Lake in West Lake, Hangzhou
    YANG Yong-Sheng, LIU Meng-Yun, HUANG Min-Sheng, HE De-Fu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 98-105.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.10005641.2015.02.012
    Abstract1281)      PDF (1409KB)(1493)      
    Using Vibrio Qinghaiensi, Caenorhabditis elegans and Xenopus tropicalis embryos, the potential toxicity of Longhong Ravine and Beili Lake were respectively detected. Results showed that water and sediments from Longhong Ravine and Beili Lake were not toxic to the three organisms. On the contrary, some samples showed positive effects, for example, enhanced luminous intensity 〖JP〗of Vibrio Qinghaiensis and promoted the growth of Xenopus tropicalis embryos. A small number of samples caused slight teratogenic effects on  Xenopus embryos, which were likely related to accidental discharges of pollutants. Our results suggested that Longhong Ravine and Beili Lake present relatively low ecological risks, which indicated high biological safety in West Lake.
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    Effects of PFOS exposure on lifespan in C. elegans and their relations with IIS genes
    LI Dan, WU Jing-Xuan, LI Jia, HE De-Fu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 106-112.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.013
    Abstract1361)      PDF (1969KB)(1628)      
    Using a model of C.elegans, this study aims to investigate the effect of PFOS on the lifespan and its mechanisms. Results showed that 0.2~200 μmol/L PFOS shortened the lifespan of wild type wormsin a concentrationdependent manner after 50 h exposure.In four transgenic strains, mutation of daf-16, daf-2 and age-1 which are related to Insulin/IGFl.1pathway(IIS), could affect the lifespans of nematodes. We further observed lifespan change rates of the four transgene C.elegansafter exposed to PFOS.Results showed that mutation of daf-16 or daf-2 did not alter PFOS induced effects of shortening lifespan in CF1139 and CF1580 strain.However, knockout of daf-16b or mutation of age-1blocked PFOS induced effects of shortening lifespan in CF1295 and TJ1052 strain. Our results suggested that PFOS could accelerate aging and shorten the lifespan of nematodes. PFOSinduced effects are closely relative with IIS signaling pathways, in which daf-16b and age-1 play important roles.
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    Comparative diurnal variations in photosynthesis and transpiration of endangered plant species, Ostrya rehderiana and Acer yangjuechi
    WANG Xiao-Yan, YANG Shu-Zhen, ZHAO Ming-Shui, LUO Yuan, CUI Min-Yan, LI Yuan-Yuan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 113-121.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.014
    Abstract1057)      PDF (2308KB)(1340)      
    In order to compare the differences of gas exchange between suntolerant and shadetolerant plants, diurnal variations in photosynthetic and transpiration indices were measured using LI6400 portable photosynthesis system in two endangered species, Ostrya rehderiana Chun (suntolerance) and Acer yangjuechi Fang et P. L. Chiu (shadetolerance). Our results showed that O. rehderiana was a bimodal curve in diurnal change of photosynthesis rate (Pn), while A. yangjuechi was a unimodal curve.  A. yangjuechi had a higher light use efficiency (RUE) than O. rehderiana under a relatively weak light (p<0.05), suggesting A. yangjuechi had an increased net photosynthesis rate (P n) in weaker light conditions, e.g. under a longterm shade circumstance. The water use efficiency (WUE) was also higher in A. yangjuechi than in O. rehderiana (p<0.05). This indicated A. yangjuechi had a lower transpiration in shaded conditions.
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    Character of seed rain of species with different dispersal modes in Tiantong evergreen broad leaved forest, Zhejiang Province
    LEI Xiao, YANG Qing-Song, LIU He-Ming, XING Jiu-Zhou, WANG Xi-Hua
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 122-132.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.015
    Abstract1303)      PDF (1805KB)(1663)      
    To reveal the character of seed rain of species with different dispersal modes, we explored the seed rain in a 20 hm2 evergreen broadleaved forest dynamic plot in Tiantong from Oct.2012 to Sept.2013, then analyzed the density and species composition of seed rain and seed limitation (measured by the proportion of plots that seeds were not dispersed in). The results were showed as follows: (1) A total of 13,638 seeds were collected belonging to 66 species and 28 families.The density of seed rain was 146 seeds/m2during the twelvemonth period (total trap area = 93.5 m2); (2) 56% of tree species were not found in seed traps which contributed to generally low species similarity between seeds and adult plants. Different dispersal modes also affected the Jaccard similarity coefficient (R). The extreme R coefficient(Rmax) while the maximum distance from the seed collector (d) were caused by wind(Anemochory:Rmax=0.226,d=20 m;Gravity:Rmax=0.077,d=9 m;Zoochory:Rmax=0.094,d=13 m), which indicated that the seeds 〖JP2〗dispersed by wind had an advantage in longdistance dispersal;(3)More than 60% of species were distributed among no more than ten seed traps during a year, which exhibited seed limitation in plot. As far as the relatively dominant species(IV≥1) were concerned, dispersal mode could have a great impact on seed limitation. When it comes to anemochory species, it was possible that their seed limitation was just the result of lacking in individuals, and a severe seed limitation in gravity and zoochory species could be attributed to low productivity and incapacity in dispersal.
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    Variation of leaf nitrogen and phosphorus of annual weeds along urban rural gradient and their relationships with soil fertility
    DUAN Xiu-Wen, CAI Bei-Ming, CHEN Xiao-Shuang, CUI Yi-Chong, DA Liang-Jun-
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (2): 133-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.02.016
    Abstract1317)      PDF (2188KB)(1128)      
    Leaf mass based nitrogen (Nmass) and phosphorus (Pmass) concentrate were measured for three annual weeds,Setaria viridis, Echinochloa crusgalli and Eclipta prostrate which are widely distributed from urban areas to rural areas in Shanghai. The differences of Nmass and Pmassamong three urban gradients were compared for each species and were related with the total nitrogen (SoilN) and phosphourous (SoilP) concentrate in soil. The results indicated that: ① N mass of all annual weeds was significantly increased from urban areas to rural areas, but Pmass  did not show significant variation. ② For each species, S. viridis and E.prostrate showed a significant increasing tendency of Nmass from urban areas to rural areas, while only S. viridis showed a significant increasing tendency of Pmass. ③ Both of SoilN and SoilP showed negative relationships with Nmass and Pmass. All those results suggested that annual weed could response to urbanization by changing nitrogen and phosphorous concentrate in leaves which might be partly caused by the variation of soil fertility, but species have different strategies in changing Nmassand Pmass to adapt the urban habitats.
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    On the value distribution of complex difference
    Zhou Li-li, Huang zhi-gang, Sun gui-rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 1-8.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn1000-5641.2015.03.001
    Abstract1172)      PDF (255KB)(1697)      
    In this paper, we investigate the value distribution of difference $\varphi_1 (z)=\frac{f(z+c)}{(f(z))^k}-a(f(z))^n$ and \varphi _2 (z)=\frac{\prod\limits_{i=1}^m {f(z+c_i )}}{(f(z))^k}-a(f(z))^n. From the viewpoint of the Nevanlinna theory, we obtained some results in analogy with Picard Theorem.
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    New criteria for oscillation of certain second-order nonlinear dynamic equations on time scales
    YANG Jia-shan,HUANG Jin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 9-15.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn1000-5641.2015.03.002
    Abstract1735)      PDF (270KB)(1423)      
    In order to develop and improve the theory about oscillation of dynamic equations on time scales, this paper is concerned with the oscillatory behavior of the following second-order neutral variable delay nonlinear dynamic equation $[A(t)\phi ([x(t)+B(t)g(x(\tau (t)))]^\Delta)]^\Delta +f(t,x(\delta(t)))=0 on a time scale \textbf{T}, where phi (u)=\vert u\vert^{\lambda -1}u$, $\lambda $ is an arbitrary positive constant. By using the calculus theory on time scales and the inequality technique, we establish some new oscillation criteria for the equation. Finally, example is presented to illustrate the effects of our theorems.
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    Analysis on some problems in economic transition by the stable matching theory
    LI Li,XU Chang-le
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 16-20.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.003
    Abstract1147)      PDF (341KB)(1309)      
    We studied the microcosmic reason of the capital mobility and weakness of marriage by the stable matching theory. It is showed that, in general,overvaluation for economic situation can lead to the damage of stability of such problems, and thus we should keep the condition of sustainable development to form the new normal of economy.
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    Stochastic enumerative algorithm optimization construction scheme of wastewater treatment station
    YANG Sheng-bin, WU Ping, WANG Guo-ming
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 21-30.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.004
    Abstract993)      PDF (2724KB)(1660)      
    This paper established a mathematical model to find the optimal wastewater treatment station construction scheme,  which could save enterprise's wastewater treatment station cost. It is very important for the enterprises to build wastewater treatment stations. The optimal solution obtained by stochastic enumerative method is the global optimum. The model input variables are simple. In theory,  to obtain the optimal siting program only needs to know the emissions of the wastewater plants and location coordinates.This paper applied the model to simulate calculating two arbitrary structure construction schemes for some factories' wastewater treatment stations,  which tested the rationality and validity of the model.
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    Enumeration of k-colored skew Dyck path
    LU Qing-lin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 31-37.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.005
    Abstract1307)      PDF (256KB)(1577)      
    In this paper we study the enumeration of k-colored skew Dyck paths. We first give a counting formula and a recurrence for s_n and the limit of s_n/s_{n-1}. We then give the countingformulas of the $k$-colored skew Dyck paths with semilength naccording to the number of left steps and the number of peaks,
    valleys and double rises
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    Cells of the weighted Coxeter group Cn
    YUE Ming-shi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 38-46.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.006
    Abstract1148)      PDF (360KB)(1314)      
    Affine Weyl group (widetilde{C}_n,S) can be seen as a fixed point set of the affine Weyl group (widetilde{A}_{2n},widetilde{S}) under a certain group
    automorphism alpha of widetilde{A}_{2n} with alpha(widetilde{S})=widetilde{S}. Let widetilde{l} be the length function on widetilde{A}_{2n}. The restriction to
    widetilde{C}_n of widetilde{l} on widetilde{A}_{2n} can be seen as a weight function on widetilde{C}_n. In this paper, by studying the fixed point set of the affine Weyl group widetilde{A}_{2n} under alpha, we can give the description of all the cells of weighted Coxeter group (widetilde{C}_n,widetilde{l}) corresponding to the partition bf{2^{n-1}1^3}.
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    Study on the truncated sequential assurance test for a proportion
    HU Si-gui,ZHOU Xiao-jing
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 47-56.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.007
    Abstract1183)      PDF (413KB)(1563)      
    For the high-cost and destructive sample test of a proportion, such as the acceptance test of missiles hit ratio, the fuze reliability and so on, how to reduce the cost is the focus of management and researching. In this paper, based on the Bayesian analysis for qualification test, a truncated sequential assurance
    test TA for the success/failure success rate P$ was studied,and the design steps of the assurance test TA was also presented.Through the study on the operation characteristic curve (OC) and the average sample number (ASN) curve of the assurance test T A, it shows that when the product quality is on a high level, assurance test TA has an almost equal probability level to pass the acceptance test with the original test T OA; at the same time,it has a remarkable reduction on the average sample number, thus it can greatly reduce product sample test cost. In the end, real example was presented to verify the excellent characteristics of the sequential truncated  assurance test T proposed here
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    Cited: Baidu(1)
    Dimensions of maximal adjoint isotropic spaces for classical Lie superalgebras
    WANG Shan-shan,quad SHU Bin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 57-66.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.008
    Abstract1255)      PDF (266KB)(1325)      
    For classical Lie superalgebras over complex numbers, this paper gave a notion of maximal strong adjoint isotropic spaces,
    which is an intrinsic nature of complex classical Lie superalgebras.This paper is devoted to the determination of maximal strong adjoint
    is otropic spaces of all kinds of classical Lie superalgebras and their dimensions
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    Central McCoy rings
    WANG Wen-kang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 67-79.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.009
    Abstract1034)      PDF (264KB)(1445)      
    Central McCoy rings are a generalization of McCoy rings,and its properties were investigated. We showed that a ring R is central McCoy if and only if R[x] is central McCoy, and if and only if R[x] is central McCoy, where (xn) is theideal generated by xn and n is a positive integer. We get that for a right Ore ring R with Q its classical right quotient ring, if R is central McCoy, then Q is also centralMcCoy.
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    Analyzing reviews for rating prediction and item recommendation
    GAO Yi-fan,YU Wen-zhe,CHAO Ping-fu,ZHENG Zhi-ling,ZHANG Rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 80-90.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.010
    Abstract1357)      PDF (2298KB)(3007)      
    Recommender systems are widely deployed in Web applications that need to predict the preferences of users to items. They are popular in helping users find movies, books, music, and products in general. In this work, we design a method for item recommendation based on a novel model that captures correlations between hidden aspects in reviews and numeric ratings. It is motivated by the observation that a user’s preference against an item is affected by different aspects discussed in reviews. Our method first explores topic modeling to discover hidden aspects from review text. Profiles are then created for users and items separately based on aspects discovered in their reviews. Finally, we utilize logistic regression to model the user item relationship and the rating is modeled as the similarity between user and item profiles. Experiments over real world reviews demonstrate the advantage of our proposal over state of the art solution.
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    Research on OSPF multi constraint routing based on QPSO algorithm
    JIANG Jia-bao,ZHENG Shang-zhi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 91-97.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.011
    Abstract841)      PDF (1321KB)(1510)      
    he OSPF network routing problems were solved by the use of the traditional SPF algorithm. Due to not considering the multiconstraint conditions and the effective use of secondary path, once the optimal path occurs to congestion, the network transmission performance will be decreased dramatically. In this paper, the QPSO algorithm was applied to the OSPF network routing planning, used by multiconstraint conditions and combined by the characteristics of OSPF network and a variety of routing parameters, which was effectively improved by the local network congestion and obtained the global optimum fast routing and routing algorithm, and verified the improved algorithm by using the simulation data. The results showed that the proposed algorithm got better improvement than the genetic algorithm and the traditional SPF algorithm in the solution of route planning problem and the network transmission performance.
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    A novel palmprint recognition algorithm based on Curvelet invariant features of the surface
    SHEN Sha-sha
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 98-104.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.012
    Abstract1249)      PDF (147KB)(2491)      
    Corresponding to the problem of difficult feature extraction , poor stability and large characteristic dimension of palmprint, a novel palmprint recognition algorithm based on Curveletinvariant features of the surface is proposed.We can obtain the stable feature surface though Curvelet transform,which is used to match.This way not only simplifies the operation, such asfeature extraction, image coding and other traditional operation,but also has lower dimension, which leads tohigh stability and fast recognition speed with a high recognition accuracy at the same time. Finally, we use the normalized correlation classifier to measure the similarity. By PolyU palmprint database verification, the equal error rate of our algorithmis only 1.7690% and matching time is 16.6 ms, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.
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    Characterization of and insight into the electrochemistry of MoS2
    ZHANG Xian-hui,CHEN Zhen-lian,CHEN Xiao-bo, LI Jun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 105-115.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.013
    Abstract1449)      PDF (839KB)(2087)      
    By combining experimental methods with first-principles calculations this article reports the determination of the structural characters of MoS2 in the first discharging and charging cycling, where the first stage phase transformation occurs.The significant voltage plateau at 1.1 V is attributed to lithium
    insertion on octahedral vacancy sites of 2H-Lix MoS2 with lithium concentration (x)up to 0.56, which corresponds with the calculated voltage and phase stability of MoS$_{2}$. However, the ensuing amorphization for $x$ over 1.0 immediately removes the plateau character from the charging curve. Furthermore, we offer a comparison to LiCoO2 to investigate the physical mechanism of the anode and cathode voltaic
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    Synthesis of amphiphilic copolymer PEO-b-PtBA with narrow molecular weight distribution and its hydrolysis
    KAYIRBEK Gulsum,ANAS Hudrat,MUSLIM Arzugul
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 116-123.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.014
    Abstract1506)      PDF (2695KB)(1590)      
    A group of amphiphilic diblock copolymers PEO45-b-PtBAx(x=28, 35, 53) were synthesized by ATRP using PEO-Br as macroinitiator. Samples were characterized by SEC, 1H NMR, FTIR and TEM. The influence of feed ratio to the control of the structure, molecular weight and molecular weight distributions were discussed. The results showed that, the conversion of tBA was high and the 1H NMR results confirmed the targeted products were synthesized successfully. All three copolymers had a narrow molecular weight distributions (Mw/Mn≤1.07). When the feed ratio of tBA to PEOBr was low, the structures of copolymers could be controlled accurately. The increase of feed ratio of tBA to PEOBr caused broadening of molecular weight distributions and the decreasing of initiating efficiency. The hydrolysis of PEO45-b-PtBA35 to PEO45-b-PAA35 was performed successfully. PEO45-b-PAA35was selfassembled into well dispersed spherical micelles in neutral aqueous solution.
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    Analysis of the impact of landscape pattern change on the river network connectivity based on the spatial auto regression model
    SHEN Jie,ZHAO Jun,SHANG Zhao-yi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 124-135.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.10005641.2015.03.015
    Abstract1339)      PDF (4261KB)(2192)      
    Aiming at the situation that rapid urbanization had weakened river network connectivity, taking Pudong New Area as an example, and applying gridding method of ArcGIS software, this paper analyzes the temporal and special variations of land use and river network connectivity from 1989 to 2010, and detects the indexes of urban landscape pattern that affected river network connectivity using spatial autoregression model. The results are: ① From 1989 to 2010, agricultural land and water area of Pudong New Area were mainly transformed to builtup land. The average values of β dropped from 0.80 to 0.72 while that of γ declined from 0.30 to 0.25. And there existed notable spatial differences between the northeastern and western regions both in land use and river network connectivity. ② The model shows that number of patches (NP) for public building land and mean of patches area (AREA_MN) for water area are the most significant factors that influence river network connectivity. Besides, mean of patches area (AREA_MN) for road and traffic land, largest patch index (LPI) for industrial land, and interspersion juxtaposition index (IJI) of industrial land, residential land and water area also affect the change of river network connectivity.
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    Study of spatial distribution and spread of heavy metals in urban soil based on synthetic PCA model
    JIANG Shi-quan ,LIU Zhong-xia,JIANG Shi-ping
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 136-145.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.016
    Abstract1109)      PDF (4879KB)(2025)      
    In this paper, soil samples were collected from five different functional areas of a city, and concentrations of eight heavy metals contained in each soil sampling were tested by X ray fluorescence spectrometer. PCA was applied to investigate categories of main heavy metals in contaminated areas and determine the respective contribution of eight heavy metals to contamination in each functional area. Based on output coefficients of the PCA model, the functional relationship between the concentration of each heavy metal and its spatial distribution in each functional area is established and an equation that describes spreading features of heavy metals is constructed. Targets for pollution control and countermeasures can thus be found.
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    Study on the threshold of main factors restricting Jinan large karst springs spewing
    ZHOU Juan,XING Li-ting,TENG Zhao-xia,WANG Li-yan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (3): 146-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.03.017
    Abstract1277)      PDF (3695KB)(1505)      
    Jinan spring groups are famous large karst springs in north China. The interaction of natural factors and human impact had caused a decline in jinan karstic water level. Jinan spring groups began to appear cutoff in 1972, and the cutoff lasted from 1972 to 2002. To protect the jinan springs, some measures, like reducing groundwater exploitation and artificial recharge have been carried out. The result of regression analysis shows that, during that cutoff period, the main reason affecting spring water level is groundwater exploitation, but since 2003, Jinan spring groups have resumed spewing, and groundwater exploitation is no longer a major factor affecting the spring water level. Based on the series dynamic observation data of Jinan springs water level from 2004 to 2012, it is determined that the development degree of Jinan karst is relatively high by the method of dynamic characteristics curve types of karst water level. Through SPSS software, the influence degree on springs water level caused by precipitation and artificial recharge was analyzed. The regression—autoregressive model was built, which shows that the last month precipitation has significant effect on the water level. Using the higher order trend mathematical model about springs water level and precipitation, it is calculated that the monthly precipitation threshold is 26.65~30.73 mm to maintain Jinan spring dynamic stability in dry season. Finally, for spring protection, the paper puts forward that the artificial recharge water quantity is not less than 165 600 m3/d in dry season. Research suggests that springs water level is sensitive to climate change and human activities, and our research results can provide some scientific basis for the jinan springs protection and groundwater recharge. 
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    Study on layout of hydrologic network in the Changjiang estuary
    GU Sheng-hua,LI Qi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 1-6.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000—5641.2015.04.001
    Abstract922)      PDF (1891KB)(1640)      
    The layout of hydrologic network in the Changjiang estuary, based on analysis monitoring requirements of seven hydrological factors including tidal level, discharge, wave, salinity, sediment, water quality, wind speed and direction, was formulated with hydrological stations which controlled the critical regions or in the key nodes in this paper. The construction thought of hydrologic network is “ highlight the main factor, multifactor monitoring, integrated monitoring and retrench the network”. The basic construction principles are “emphasizing focal point, holding overall consideration, integrating the old and the new stations, substantiating and improving the network, considering every station and the network simultaneously, combining flow measurement in fixed satation and the moving gauging.” 
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    Analysis of salinity observational stations distribution in the Changjiang estuary
    QIU Cheng,GU Sheng-hua,LI Qi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 7-16.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.002
    Abstract1097)      PDF (4083KB)(1498)      
    Salinity observation is one of the major basic works for freshwater resource management and security of domestic water usage in the Changjiang estuary. The gained data can provide theory evidence for works as water intake in reservoirs and water conservancy projects. The observational stations and buoys that are set in estuarine region are the main longtime data sources of salinity in the Changjiang estuary. The longtime series measurement data has important scientific significance and application value for study on saltwater transport processes and reservoir operation. According to the comparison between numerical simulation results and observed data, the temporal and spatial variations of salinity distribution are analyzed. Meanwhile, the requirements of observation system and monitoring elements are discussed. In this paper, the designing method of salinity monitoring stations in the Changjiang River Estuary is presented, and the scheme of spatial unity and equilibrium of site locations as well as layout in the key research area are shown.
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    Statistical analysis of the wind at the Chongming eastern beach
    DAI Ran,ZHU Jian-rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 17-25.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.003
    Abstract999)      PDF (2076KB)(1334)      
    The wind plays an important role in circulation, mixing, saltwater intrusion and sediment transport in the Changjiang estuary. Based on the observed wind speed and direction by the weather station at the Chongming eastern beach from December 2007 to February 2014,the wind rose diagrams and seasonal wind variations are presented and analyzed. From January to December, the mean wind speeds in each month are 4.2, 4.6, 4.9, 4.9, 4.7, 4.4, 4.9, 4.9, 4.5, 4.0, 4.1 and 4.3 m/s, mean wind directions in each month are N, NE, NE, SE, SE, SE, S, SE, NE, NE, N and N, respectively. Wind direction, frequency and averaged wind speed of the wind with the first, second wind direction frequency, the maximum average wind speed direction, strong wind direction domain and strong wind speed domain in each month are presented statistically. In overall, the wind at the Chongming eastern shoal has the feature of subtropical zone monsoon, prevailing southeasterly wind in spring and summer, and northerly wind in autumn and winter. The strong wind has an obvious seasonal variation, its frequencies in March, April and July, August are distinct higher than in other months. The strong wind frequencies in July and August is higher than in March and April, reaches to 0.8% and 1.52% with mean wind speed of 11.5 and 12.4 m/s. The wind at the Changjiang mouth is the basic dynamic factor in the study of dynamics process and material transport there.
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    Statistical forecasting of storm surge under single stationobservations in Zhoushan island terrain
    KANG Xing,ZHANG Bei,DU Pan-jun,XU Ting-ting,ZHANG Hui
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 26-33.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.004
    Abstract821)      PDF (1372KB)(1841)      
    According to Zhoushan tidal observations including Dinghai, Daishan, Shengshan, and CMA STI tropical cyclone best tracking data from 1982 to 2011, we found two kinds of typical typhoon path caused the heaviest and most frequently storm surge. One is landing in southern Zhejiang, and the other is northward moving and near shore turning.Based on the above two kinds of typhoon data, we analyzed the relationship between characteristics of the typhoon(such as strength, moving speed, distance factor etc.) and tide and the storm surge intensity and type.Using the multivariate nonlinear regression analysis, we choose the most relevant factors to create a statistical model for storm surge forecasting. It showed the good results through the actual cases appling such as matsa, muifa and tembin.
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    Morphological evolution and human activities impacts at the mouth area of the North Branch, Yangtze estuary, during the recent three decades
    WANG Ru-sheng,YANG Shi-lun,LUO Xiang-xin,LU Ye-feng,MIAO Li-min
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 34-41.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.005
    Abstract1283)      PDF (2549KB)(1272)      
    In order to enrich the knowledge of landocean interaction, this paper examined the recent accretion and erosion at the mouth area of the North Branch, the Yangtze Estuary, based on bathymetric and remote sensing data and using ArcGIS techniques. The results show that: (1) from 1981 to 1997, 13 km2 of intertidal area was reclaimed; an average accretion rate of 1.4 cm/yr was observed in the subtidal area. (2) from 1997 to 2012, 163 km2 of intertidal zone was embanked, and an average erosion rate of -7.1 cm/a was found in the subtidal area. (3) Between 1981 and 2012, an average accretion rate of 0.77 cm/a was found in the inner portion, and an average erosion rate of -1.97 cm/a occurred in the outer portion. We concluded that the morphological evolution in the study area was controlled by three factors—the silting trend of the North Branch, the intertidal accretionpromoting projects, and dam construction within the Yangtze watersheds. During the recent 15 years, human activities were the dominant factor.
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    Analysis of the coastal erosion and accretion in Haikou Bay by remote sensing
    ZHANG Xiao-dong,SHEN Si-min,ZHU Shou-xian, ZHANG Wen-jing,HUANG Ji-wen
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 42-53.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.006
    Abstract951)      PDF (3438KB)(1489)      
    The analysis of coastal erosion and accretion, based on the remote sensing water line, is better than that using field observations because of its convenience, quickness and more data. However, this method hasn’t been applied to Haikou Bay. Four types of water index for extracting waterline from Landsat sensing image are checked by observations in Haikou Bay, in which the water index of NDWI is proved to be the best. The waterlines of 15 Landsat sensing images in 1994—2013 are extracted by NDWI, with which the evolution of the beach slope between high tidal level and low tidal level is analyzed. And the results show that the beach slope is basically stable with the value of 3.7~4.2°. Then the coastal erosion and accretion are analyzed using the extracted waterlines and the beach slope. The character of erosion and accretion isn’t uniform in the beach. Xixiu Beach and Jiari Beach have been eroded, and the eroded depth is 0.36 m near the high tidal level and 0.30 m near the low tidal level, the eroded speed is 1.9 cm/a near the high tidal level and 1.8 cm/a near the low tidal level.
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    Responses of river discharge and sea level rise to climate change and human activity in the Changjiang River Estuary embodied in a numerical model
    ZHU Jian-rong, Qiu Cheng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 54-64.  
    Abstract910)      PDF (683KB)(1307)      
    Climate change and human activity result in the variations in river discharge and sea level rise, both of which are very important for setting the boundary conditions of a numerical model.Thus, to obtain proper boundary conditions, this study presents projected variations in the amounts of Changjiang river discharge and sea level rise caused by climate change and human activity in 2030, 2050, and 2100. Considering the Three Gorges Dam closure in
    2003 and utilizing the historical river discharge data at Datong Station from 1865 to 2002, the river discharge variations resulting from the extrapolation of historic data and climate models are almost identical. The mean river discharge in January and February will reach 12\,348, 12\,683, and 13\,522 m$^{3}\cdot$s$^{-1}$ in 2030, 2050, and 2100, respectively, due to climate change. In the past 20 years, the rate of absolute sea level rise was approximately
    2.5\;mm$\cdot$a$^{-1}$ in the Changjiang River Estuary. In accordance with the observed tidal data that based on the sea level change over time analysis-based forecasting model, the absolute sea level rise will be 49.1, 148.1, and 395.6 mm in 2030, 2050, and 2100, respectively, compared to the 2012 levels. The saltwater intrusion simulation numerical model for the Changjiang River Estuary must consider the impacts of the Three Gorges Reservoir and
    South-to-North Water Diversion on the river discharge. The earth crust and land subsidence should also be considered for an accurate
    determination of the relative sea level rise. These values are presented in this paper for each prediction period
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    Saltwater intrusion sources at the water intake of Qingcaosha reservoir in different tidal pattern and wind case
    WANG Shao-xiang,ZHU Jian-rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 65-76.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.008
    Abstract983)      PDF (4204KB)(991)      
    The measured salinity and numerical simulated current speed and direction in December 2013 and February 2014 were used to analyze the source of saltwater intrusion at the water intake of Qingcaosha reservoir. Under the general river discharge and wind case in dry season December 2013, the saltwater sources at the water intake during spring tide, medium tide after spring tide, early neap tide came from the upstream saltwaterspillover from the North Branch into the South Branch, whereas during late neap tide and medium tide after neap tide came from the downstream open sea, i.e., through the saltwater intrusion in the North Channel. It was found that the saltwater intrusion in the Changjiang Estuary in February 2014 was very severe and had never been happened in recent decades, which resulted in the not suitable take water days of the reservoir reach to 23 days, and serious threat of safety water supply in Shanghai. Under the general river discharge and long continue strong northerlies lasting 15 days in February 2014, the saltwater sources at the water intake of Qingcaosha reservoir during the all four tidal patterns came from the downstream open sea saltwater intrusion through the North Channel.
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    Impacts of the reclamation project of Nanhui tidal flat on the currents and saltwater intrusion in the Changjiang estuary
    LI Lin-jiang,ZHU Jian-rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 77-86.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.009
    Abstract948)      PDF (6153KB)(1323)      
    Considering the averaged river discharge and wind in dry season, the impacts of reclamation project of Nanhui tidal flat on the currents and saltwater intrusion were numerically calculated and dynamically analyzed. The funnel shape was reduced, flood current and tidal prism in the South Passage were changed after the reclamation project. The reclamation project resulted in tidal prism in the South Passage reducing 13% in spring tide and 16% in neap tide, and the flood currents spilling over the dikes of the deep water channel decreased; The northward salt fluxes spilling over the dykes from the South Passage were weakened which made the seaward salt flux in the North Passage reduced, the landward salt flux decreased the upper and middle reaches of the South Passage and on the southeast side of the project, whereas was increased at the mouth of the South Passage. After the reclamation project, the salinity front in the South Passage was weakened, the salinity in spring tide increases with exceeding 1.0 in the area near the mouth of the South passage and on the southeast side of the project; the salinity decreased with greater than 0.5 at the upper and middle reaches of the South Passage, in the North Passage and in the Hengsha eastern beach due to the decreases of the tidal prism, current spilling over the dikes and landward salt flux. The salinity in neap tide decreased in the whole South passage with greater than 1.5 because of the decreases of the flood current and salt flux at the mouth caused by the weaker tide. The net water diversion ratios were reduced slightly in spring and neap tide in the North Channel, increased 1.57% in spring tide and 1.50% in neap tide in the South Passage because the salinity front in the South Passage was weakened after the reclamation project, which weakened the block effect of the river water into the South Channel. 
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    Numerical simulation on the major river plumes in China seas
    YAN Qi,WU Hui,ZHU Jian-rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 87-96.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.010
    Abstract1003)      PDF (6707KB)(1506)      
    A large domain model has been developed to simulate the major river plumes in the China seas, which takes into account the multiple dynamic factors. The results shows that different sea area responses differently to the river plumes. In Bohai Sea, due to its semienclosed topography that restricts the water mass exchange with outer area, the sea salinity keeps low,  though the received runoffs are generally small. The Yellow Sea is also semienclosed, plus a large amount of the Changjiang River freshwater extends into the sea, the salinity there is also low in most times. The salinity in East China Sea varies seasonally along with the extension of the Changjiang River plume. In the Northern South China Sea, the Pearl River plume dominates the sea salinity variation in the east of the Qiongzhou Strait. As the offshore extension of the Pearl River is limited, the low salinity area is smaller than that in other seas. In the west of the Qiongzhou Strait, the Red River plume controls sea salinity variation.
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    Numerical simulation on the phytoplankton dynamics in Changjiang estuary and MinZhe coastal waters
    WANG Yi-he,WU Hui,ZHU Jian-rong,SHEN Jian
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 97-109.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.011
    Abstract967)      PDF (9009KB)(1112)      
    This study was based on a highresolution, threedimensional, physicsbiogeochemistry coupling numerical model that considered multiple dynamics and biochemical factors to simulate the spatial and temporal distribution of the dinoflagellata and diatoms. The results showed that the algae bloomed in late spring, summer and early autumn in this area. The diatoms bloomed twice in spring and summer and dinflagellata bloomed only once in spring. The high phytoplankton mass concentrated around the area of 30 to 50 isobath, which was an frontal area between the high temperature and low turbidity shelf waters and the low temperature and rich nutrient Changjiang diluted water. This area satisfied the physical and biogeochemical requirements for the growth of the phytoplankton. Furthermore, we also analyzed the influences of the physical dynamics such as runoff and shelf circulation on the phytoplankton growth.
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    Integrated carrying capacity assessment of Xiangshan bay ecosystem
    WENG Jun-chao,YUAN Lin,ZHANG Liquan,LI Hui
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 110-122.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.012
    Abstract883)      PDF (6318KB)(1299)      
    Xiangshan bay is a typical longnarrow and semienclosed bay ecosystem in China. In recent years, human activities have caused degradation of resources, environment and service function in Xiangshan bay. In this study, taking Xiangshan bay ecosystem as a case study, based on the theory of ecological carrying capacity, an integrated carrying capacity indicator system was developed from resource supply capacity, environmental carrying capacity and human supporting capacity for the assessment of Xiangshan bay ecosystem carrying capacity. The results indicated that the environmental carrying capacity decreased in Xiangshan bay during 2003 to 2011. The proportion of overloaded area increased from 17.2% in 2003 to 41.8% in 2011. Water inorganic nitrogen and active phosphate were the main reasons caused environmental carrying capacity overloaded. Resource supply capacity had gradually decreased during 2003 to 2011 and showed a declined trend from the mouth to inwards of the bay. The proportion of loaded area decreased from 87.4% in 2003 to 0.1% in 2011 Human supporting capacity were loaded and improved slightly. The integrated carrying capacity decreased yearly from the mouth to inwards of bay and overloaded area increased yearly which was mainly caused by overload of environmental carrying capacity. The results of this study could objectively reveal the integrated carrying capacity of Xiangshan bay ecosystem. The assessment methods and model of integrated carrying capacity could be flexibly applied to other bay ecosystem and provide a feasible technical approach and demonstration cases for other comparable coastal zones in China.
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    Type and seasonal difference of urban wetland’s temperature effect in Hangzhou
    ZHANG Wei ,JIANG Jin-gang,ZHU Yu-bi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 123-131.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.013
    Abstract1031)      PDF (2704KB)(1781)      
    This paper takes four typical urban wetlands of Hangzhou for example and discusses the influence of season and wetland type on the temperature effect of urban wetland by means of remote sensing and GIS spatial analysis. The results show that: (1) the seasonal difference of wetland’s temperature effect is very obvious. Seasonal factors have an important influence on the type, range, amplitude and gradient change of urban wetland’s temperature effect. (2) There are no direct relationships between traditional classification system for wetland types and urban wetland’s temperature effect. Wetland’s size and perimeter have an important influence on its temperature effect, while the influence of wetland’s shape on the temperature effect is not obvious. (3) Comparing the efficiency of different wetland’s temperature effects, we find that the efficiency of Grande Canal is the highest. The relationship between wetland size and temperature effect is most likely to be S curve model.
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    Experimental study on hydrogeochemistry action in the process of freshwater displacing saltwater
    XING Liting1,WANG Liyan2,LI Changsuo3,XU Mintian1
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 132-143.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.014
    Abstract1010)      PDF (4154KB)(1059)      
    Based on test materials, including of silt, shallow salt groundwater and atmospheric precipitation which were got in northwestern Shandong geochemistry action in the process of freshwater displacing saltwater were studied. The results indicated that (1) When content of clay was high in aquifer medium, and specific conductivity of exudate was less than or equal to 0.83 ms/cm in the process of freshwater displacing saltwater, clay played a role of film effect in concentrating ion components. (2) Dolomite still kept precipitation with water, and halite still kept dissolution in the process of freshwater displacing saltwater. Calite precipitated when specific conductivity of exudate was more than 1.00 ms/cm; Gypsum balanced with water when specific conductivity of exudate was more than or equal to 6.22 ms/cm. Mg/CaNa exchange interaction was remarkable with critical ion strength being in 0.20~0.25 mol/L. Adsorption was remarkable while specific conductivity of exudate was more then 12.00 ms/cm. Displacement experiment showed that hydrogeochemistry actions were happened in the process of freshwater displacing saltwater with adsorption, exchange interaction, lixiviation, dolomitization and mixing action.
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    Online testing of geographic location recognition using Google Earth
    WANG Xi-feng,ZHU Liang-feng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 144-153.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.015
    Abstract906)      PDF (3122KB)(975)      
    Geographic location recognition, or the ability to locate and name places on a map, is an essential indicator to assess individuals’ geographic literacy levels. Past research has concentrated on testing one’s geographic location recognition using twodimensional paper maps. Whereas the paper mapping method is flexible and easy to follow, it requires a fixed paper map with a series of predefined quizzes and is therefore difficult to reuse. Advances in geospatial information technologies, led by geographical information systems and digital earth systems, is providing educators with a convenient platform to cultivate and assess one’s geographic location recognition. In this paper, we present a general framework and corresponding implementation methods for the online testing of geographic location recognition using the Google Earth digital earth platform. The most significant feature of the proposed framework and corresponding implementation program is that they have abilities to improve the individuals’ geographic literacy while conducting the testing.
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    Plant image classification and retrieval based on leaf margin features
    YAN Yi-zhen,ZHOU Jian-hua
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 154-163.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.016
    Abstract803)      PDF (2741KB)(1384)      
    Leaf margin is one of the main characteristics to identify plant species. Compared to leaf shape features, leaf margin features are much more subtle, so they are often indispensable in multiscale recognition of plant species as either dependent features or supplements for others. The progresses include designing 7 new margin feature descriptors, taking hierarchical classification organized by some semantic dictionaries to reach a better classification accuracy, and finally deciding plant species of a leaf node member by similarity evaluation and retrieval. Our experiments have revealed that the descriptors, named as the ratio of residual convex to leaf area and the ratio of right edge to left edge, are efficient to distinguish between different nonlobedleaf species and different nonintegrifoliousleaf species; the mean value of residual convex etc., is of other examples of useful descriptors to the identification between different nonintegrifoliousleaf species. By using the hierarchical classification in the feature space of multi leaf margin descriptors, 30 nonlobedleaf species have been divided into several leaf nodes, and the mean overall accuracy is better than 81.21%. The test of assessing the similarity between the new assigned leaf node member and the known samples has further demonstrated that the framework of jointly using the hierarchical classification and the image retrieval is effective for the identification of plant species.
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    Temporalspatial variations of carbon sink/source in Northeast China from 2000 to 2010
    ZHANG Lu,WANG Jing,SHI Run-he
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (4): 164-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.04.017
    Abstract857)      PDF (3938KB)(1260)      
    Net Ecosystem Productivity (NEP) is an important parameter when estimating regional carbon source/sink. Based on EOS/MODIS data and meteorological data, NEP was calculated in Heilongjiang, Jilin and Liaoning from 2000 to 2010. The temporal characteristics of NEP were analyzed, the results showed that during 2000 to 2010 most areas in three provinces of Northeast China were carbon sinks, NEP was between 0~300 g C·m-2·a-1, carbon sources were in Northwestern Jinlin and Southwestern Heilongjiang; the mean NEP of forest(176.74 g C·m-2·a-1) was the highest, followed by shrub(175.02 g C·m-2·a-1), the carbon sequestration ability of farmland, wetland and grass decreased successively. In nearly 66.36% of the territory of the study area, NEP tended to decline, which meaned their carbon sequestration were weaker. Area with increased carbon sequestration were in Southeastern Changbai Mountain in Liaoning province and hills in western Liaoning, where the increasing slope was between 5~15. The correlation coefficient between NEP and precipitation was significant; NEP was sensitive to the extreme value of the temperature and precipitation, the trend of NEP was consistent with the fluctuation of precipitation. This paper conducted regional simulation of carbon sink/source, providing theoretical basis and methodological references for the usage of remote sensing data in the related study areas.
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    Privacypreserving range query processing in wireless sensor networks
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 1-13.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.001
    Abstract885)      PDF (1875KB)(1657)      
     This paper provides a stateoftheart survey of privacypreserving range query processing techniques in Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). We first introduce the research models, including network models, adversary models and performance evaluation models. Then, we classify existing related work into several types according to privacy preservation techniques, such as Bucketing Scheme, Prefix Membership Verification, and Orderpreserving Encryption. We further elaborate the key mechanisms of typical protocols. Performance analysis and comparison show that existing work cannot balance privacy, integrity, efficiency and accuracy. Finally, we provide some suggestions for future research.
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    Review on location privacy protection research
    QIN Bo,TANG Qiu-nan,WANG Mei-qi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 14-27.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.002
    Abstract1525)      PDF (2400KB)(1046)      
    In recent years, with the development of wireless communication technology and mobile positioning technology, applications relating to locationbased services (LBS) are increasingly taken seriously and used widely. On the one hand, LBS brings people considerable convenience; on the other hand, it becomes a nonnegligible security threat that users’ privacy, mainly including location privacy, trajectory privacy and identity privacy, could be leaked out. Many solutions on the basis of different structures of privacy protection system have been proposed by researchers at home and abroad, which can be divided into pseudonym, faked locations and spatial and temporal cloaking, protecting users’ identity privacy, location privacy and trajectory privacy respectively. In this paper, we contrast the existing privacy protection technologies and analyze challenges LBS is facing. At the same time, we conclude the existing researches and give directions for future research.
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    Privacy protection in locationbased services: Model and development
    ZHAO Da-peng,LIANG Lei,TIAN Xiu-xia,WANG Xiao-ling
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 28-45.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.003
    Abstract1274)      PDF (2645KB)(965)      
    In recent years, with the rapid increase in the number of GPSenabled mobile devices, locationbased services (LBS) applications grow explosively, such as finding the nearest gas station or restaurants within one kilometer and so on. Users benefit from convenience of LBS. However, many privacy issues draw people's attention gradually. Acomprehensive understanding of existing privacy protection work in the locationbased services is important for researchers to grasp the present research status, the future development directionsand the challenges.We give a deep survey of the recent improvement in LBS,which mainly focus on existing attacking models,privacy protection model, measure model and datasets.What′s more, we classifies the existing attacking model and privacy protection model and made comparisons based on different features. Finally unsolved problems and future development are also discussed. 
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    Review on privacy protection approaches in smart meter
    TIAN Xiuxia1,LI Lisha2,SUN Chaochao1,LIU Daming1
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 46-60.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.004
    Abstract1148)      PDF (1844KB)(1045)      
    With the development of the smart grid and communication technologies, smart meters have attracted increasing attentions. On the one hand, smart meters brought considerable convenience for users with better electricity consumption management and power companies′ effective power supply and efficient billing; on the other hand, it raised security threat that finegrained smart meter data could reveal users′ private information. This paper conducted a thorough survey on existing solutions mainly from identity privacy protection approach and data privacy protection approach. We deeply compared their privacyrelated factors, such as the strength of privacy protection, computational overhead, transmission overhead. Finally, we investigated the remaining challenges to protect user privacy in smart meter and discussed plausible and promising trends and directions for future research.
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    Review on trajectory data compression
    JIANG Jun-wen,WANG Xiao-ling
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 61-76.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.00.005
    Abstract1691)      PDF (2552KB)(1078)      
    The popularity of mobile terminals and the development of GPS positioning technology produce a mass of mobile trajectory data. Based on the data, a lot of locationbased services (LBS) provide services for people. However, the increment of trajectory data brings many challenges: huge data volume, long query latency and data redundancy. Hence the trajectory compression plays an important role in providing better LBS. The purpose of trajectory compression is to minimize the size of trajectory as far as possible, which satisfies the threshold of similarity between compressed trajectory and original trajectory. This paper aims at illustrating useful trajectory compression methods, including line simplification methods, mapmatching based compression methods and semantic compression methods, and introducing query processing of compressed trajectories and trajectory management systems.
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    Privacy preserving for moving objects with transportation modes
    XU Jian-qiu,HUANG Huo-rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 77-87.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.006
    Abstract960)      PDF (2775KB)(834)      
    The current methods of locationbased privacy preserving focus on protecting the location of users, but do not consider transportation modes such as BUS, WALK and CAR. Being one key attribute of moving objects, transportation mode reflects the feature of mobile users and can be used to analyze their behavior. This paper proposes a method including cloaking location and reset modes to preserve transportation modes of moving objects for range queries. Such a technique prevents modes from being disclosed and avoids returning precise data to illegal users. We analyze the two methods and introduce how to integrate the solution into the existing system. In addition, cloaking location and reset modes with different preserving granularity is proposed to have a flexible and tunable method for different applications.
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    Trajectory privacy preserving algorithm based on trajectory direction
    QIU Ming,PI De-chang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 88-95.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.007
    Abstract1081)      PDF (2121KB)(882)      
    A trajectory privacy preserving algorithm based on trajectory direction is proposed. In privacypreserving, dummy is an effective method that was widely used in locationbased service, but in the continuous motion of the user, the user may sends a service request to the position in any point of a track, how to make the dummy looks more realistic is a huge challenge. To solve this problem, we proposed a Trajectory Privacy Preserving Algorithm Based on Trajectory Direction (TPPATD). The middle server can generate different dummies according to different privacy requirements. So as to reduce the probability of the user trajectory being exposed. The experimental results show that, compared with the traditional method of Random Pattern Scheme, Trajectory Privacy Preserving Algorithm Based on Trajectory Direction can generate more dummies when user’s privacy requirements is higher, and dummies are more realistic with the true trajectory.
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    Finegrained privacypreserving framework while ensuring  data usability in trajectory databases
    XIONG Sheng-chao,WU Xia,PENG Zhi-yong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 96-103.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.008
    Abstract765)      PDF (1667KB)(955)      
    The privacy of trajectories has aroused a wide concern. In previous works, rarely have the differences between different sensitive locations been discussed, nor the differences between different applications (eg: for advertising and for emergencies). While in fact, some sensitive locations are more important and some applications ought to be granted the access. In this paper, to meet different privacy requirements and data utility requirements, we propose a finegrained privacypreserving framework which allows the users to specify which locations are visible to some applications and invisible to others at the same time. In addition, since most sensitive locations are relevant to stay points and a significant stay in a sensitive place may last longer than the ordinary places, we also propose an efficient approach to distribute invisible location samples along the nearby popular visit sequences. Experiment results indicate that our framework performs efficiently without introducing significant performance penalties.
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    Dynamic trajectory anonymization in location based services
    WEI Shen,SUN Guang-zhong,XIE Xing
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 104-115.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.009
    Abstract996)      PDF (3015KB)(830)      
    Locationbased services in user’s mobile device can send geographical information queries to the server continuously, and receive corresponding results to the user. But simultaneously assure the quality of service and none leakage of geographical information is an important problem. This paper used a dummy location method to protect user’s real locations. The device sent multiple locations to the server. The paper also proposed a heuristic algorithm to partition location set and used δ privacy to prevent adversary infer sensitive information from contiguous locations. At last, an experiment on a WiFi access data set shows that five or six locations need to be sent averagely. 
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    Privacy preservation approach for location based service on road network
    ZHENG Miao,WANG Bin,YANG Xiao-chun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 116-127.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.010
    Abstract848)      PDF (2704KB)(1177)      
    The purpose of preserving users’ location privacy is to prevent others in any way knowing the location of the mobile users in the past or now, and provide mobile users with high quality service at the same time. On the other hand, the purpose of preserving users query privacy is to prevent others in any way knowing the query of mobile users. Privacy preservation has a unique structural characteristic on road network. In this paper, according to the characteristics of the road network, based on the network expansion method, it will form an undirected graph containing an internal ring as anonymous space for mobile users to send requests, namely it takes the small graph with a ring in the road network graph. This graph combines the structure characteristics of both ring and tree, effectively preventing anonymous space from becoming a single path and protecting the location privacy of mobile users. At the same time, this paper first proposes refine of anonymous space. Through refining, it can be determined that whether the anonymous space of mobile users in the same anonymous set is same, and whether two anonymous spaces after removing the intersection is a single path. It can effectively prevent query privacy leak because of anonymous space without mutuality.
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    Pseudorandom number encryption based location privacy preserving nearest neighbor querying
    ZHANG Feng,NI Wei-wei
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 128-142.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.011
    Abstract1017)      PDF (1637KB)(1576)      
    The rapid development of positioning and mobile communication promotes the popularity of locationbased services. Nearest neighbor querying witness its thriving in locationbased services. With the increasing attention people pay to individual privacy, location privacy preserving k nearest neighbor querying becomes a hot topic. In recent years, private information retrieval techniques attract increasing concerning from researchers for its merits in providing high location protection strength, as well as its independence on any trusted thirdparty. A series of methods are proposed based on PIR to surmount the problem of location privacy protection in nearest neighbors querying. Most of them suffer from heavy time cost in preprocessing as well as query process. Concerning these problems, a novel PIR based method PRN_kNN is proposed to surmount above mentioned problems.The client can pinpoint the candidate k nearest neighbor set quickly by spatial encryption. Meanwhile, a pseudorandom number encryption schema is elaborated to avoid pattern attack and reduce the workload of preprocessing.Further, continuous storage policy for POI entity is adopted to avoid storing large amounts of fake entities in some blocks, which can enhance the efficiency of preprocessing and the querying process. Theoretical and empirical analysis demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our method.
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    The LBS system based on polygonal cloaking region
    CAO Wu,XU Lyu,LIU Yu-bao,YIN Jian
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 143-153.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.012
    Abstract1046)      PDF (4782KB)(1052)      
    With the broad range of application of location detected device such as mobile phone, GPS and RFID etc, the researchers have paid more and more attention to the locationbased services (LBS). Though LBS brings convenience to us, it also rises up the risk of location privacy leakages. The existing LBS systems transform the users’ locaiton into a rectangle or circle cloaking region by location generalization. Then, the users’ location can be hidden in the cloaking region to achieve the purpose of protecting the users’ locaiton privacy. However, in practical applications, the cloaking region may be related to the actual landform for the users’ location, it may not be a rectangle or circle region. In fact, a rectangle or circle region even may result in the increase of invalid region and reduce the location information accuracy. In this paper, based on the shortcoming of existing systems, we design and implement a new system in which the user can define the polygonal cloaking region based on actual landform. At the meantime, the system can provide a double protection for the users’ location privacy. The system performance tests show the effectiveness of the propsed system.
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    A privacy preserving framework  for efficient computation of trajectory similarity
    LIU Shushu,LIU An,LIU Guanfeng,LI Zhixu,ZHAO Lei,ZHENG Kai
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 154-161.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.013
    Abstract1115)      PDF (2779KB)(893)      
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    An urban population flow analysis system based on mobile big data
    Bao Ting, Zhang Zhi-gang, Jin Che-qing
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 162-171.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.014
    Abstract1183)      PDF (2567KB)(2137)      
    Analysis on urban population flow can help to make rational distribution of social resources, cope with traffic pressure and maintain public order, etc. The traditional manual analysis methods, such as questionnaire and interview, can not deal with this task efficiently. The continuous development and prevalence of smart phones bring great convenience to people′s daily life and users′ trajectory data generated by the connection between smart phones and base stations, which makes it possible to implement this task. However, trajectory data is massive and has low quality, which brings great challenge to related work. We propose a distributed framework for population flow analysis by using multiple computing nodes, thus greatly enhancing efficiency and scalability. In this paper, we use the massive trajectory data to analyze the behavior of urban population flow. We model flowing behavior among cities and among innercity districts, and decide the work place and living place of each person. Compared with the traditional methods, our method is cheaper and more efficient.
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    High availability implementation based on Raft
    ZHANG Chen-dong,GUO Jin-wei,LIU Bo-zhong,CHU Jia-jia,ZHOU Min-qi,QIAN Wei-ning
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (5): 172-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.05.015
    Abstract1723)      PDF (3704KB)(1333)      
    With the rapid development of Internet and the upcoming Big Data era, the limitation of traditional database has been emerged and enlarged. The distributed database system based on massive data storage and high concurrent accesses has become more and more popular. Alibaba group developed a distributed database system suitable for mass data storage named OceanBase, which supports two deployment modes, i.e.〖KG-*3〗, single cluster and multiple clusters. But the availability of multiple clusters mode is not efficient and can’t satisfy the requirement of some critical applications, where it does not support the automatic switch between master cluster and slave cluster when a failure occurred and the inconsistent log is also generated during switching under multiple clusters mode. To address these problems, we analysis the high availability solutions of the traditional database,aiming at the characteristics of OceanBase architecture, combining the idea of in Raft, and then designs and implements the distributed election module based on the timestamp of logs, the automatic clusters switching module and the strong synchronization logs module based on QUORUM.The experimental results showed that the above approachescould improve the availability of the whole system.
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    WANG Shan-Ping
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 1-3.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.001
    Abstract716)      PDF (394KB)(1044)      
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    Drafts origin structure analysis of the Journal of East China Normal University (Nature Science) based on the citation statistics in the past 10 years
    Li-Wan-Hui, ZHANG Jing, LI Yi, LIN Lei
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 4-10.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.002
    Abstract844)      PDF (1351KB)(876)      
    Based on the data from the Chinese Citation Database of CNKI,the publications and citations of the Journal of East China Normal University (Nature Science) during 2005—2014 were analyzed. The results show that: (1) The citation amounts vary greatly among different disciplines. For example, mathematics articles are published most but cited least. The average citation rate of Earth Science is the highest. The publications of some disciplines are decreasing, including Geography and Statistics with high average citation rate, and Physics, Chemistry, Electronic and Communication with low average citation rate. (2) The highly cited articles come from Life Science and Earth Science. (3) The reviews, special issues and columns are very beneficial to enhance the influence of the Journal. (4) The articles from outside school or Englishlanguage are cited very lowly, especially about Mathematics. And, (5)  the citations of the articles will reach a peak after 4 or 5 years. Then, some conclusions, which can provide the basis to make the drafts origin structure more reasonable, are obtained.
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    A class of dually flat Finsler metrics
    SONG Wei-Dong, LIU Feng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 11-17.  
    Abstract627)      PDF (178KB)(1194)      
    Finsler geometry is just Riemannian geometry without quadratic restriction, and we know that the projectively flat and dually flat Finsler metrics are two of important problems in Finsler geometry. In this paper, we study a class of Finsler metrics with 3 parameters in the form $F=\alpha+\beta$, where $\alpha(x,y)=\frac{\sqrt{\kappa^2{\langle x,y\rangle}^2+\varepsilon{\mid y\mid}^2(1+\zeta{\mid x\mid}^2)}}{1+\zeta{\mid x\mid}^2}$ and
    $\beta(x,y)=\frac{\kappa\langle x,y\rangle}{1+\zeta{\mid x\mid}^2}$.By using the Hamel's equations and dually flat equations, the necessary and sufficient conditions for the Finsler metrics to be projectively flat and dually flat are obtained.
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    Semi-weighted finite difference schemes for one dimensiona fractional advection-dispersion equations
    ZHU Lin, RUI Hong-Xing
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 18-29.  
    Abstract629)      PDF (228KB)(1111)      
    A series of semi-weighted implicit finite difference schemes for solving one-dimensional fractional advection-dispersion equations with variable coefficients on a finite domain are considered in this paper. The schemes are proved  unconditionally stable and second-order accuracy in spatial grid size for the problem with order of fractional derivative belonging to $[(\sqrt{17}-1)/2,2].$ Numerical examples are provided to verify the theoretical analysis.
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    d-strong total colorings of cycles when 35<=d<=55
    HUANG Xiao-Jia, CHEN Xiang-恩, WANG Zhi-Wen
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 30-35.  
    Abstract651)      PDF (194KB)(919)      
    For a proper total coloring of a graph G=(V,E), thepalette C(v) of a vertex v\in V is the set of the colors of the
    edges incident with v and the color of the vertex itself. If C(u)\neq C(v), then the two vertices u and v of G are said to be distinguished by the total coloring. A d-strong total coloring of G is a proper total coloring that distinguishes all pairs of verticeu and vwith distance 1\leq d_{G}(u,v)\leq
    d. The d-strong total chromatic number chi^{''}_{d}(G) of Gis the minimum number of colors of a d-strong total coloring ofG. In this paper we determine \chi^{''}_{d}(C_{n}) completely for cycles where d\in [35,55]$ and $d\in \textbf{N
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    A new adaptive penalty function in the application of genetic algorithm
    CAI Hai-Luan, GUO Xue-Ping
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 36-45.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.006
    Abstract1098)      PDF (493KB)(1106)      
    Penalty function is one of the most commonly used method in genetic algorithm (GA) to solve nonlinear constraint optimization problems. For traditional
    penalty functions, it is always not easy to control penalty factors. In this paper we presenta new adaptive penalty function with simpler construction and prove its convergence.Then based on this adaptive penalty function we present a new genetic algorithm, which can make populations quickly access to feasible regions and improve local search capacity of genetic algorithms. Theoretical analysis and simulation results show that this algorithm has stronger stability and better convergence but needs less parameters than other ones.
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    New transformation for the partial sum of a cubic q-series
    WANG Chen-Ying
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 46-52.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.007
    Abstract821)      PDF (191KB)(1004)      
    The partial sum of a cubic basic hypergeometric series is investigated by means of the modified Abel's lemma on summation by
    parts. A new transformation formula for the cubic series is established, which expands some known cubic q-series summation
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    Ambrosetti-Prodi type results of the nonlinear first-order periodic problem
    MA Lu-Yi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 53-58.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.008
    Abstract698)      PDF (247KB)(971)      
    This paper shows the relationship between the parameter~s~and the number of solutions of the first-order
    periodic problem \left\{\!\!\!\begin{array}{ll}  u'(t)=a(t)g(u(t))u(t)-b(t)f(u(t))+s,~~\ \ \ t\in {\mathbb{R}},\\[2ex]
     u(t)=u(t+T)\end{array}\right.\eqno  where a\in C({\mathbb{R}},[0,\infty)),~b\inC({\mathbb{R}},(0,\infty)) are T-periodic, \int_0^T a(t){\rm
    d}t>0; f, g\in C({\mathbb{R}},[0,\infty)), and f(u)>0 foru>0, 0<l\leqslant g(u)<L<\infty for u\geqslant0. By using the
    method of upper and lower solutions and topological degree techniques, we prove that there exists s_{1}\in{\mathbb{R}}, such
    that the problem has zero, at least one or at least two periodicsolutions when  s<s_{1}, s=s_{1}, s>s_{1}, respectively.
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    Extension of the Laplace decomposition method and its application
    LI Heng-Da, LIU Yin-Ping
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 59-71.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.009
    Abstract837)      PDF (2566KB)(1166)      
    The Adomian decomposition method was simple and widely used in solving nonlinear differential equations. The convergence region of the Adomian series solution is always very limited.Therefore the Laplace decomposition method, which is a combination of Laplace transformation method and Adomian decomposition method,is proposed to solve initial boundary value problems. In this paper,the Laplace decomposition method is extended to solve nonlinear
    partial differential equations. For the flaws of the directlyextended algorithm, we further proposed a modified algorithm to solve nonlinear partial differential equations. Take, for example,1+1 dimensional nonlinear evolution equation to expound the idea and procedure of the algorithm. Finally, several examples were given to demonstrate the high precision and large convergence region of the new solutions by comparing these new solutions with those Adomian series solutions as well as other known exact solutions.
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    Global stability of a discrete tuberculosis model
    CHEN Hui, LI Liang-Chen
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 72-80.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.010
    Abstract799)      PDF (348KB)(915)      
    In this paper, a discrete tuberculosis model is investigated. By means of calculating the next generation matrix'sspectral radius, we derive the reproduction number $R_0 $ of themodel. The solutions of the model are bounded and positive, whichcan be verified through the relation theory of the differenceequation. It is proved that $R_0 =1$ is a threshold to determine thedisease extincation or persistence. The disease-free equilibrium isglobal asymptotically stable when the reproduction number $R_0 <1$.The endemic equilibrium is global asymptotically stable when the reproduction number $R_0 >1$
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    High sensitive room temperature hydrogen sensor based on Pd/SiNWs/pSi structure
    ZHU Li-Si, Yang-Ting, ZHANG Jian
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 81-89.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.011
    Abstract883)      PDF (4118KB)(1069)      
    Silicon nanowires (SiNWs) coated by palladium layer via electroless plating technique had been prepared. And the Pd/SiNWs Schottky barrier hydrogen sensors capable of operating at room temperature for the first time were conducted. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis showed that Pd thin films composed of nanoparticles were coated on the silicon nanowire surface. The 〖WTBX〗IV〖WTBZ〗 curves of Pd/SiNWs Schottky barrier hydrogen sensor were measured. The results indicated that under room temperature the sensor can sense hydrogen in a wide range of concentration. The sensing mechanism of the Pd/SiNWs barrier hydrogen sensor was also provided. The sensor developed had great potentials for the detection of hydrogen at room temperature and can be used in the cases like fuel cells application.
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    Boundary theory of soft switching and minimum dead-time design for LLC resonant converter
    ZHANG Li-Sheng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 90-100.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.012
    Abstract1062)      PDF (1156KB)(1280)      
    LLC resonant converter is widely used in switched mode power supplies. However, the present research on conditions of realizing soft switching and the design of dead time has obvious shortcomings. Therefore, the soft switching of LLC resonant converter is studied, and the soft switching boundary theory is
    proposed based on the precise equivalent model during the dead-time interval. According to the balance between the supplying charge during the dead-time and the required charge, together with the length relationship between the dead-time and the zero-crossing time of resonant current, the operation region of the converter can be divided into one soft switching operation region and three hard switching operation region, and the boundary curve of soft switching
    is concluded. The minimum dead-time for realizing soft switching even under the worst case is analyzed, and the mathematical equation of the minimum dead-time is derived. Finally, a 300 W prototype is build, and the accuracy of the theory is verified by the accordance between the theoretical design and the experimental results.
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    Properties of the bound magnetopolaron in a triangular quantum well
    ZHANG Jian-Feng, DAN Shu-Ping
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 101-107.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.013
    Abstract673)      PDF (283KB)(1378)      
    The properties of the bound magnetopolaron in a triangular quantum well were investigated within Lee-Low-Pines(LLP) variational
    method. At different Coulomb bound potentials, the ground state energy and the ground state binding energy were obtained as functions of the cyclotron resonance frequency of magnetic field and the electron areal density. The results showed that the ground state energy was found to increase with the electron areal density and the cyclotron resonance frequency of the magnetic field, whereas the ground state binding energy was found to decrease with them.
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    Effects of curcumin on oxidative stress status and thefunctions of astrocytes in the brain of aged rats
    ZHANG Pan, YU Bin, LIU Sha, DUAN Ya-Le, ZHAO Zheng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 108-116.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.014
    Abstract776)      PDF (1625KB)(1217)      
    The change of oxidative balance and astrocyte in the cortex and hippocampus of aged SD rats were investigated by Western blotting, enzyme assay, immunofluorescence and HPLCMS. The data showed that curcumin reduced the level of MDA and 8OHdG and enhanced the level of GSH and GCS activity, which indicated that curcumin inhibited the oxidative damage in the brian; the detection of the level of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) indicated curcumin inhibited the excessive activation of astrocytes and also the results of the activity of GS, the level of GDNF and Dserine showed that curcumin improved the function of astrocytes.
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    Application of ionexchange resin method on the observation of wet nitrogen deposition fluxes inside and outside Tiantong forest
    LI Dan-Dan, SU Yu-Qin, ZHOU Tao-Ye, ZHENG Ze-Mei, WANG Xi-Hua
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 117-125.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.015
    Abstract840)      PDF (1966KB)(1250)      
    The fluxes of wet nitrogen deposition inside and outside Tiantong forest were observed for 2 years (from March 2011 to February 2013), basing on Ionexchange resin method, to examine the composition and the seasonal dynamics of wet nitrogen deposition in Tiantong forest. The results showed that: (1) The monthly fluxes of nitrate nitrogen inside and outside forest were 0.22~3.73 kg·N/(hm2·month) and 0.13~2.85 kg·N/(hm2·month), respectively, which both had higher fluxes in autumn and winter, while lower fluxes in summer. The 〖JP3〗monthly fluxes of ammonium nitrogen inside and outside forest were 0.17~1.35 kg·N/(hm2·month) 〖JP〗and 0.21~1.44 kg·N/(hm2·month), respectively. The monthly fluxes of ammonium nitrogen were lower in spring than in other seasons. (2)The nitrate nitrogen deposition fluxes were lower than ammonium nitrogen deposition fluxes in spring and summer, while higher in autumn and winter. Moreover, the average ratio of nitrate nitrogen to ammonium nitrogen was 0.9, whatever inside and outside forest. (3) The wet nitrogen deposition fluxes were higher in autumn and winter inside and outside forest, respectively, resulted from the influences of monsoon climate, typhoons in summer and the farming activities in Tiantong region.(4) The annual wet nitrogen deposition fluxes inside and outside forest were 18.86 kg·N/(hm2·a) and 17.51 kg·N/(hm2·a), respectively.
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    Study on spatiotemporal distribution of students’activities on e-campus
    LIU Zhen, ZHOU Jing, ZHAO Zi-Ying
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 126-133.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.016
    Abstract713)      PDF (3423KB)(1761)      
    While the continuous development of information technology and its wide application to higher education have deeply impacted the patterns of student learning and campus activities, resource allocation and teaching mode innovation have become the focus of higher education. Based on a sample of student volunteers from a research university in China, this study employed GPS and Wifipositioning technologies, supplemented with log information from the campus information system, to study the spatiotemporal distribution of campus activities such as those in the classrooms, dorms and the stadium, by gender and across grades. The study also discussed possible causes for the different activity patterns as well as the usage of campus facilities. The results of this study revealed that the spatial distribution of campus resources appeared decentralized. In detail, student campus activities and learning sites became diversified. Students tended to choose the proximate facilities and sites for study and other oncampus activities, resulting in the decline in the use of traditional learning sites (e.g. libraries and classrooms). These results provided recommendations for campus resource allocation, university BI and the data collection for smartcampus.
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    Research of SaaSbased MIS scheme design
    WANG Qian-Yi, 欧Yang-Rong-Bin , LONG Xin-Zheng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 134-142.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.017
    Abstract684)      PDF (3332KB)(1113)      
    In order to improve the information construction of Peking University and facilitate the steps of each department,this paper presents a multitenantoriented SaaS solution by analyzing the requirements. It discusses the extendable multilayer application framework and focuses on three key technologies, which are multilayer data storage model, multitenantoriented IAAA access control strategy and configuration/deployment methodology.
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    Accessibility evaluation on college portal websitesbased on WCAG 2.0
    LIU Huan, WU Min-Yu, CHEN Jian-Xiang, LIU Chang, LU Bei-Rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 143-151.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.018
    Abstract737)      PDF (656KB)(808)      
    In recent years, more and more attention has been drawn to the construction of portal websites in colleges. In order to improve the college portal websites, the accessibility of the websites should be strongly concerned. Through a survey of 60 college portal websites in China, this research tries to provide an overview of the accessibility of Chinese college portal websites based on Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0 (WCAG). The results indicate that none of the surveyed college portal websites meets the accessibility requirements of WCAG 2.0. Similar problems occur among different levels of college portal websites, and noncompliance errors within the guidelines are highly concentrated. The main accessibility problems are: (1) using images without text alternatives; (2) leaving language of pages undefined; (3) leaving input elements unlabeled; (4) lacking keyboard control. Finally, several valuable recommendations are made based on the research findings.
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    Analysis of “food design” trends from the perspective of food material science
    MA Yong-Lei
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 152-159.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.019
    Abstract713)      PDF (1169KB)(1164)      
    This paper discussed the important global issues related to food raw materials and resources and explained the basic concepts and research scope of the "Food Design". We analyzed the characteristics, strengths and limitations of natural food raw material as the design material. Then the global consumer trends in food industry,development and rational utilization of new food materials and resources as well as how these two aspects influences "Food Design" trends were discussed. Finally we concluded that future designers need to ponder the global food materials for sustainable development, taking into account three dimensions: society, economy and environment.
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    Study on adaptable design of outdoor products for elders in modern city
    LIU Fei
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 160-169.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.020
    Abstract892)      PDF (3014KB)(1058)      
    Improving the adaptability of elders in urban living environment via design of outdoor products is an important research topic in the design field. The design of outdoor products is based on multidisciplinary research, such as the ergonomics, sociology, physiology and psychology research of elders. Therefore, the adaptable design should base on the real life state of elders, combining with the considerations of the individual difference, then improve the adaptability of elders in modern city using scientific method. 
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    Typological analysis of “Prototype” of the traditional waterfront architecture
    MA Li, CHEN Yuan, LI Qi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 170-178.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.021
    Abstract972)      PDF (5076KB)(1105)      
    On the basis of  architecture typology theory, we explore the waterfront building layout and space in “Prototype”. We conduct a field trip research on Fengjing water town in the Jiangnan district, with empirical analysis the impact of “Prototype” due to natural conditions in South of Yangtze River. We analyze and verify  the continuous space section presented as the main features of waterfront space by using visualized approaches.
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    Spacetime evolution for mid21st century water resources over the BeijingHangzhou Grand Canal under the IPCC_A1B scenario
    XIA Hai-Bin, LE Qun-
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (6): 179-189.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.06.022
    Abstract787)      PDF (5986KB)(1495)      
    With the successful application for the list of the World Heritage, the renaissance and activation of the BeijingHangzhou Grand Canal has become a focus, of which, the key is utilization and distribution of water resources of watershed along the Grand Canal. This article adopts the A1B scenario of IPCC in order to simulate space and time distribution of precipitation as well as its evolution characteristics both in Chinese modern times (later 20th century, represented by 1981-2000 twenty years’ annual mean value) and future times (middle 21th century, represented by 2041-2060 twenty years’ annual mean value). This scenario simulation aims to analyze the spacetimechange characteristics of water resources of the Grand Canal. It reveals that from north to south, the volume of water resources of the Yangtze River Valley will decrease, while that of Huaihe River Valley will increase significantly.
    And that of the Huanghe River Valley and the Haihe River Valley will rise up slightly. Therefore, it concludes that the key of navigationof the GrandCanal is to use as early as possible the water resources of the Huaihe River Valley to transfer water resources in the south valley of Huanghe River to the north valley, and achieve navigation of the Grand Canal in the north of Huanghe Valley as well as to restore the “diversion works in Nanwang” and “Northern five Lakes Reservoir” in the context of “SouthtoNorth Water Diversion Project” so that the GrandCanal world heritage could be preserved. 
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    PENG Xiao-Bin, DENG Ke-Jun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 1-5.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000—5641.2015.z1.001
    Abstract865)      PDF (719KB)(1302)      
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    ZHANG Jian-Hua,  Du-Yun-Hui ,  Xu-Xing
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 6-11.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.002
    Abstract950)      PDF (2231KB)(1211)      
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    Shen-Xia-Juan, GAO Dong-Huai, LIU Jian, NING Yu-Wen, LI Wei-Guo
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 12-17.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.003
    Abstract1393)      PDF (772KB)(1978)      
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    WANG Hai-Tao, ZHANG Fu-Zheng, WANG Yi, MEI Tao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 18-23.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.004
    Abstract775)      PDF (1461KB)(1634)      
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    WANG He-Tang, WU Hui-Yun, WANG Yu-Ping
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 24-28.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.005
    Abstract894)      PDF (1662KB)(1502)      
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    ZHANG Jing-Sheng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 29-33.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.006
    Abstract856)      PDF (374KB)(1351)      
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    LIANG Guang-Han, GUO Chen-Jing
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 34-39.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.007
    Abstract869)      PDF (1491KB)(1347)      
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    WANG Bin, YUAN Xin-Hui, JIANG Xin-Hua, LIN Yun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 40-45.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.008
    Abstract782)      PDF (1865KB)(1495)      
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    LI Ying, ZHU Man-Ling, WANG Hai-Tao, YANG Shu-Chun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 46-50.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.009
    Abstract1010)      PDF (928KB)(1417)      
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    ZHONG Wei, LIU Min, FAN Yi, DAI Cheng-Qin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 51-54.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.010
    Abstract813)      PDF (1349KB)(1325)      
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    WANG Lei, ZHANG Tao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 55-60.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.011
    Abstract725)      PDF (1387KB)(1455)      
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    SHEN Bin, LI Zhi-Hua, WANG Hui-Feng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 61-71.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.012
    Abstract760)      PDF (7282KB)(1096)      
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    CUI Cong, YANG Ling, WEI Song-Jie
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 72-78.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.013
    Abstract856)      PDF (833KB)(1709)      
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    DU Zhao, LIU Ting, LIU Qi-Feng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 79-86.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.014
    Abstract799)      PDF (2405KB)(1729)      
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    XIONG Zhong-Yang, TANG Rong-Jun, JIANG Cheng-Hua
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 87-93.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.015
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    BAI Li-Yuan, SHEN Hong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 94-98.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.016
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    LI Chun-Sheng, YANG Ling-Ling
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 99-103.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.017
    Abstract789)      PDF (1201KB)(1342)      
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    ZHU Li-Wei, LIU Li-Qin, WANG Jian
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 104-110.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.018
    Abstract896)      PDF (1264KB)(2203)      
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    WANG Hui-Feng, FANG Yi-Quan, CHEN Xiao-Ning
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 111-118.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.019
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    JIANG Dong-Xing, FU Xiao-Long, YUAN Fang, WU Hai-Yan, LIU Qi-Xin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 119-125.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.020
    Abstract1750)      PDF (984KB)(4678)      
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    JIANG Kai-Da, ZHANG Si-Yu, SUN Qiang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 126-131.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.021
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    LIU Hui-Bang, LUO Xuan, HUANG Bao-Qing, JIN Yao-Hui
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 132-138.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.022
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    ZHANG Feng, LI Ji-Liang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 139-145.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.023
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    YIN Yi-Min, HAO Yu-Hong, SUN Hao-Zhi, ZHONG Lian-Rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 146-151.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.024
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    YIN Yi-Min, HAO Yu-Hong, SUN Hao-Zhi, ZHONG Lian-Rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 152-156.  
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    GONG Xu-Xiao, FU Zhong-南, 吕Jie
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 157-162.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.026
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    LI Yun-Chun, XU Ke, ZHANG Jian-Hua
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 163-173.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.027
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    YANG Xiu-Mei, ZHENG Jian
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 174-179.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.028
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    XUE Peng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 180-184.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.029
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    GAO Shan, MEI Fang, WANG Peng, XU Kan
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 185-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.030
    Abstract775)      PDF (734KB)(1584)      
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    LU Yin-Hui
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 191-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.031
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    WU Qing-Jie, TIAN Peng
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 197-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.032
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    ZHAO Ze-Yu, SHEN Min-Hu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 204-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.033
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    ZHONG Wei, WU Jin, HUANG Tao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 210-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.034
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    FENG Qi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 215-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.035
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    LIU Zhen-Chang, CHEN Shi-Ming, JIAO Bao-Chen, ZHANG Si-Hai, TANG Bai-Quan, 
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 224-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.036
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    LIN Chu-Jian, ZHANG Si-Hai, WANG Hai-Ying, FENG Lei, ZHAO Jun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 232-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.037
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    BAI Xue-Song, DU Jin-Bo, WANG Gang
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 240-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.038
    Abstract844)      PDF (911KB)(1223)      
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    ZHANG Si-Yu, HUANG Bao-Qing, BAI Xue-Song, JIANG Kai-Da
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 246-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.039
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    YANG Xu, PENG Yi-Ming, XING Cheng-Jie, LI Ruo-Miao
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 252-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.040
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    JIAO Jing, CHEN Ying, WANG Xiao-Zhen
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 257-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.041
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    LI Xian-Yi, GAO Shan, LIU Zhu, LIU Jin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 262-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.042
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    ZHANG Kai, YING Yi-Bin, ZHAO Ze-Yu, TIAN Peng, WU Qing-Jie, XIE Rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 266-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.043
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    LIU Bai-Xiang, ZHAO Ze-Yu, ZHANG Kai
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 274-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.044
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    LIU Huan, CHEN Jie, CHEN Jian-Xiang, LIU Chang, LU Bei-Rong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 283-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.045
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    LI Ji-Hong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 289-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.046
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    YE Ai-Bing, ZHANG Ming, SHEN Wei-Xing
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 293-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.047
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    LIN Xin-Hua, GU Yi-Zhong
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 298-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.048
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    JING Ming-Wei, ZHOU Yong-Yi, LEI Yi-An
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 304-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.049
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    SONG Wen-Gong, JIANG Xin-Hua
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 309-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.050
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    ZHANG Li-Wei, WANG Yang-Yang, HUANG Kai, ZHOU Yong-Yi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 313-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.051
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    GENG You-Ping, YANG Xu, FAN Chun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 321-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.052
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    XING Cheng-Jie, YANG Xu, JIANG Ning, GENG You-Ping, ZHANG Zhi-Kun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 324-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.053
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    WANG Su-Mei, HUANG Zong-Ying, LAI Tian-Ping
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 330-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.054
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    SUN Hao-Zhi, HUANG Ning-Yu
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 335-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.055
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    HUANG Ning-Yu, SONG Shi-Bin, SUN Hao-Zhi
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 340-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.056
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    SHEN Miao, PENG Yi-Ming, GAO Zhi-Tong, LAI Tian-Ping, WANG Su-Mei, FAN Guo-Ping
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    LIU Zhu, LIU Jin
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 352-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.058
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    LAI Tian-Ping, YANG Xu, PENG Yi-Ming, GAO Zhi-Tong
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    GAO Jun
    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 367-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.060
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    Journal of East China Normal University(Natural Sc    2015, 2015 (S1): 373-.   DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-5641.2015.z1.061
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    LONG Xin-Zheng, GAO Zhi-Tong, JIANG Ning, HAO Yong-Sheng, LI Ting-Yan
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